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Leith Green

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Everything posted by Leith Green

  1. Still is in our house. Why people use these spreadable ones is beyond me, if butter comes out solid just put a wee bit on a plate in the microwave and defrost for 30 seconds.
  2. Pre Hampden one time we were in a club in Cumbernauld and the bar manager - really nice guy - had massive white teeth you could probably see from Mars. Shame, but he probably asked for them.
  3. Said it earlier, and the fact @AJF says Rangers been asking fans who cant make it to hit the ticket exchange site suggests to me they cant even accommodate their own fans, never mind the 932 the SPFL have demanded they provide to Hibs. What a shambles.
  4. I think you lads have your own part of the forum to have your lovers tiffs..............................
  5. Apparently we were told of the SPFL decision on Monday, but Hibs haven't had the tickets from The Rangers yet (hence the obviously official leak to Pat McPartlin). I wonder if Rangers, despite being telt by the SPFL, can't actually accommodate the tickets?
  6. Hilarious though. A full allocation, tickets not yet received as of Wednesday night (let's call it Thursday morning), and Hibs are supposed to sell and distribute these in, what ? 2 days Wonder if anyone will be able to book a bus tomorrow? f**k Rangers
  7. Bizarre stuff. Expect Ian Murray to announce he's stepping in and paying for it out of the £150m with a big fat shiteating grin on his puss.
  8. Also. The twat Ian Murray, interviewed by Martin Geissler earlier denied that he had a £150m warchest to spend as he sees fit. Suggested it was journalists who came up with that figure. He's right......but they got the figure from him, the fat f**k !
  9. What a stuttering mess of a man. Zero f**k given either. Utter w****r
  10. So Rangers have told their fans they can magic up 3500ish seats somewhere?
  11. Hibs, Rangers and the SPFL are already discussing it. This is an interesting tweet from Murray.......
  12. I find it hard to believe that the 1000 or so seats released from the Hibs end/Segregation would magically accommodate all those Rangers STs missing out. so, presumably some Rangers fans are going to miss out anyway? Its a shambles. 3 points to Hibs is the only solution.
  13. Can you imagine the letter writing frenzy over there if - a few days before a match - Hibs (or anyone else) didnt even know if the number of tickets they were giving was zero? They really are wankers.
  14. I am a cyclist, and - in those circumstances - would fully expect the taxi to pull over for a second. Theres a f**king emergency vehicle coming from behind ya twat ! There are a lot of cyclists who seem to revel in this passive aggressive arsehole persona by using these go pro cameras.
  15. I agree with this, it would be slightly daft not to have a few names up the sleeve. If you listened to any of the nugget BBC commentators, though, the only possible names that Hearts might have is McInnes, Robinson and "whoever else is doing ok for a smaller club right now".
  16. Aye, and the temp traffic lights are a total PIT feckin A !!
  17. This is crying out for a new BFTD thread - "P&B baldies" with pics of the offending bonce, from foreheid up*? *unnecessary, but we all need a good laugh.................
  18. Its still remarkably cheap when compared to going to the pub. Perhaps Englands £10 for 15 cans of lager is too cheap and contributes to violence and domestic abuse?
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