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Leith Green

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Everything posted by Leith Green

  1. Any ire you have might need to be aimed at the organisation whos email system quarantined Dundees email and allowed Nelms the time to rethink and then adjust his vote (which was entirely within the regulations). Sometimes a cock up is just a cock up and isnt the huge conspiracy that Hearts fans were boring us with last year (I must have missed the money spinning Dundee friendlies with Celtic..................)
  2. I was at a wedding at the weekend, and a couple there are both 30, they have 3 kids. And they are not even Dundonians..............
  3. Is that the tit that spent a year following Hearts to write his book? Probably best leave that article to stupid fermers to help with basic reading skills?
  4. 'kinell mate, its street valium in Dundee not meth.....................
  5. I know you like to get the last word, so tell me if you think its possible that there might be cause and effect between these areas in bold?
  6. I am not sure that is entirely accurate. There are some clubs where reaching the Premiership is the limit of their ambitions. e.g. I dont believe for a minute that Hamilton had ambitions outside survival in the top division. Of course, ultimately that lack of ambition might have contributed to their demise.
  7. If Nelms did mean that in the interview, then I think he was just trolling Ann Budge who (iirc) said almost exactly the same thing a few months before her team headed to the seaside for a year........................
  8. Thats only because a lot of clubs have been reigning in 3 year deals in the last few years. Hibs have tried to sign up good prospects on longer contracts where poss - if only to ensure we dont get rogered if they move on (Doig / Nisbet both on long term deals). Just noticed we signed Daniel Mackay on a 4 year as well.
  9. Would i be right in saying that he wanted to make Dundee "an established Premiership club"? Which seems a rational aspiration.
  10. Having been through it fairly recently I feel for the Killie fans, its a brutal feeling. I expected more from pies over the two legs but Dundee did very well and fully deserve to go up. Killie have a huge number of players out of contract and will rebuild, but I think Dundee will need a fair bit more quality in the top division - a big summer for both. Great to have Edinburgh and Dundee derbies back in the Premiership next season as well as the Glasgow one
  11. I am not sure you would want Irvine - arrived understandably short of match fitness, and after gaining it hasnt really done enough to impress. Who knows, maybe with a good pre season? He will also cost a bundle in salary. Boyle got that contract clause inserted in case a club comes in and offers him life changing money - he is really happy here (so is his wife) and I just dont see him uprooting for similar money in a sideways career move to Aberdeen when he would in all probability get a truckload more money down south.
  12. Your not wrong about some of them on here - but there are also Hibs fans using that in some way to absolve that performance "aye but the season was still successful" type of shite. I dont agree - as I said above, St J deserve every accolade going, I dont see what we did as anything other than broadly as expected.
  13. Thing is, this kinda gets to the heart of what some fans deem to be "success" - and I know we had these debates between Hibs and Dons fans when McInnes was about to leave. People may ask what we (Hibs) deem a good season - if coming third, qualifying for Europe and decent cup runs would be deemed a success? Some say "yes", and if it came around next season would be ahead of our budget (which will be 4th or 5th next season). To me, thats an accountants answer. As a fan? Winning stuff is all that really counts - St Johnstone have finished 5th, got European football and won two cups. You say they are not a great side based on the fact they dont play sparkling football - for me, great sides find a way to win - and St Johnstone did that, and deserve every accolade they and Davidson are getting. Thats what I call success - you dont get to put 3rd place in the trophy cabinet.
  14. There is also the possibility that Eilidh Barbour might get her baps out on social media if they win the double. #conflicted......................
  15. For no reason other than I am stupidly excited. I know its the wrong thread but..................more of this please
  16. Its shite not being there in person, but at least I will be in a pub with dozens of other Hibs fans. Opposition fans looking for bites from Hibbies on here might have to wait a while - for most of us, 2016 changed everything. Sure we are nervous/excited and want to win the cup - but after that day I am much more relaxed (although I will still pop round to Canon Hannans gravestone to ask for divine intervention ) Let the chips fall where they may, St J are a good team but for me this is all about Hibs. No daft defending, play to our capabilities and we will win. And, if it does go our way, just how surreal will that be after waiting so long for the last one? #GGTTH
  17. Thats not true, there is also Stuart Cosgrove. Famous for crying on air about 4.30 tomorrow
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