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Leith Green

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Everything posted by Leith Green

  1. Calm down, its only a minority and none of them are actually from Glasgow
  2. Went for a bevvy yesterday afternoon and woke up feeling slightly rough The turn this thread has taken since I went out is absolutely brilliant and cheered me up no end. Magnificent to see the return of @afc_blockhead, his clever witticisms and intelligent analysis are the content I crave.....................
  3. You can have mine if I win it, I will be pished in the pub
  4. I would also have John Leslie on the bench - if their defence is sleeping he is bound to score.........................
  5. See the hoops we have all had to go through to make multiple consecutive table bookings for the final.............in order to get a pint to watch the match..............its unreal? Then you find out there is no actual requirement for 2 hour slots, its only advisory. Every c**t is in some pavlovian nightmare of time slots, distancing and masks, and the control freaks in charge are just loving it. ...............and breathe. Off for some afternoon beers with mates today (3 different outdoor venues, obviously ) so mood may be better tomorrow.
  6. I dont think that type of employment clause would be legal. Hence, its entirely feasible that Livingston have tried to use it
  7. The most ridiculous thing is the lack of explanation. I wonder if Stuart Cosgrove will give Jason Leitch more than the usual easy questions on OtB Saturday?
  8. Thats fair, but there is a daft narrative on your thread that some of our players are limited - i.e. Boyle is apparently just fast. I know fans can be one eyed, but there are precious few of your guys on the Dons thread willing to say what you have above. There is something about Hibs that triggers them.
  9. I went back on there and commented again - reprimand incoming from @Bob Mahelp...................................
  10. Hibs fans called into Clyde Sports show tonight saying exactly what you have said above. Obvs there will be the odd radge that wants to go...............
  11. Perhaps more mortifying is you trawling another clubs social media accounts? Here, have some of Cormacks tears -
  12. We have been playing more long balls in the last month or so. I think that having Doidge to disrupt defenders and then Irvine in the midfield to pick up second balls has given us that as a decent option now. It not that surprising that almost all the long balls go to that wing and not toward Boyle.
  13. If hes the guy that makes those fuckin ginormous Naan breads Morrisons sell, he can have all 300
  14. We should just give them to key workers or something deserving, a ST ballot is pointless as nobody will want to go on their own etc. There is a trolley collector in my local Sainsburys who is a Hibby - he gets my vote.
  15. TBQH 300 tickets is probably just about covering that, plus club staff etc.
  16. I think this is called correlation................or is it causation? f**k knows, either way you are both right.
  17. The Championship will be tough that season, might not be a barrel of laughs...............
  18. No chance...............unless you promised to take Drey Wright back as well
  19. I will accept your praise and retreat.........................
  20. I can almost taste those salty North East tears from here..........................
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