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Leith Green

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Everything posted by Leith Green

  1. In defence, or as a mazy midfielder throwing in backheels?
  2. Every single one of your players will be back from isolation...............................
  3. One of these teams has a goalscoring coach, I hear...................
  4. This might give them a reason to just say "f**k it, lets no bother" In particular, the case numbers are growing again in the South of Glasgow https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-glasgow-west-57086760
  5. So even if you did want to go (sober, driving, nae mates) its about a 14/1 chance of even getting a ticket. Utter pish
  6. STV News just said it was 2000. Ross and Davidson were both positive when interviewed about it, but not sure if they knew the numbers at that point.
  7. If they do and end up with no one there then the fans will lose the plot. Got to get better than that number though. Thing is, as has been mentioned by fans of both clubs, its less than 2 weeks away, most of us have been frantically scrabbling round getting pub bookings to watch with mates and if one of us was offered a ticket, they would be most likely driving through, nae bevvy (or train and bevvy on their tod), sit miles away from other fans, atmos will be shite..................... To be honest, f**k that - I would rather get pished and be with my pals (win or lose) than be on my own in that soulless pit.
  8. I am very well aware of how every club calculates these and for sure there is always variation - minimal spaces in a derby match and larger gaps on a cold February tuesday v Hamilton. But if you think that Hibs home attendances are 30% of the STs sold then its clear you dont have one of these. hth
  9. We have a number of options booked. Would prefer Malones, but got Plat 5 and somewhere else in the back pocket. Will be pished anyway.............
  10. Nobody from Leith would touch her dead or alive - the Perth gammons though.........................
  11. St Johnston fans looking to compare European records...............
  12. MOTY is already decided - although why they didnt leave it a few weeks I dont know? Its not as if there is a big pissup in a Glasgow hotel this year..................
  13. Probably based on a number of your posters on here, which may not be representative tbh. Taking a neutral view on our H2H this season (after CD got his formation and tactics sorted) I would be kinda surprised if you were not super confident - and I dont buy any of the crap that bookies come up with, they seem to inhabit a different planet sometimes.
  14. Last time we were in a cup final and the opposition were this confident was 2016. Crack on lads, crack on.
  15. Did you have to call up to book? eta, just remembeed its ticket only
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