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Posts posted by Dagdagh

  1. 12 minutes ago, Grangemouth Bairn said:

    What have you the idea that St Mirren would side with Celtic ?

    I’m old enough to remember the St Mirren and Celtic players and fans celebrating together on the Love Street terraces on the day of Hearts Dens capitulation in the 80’s 😉.


    I was at that game and you're talking pish.  We had nothing to play for and Dundee needed a win to qualify for Europe, something that get's forgotten in the re-telling of that day. 

    I was standing on the Northbank and there weren't any Saints fans celebrating getting humped.  Quite the opposite.

    I genuinely didn't care too much about this but given the total heid's gone rattle oot the pram from Falkirk fans (Falkirk FFS!) I hope the ban passes.

    Get it right up ye's.

  2. I get folk saying that we'll be lucky to replicate this years position, that Aberdeen and Hibs will be stronger and United back up etc.

    I think the league will be stronger next year but I think we will be too.  We're on the cusp of European football after a season where Strain and Baccus have been largely absent, O'Hara has had a mare and the defence has been shaky (not terrible but not as solid as you'd like).

    If someone had said at the start of the season that Baccus, Strain and O'Hara would have little impact how many of us would have believed that fifth chasing fourth after the split would have been realistic?

    I get the pessimism (it's us after all) but I'm actually hopeful that the 2020's will be a decade we all look back on with fondness.

  3. 1 hour ago, Doctor Manhattan said:

    You're taking this WAY too seriously. Any dog-eating slur was aimed at Paisley, although I'm heartened you took the time to Google "Yulin".


    46 minutes ago, Doctor Manhattan said:

    You're right, and I would like to offer my apologies to anyone who was offended by what was merely a bit of light hearted banter designed to take our minds off the eye-bleeding fare served up at Fir Park today.




    giphy (1).gif

  4. 8 minutes ago, Vietnam91 said:

    Yeah because Paisley is often confused with Xanadu.

    Well Paisley does have a Yuan Dynasty vibe about it. Unlike Motherwell which if you had to think what Chinese Imperial Dynasty does this place remind me of, then I think most people would settle on Ming.

  5. Aberdeen are not a joke club - but they are the joke right now.

    They finally win a game against decent opposition, they're in the semi-final of the cup and their fifth manager in three years walks away.

    So instead of enjoying their win here they are getting ripped by the fans of other teams (yet strangely fixating on the St Mirren fans) again.

    I would feel for them but the sense of entitlement and the whole "but we're better than this" delusion would make  a Dons relegation and a season in the championship funny as f*ck for the rest of us.


  6. 9 hours ago, SausageRolls111 said:

    Absolute stonewaller? Really?  The first body contact is made by Olusyana.  He sees the ball going slightly loose, looks to get his body in front of Devlin, and actually elbows into him fractionally before Devlin contacts him.  I'm not even sure if Olusanya is interested in getting the ball, as I think he is doing what too many players do nowadays - try to get in front of the defender to initiate contact, then fall down regardless.  And he certainly isn't "controlling" it. 


    9 hours ago, SausageRolls111 said:

    You should have stuck to your guns. You were right.  Too many people are being taken in now by attacking players putting their body in front of defenders to initiate contact and win penalties. 



  7. The most telling thing on the highlights wasn't on the pitch.  It was Montgomery on the sidelines looking like a rabbit in the headlights.  He looked like he had no clue what to do.  

    Then after the match he talks about how he was hoping they would get a couple of goals back in the second half.  They were three goals down.

    We've all seen our team put in howling performances but you expect your manager to be going ballistic.  Montgomery was just standing still, nervously glancing  around for all the world looking like a wee boy who's lost his mammy.

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