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Everything posted by FalkirkBairn2021

  1. Every manager in the world has a philosophy of how football should be played
  2. Not only are certain players undroppable but he actually dropped Kabia after looking by far our best player the previous game. Baffling.
  3. The wheelbarrow laden 12 man Aberdeen scouting team just primed to prise Rennie away on a 10-year contract may have left disappointed
  4. Still think we're better than under Sheerin but not by much. So many players away from being even competitive in this league.
  5. The 'Aberdeen might look at Rennie' shout might be the worst of the decade.
  6. How the f**k can we sign 12,736 Centre halves over the past few seasons and absolutely none of them are any good.
  7. Think Griffiths is a great option. If he's a fat mess it won't cost us too much and is very short term. This is the kind of thing we should do next season too...maybe not with Griffiths but AN Other. 1 or 2 top top players on over 1K a week. Well done club
  8. We are definitely better than we were. But we're still very far away from even competing at the top of League One. Huge summer of recruitment ahead. Not many of this lot will do but I think it's pretty difficult taking over a struggling side mid season, having to do major surgery in January and turn things around. I'm not at all convinced Rennie is right for this job but on reflection he should get the summer to bring in players and first half at least of next season to show what he can do with them. With the sensible heads in the boardroom now recruitment should be a far more organised affair.
  9. They absolutely should get straight reds for calling the lineo a 'fucking liar'. Then the utter spangles might not abuse officials so much. Footballers get away with far too much cuntery. Problem is consistency.. if your a Bigot player you can do what you like.
  10. Second half was definitely an improvement and under Cones that's a game we'd have lost 3-0. Still relied on some poor QP finishing to get the point though. Baby steps.
  11. Likewise. Though still retain some faith that he will just about be good enough to nick a couple of Dumbarton type wins and we'll stay up. Then we can boot him in the summer. That's got to be the target. Going to be a brutal as f**k couple of months.
  12. I'm so disillusioned with this lot I'm scarily close to thinking Ompreon must be worth a start (not Wilson obviously..I'm not completely insane)
  13. Sad day when 0-0 is wishful thinking We're absolute fucking shit. Relegation is still possible this season.
  14. I think as well as the really good points already made there's still a trust issue to be established with the board. Not this board per se as they're inheriting the sins of their fathers. But you could list 20 complete fuckups the boards of the last 10 years have done from incorrectly calling fans racist and threatening, to blaming them for the dreadful standard of player they recruited, the MacKinnon tap up, Hartley's super scout, allowing vermin to work at the club in various capacities etc etc. The current people have made a really good start. The more their decisions mirror those of the fans, and the more there's tangible evidence that Patron and FSS membership isnt just tokenism I think the more fans will join and pledge.
  15. Think this is a really good point. I used to go with 3 others.. none of them are interested any more. A couple may come back if we are promoted but I doubt that. It's a long hard road back, and it could take another decade or more to see the top division again. Which is when the real increase in support comes in. The right people are in charge finally..be that BoD, FSS or Patrons. Excellent groups of people.
  16. I've seen a few posts where you are still talking up promotion as a realistic possibility. You can't seriously believe that after this window ? The best result for us this season with this squad is still being in this league next year. I think relegation is massively unlikely but it's more likely than promotion.
  17. I always wonder what happens to football bams. Like what's Chic Charnley doing these days?
  18. It's a bit strange though. It's not like Goodwillie has come back from the moon and been signed by Raith. He's been playing for Clyde for 5 years. He's just moved from one shit Scottish club to another.
  19. This has probably been quite a smart window. We'll avoid relegation now and have shipped out some of the dead wood without hopefully splurging too much patron cash. Think the new board have done really well so far. Booted Cones and Holt. Got rid of Ben Hall. Haven't signed any rapists.
  20. If performances don't drastically improve we'd be mad to stick with Rennie. He still has it all to prove. I'd say report card so far is B minus, maybe C plus
  21. I'm amazed fans are still targeting promotion. If we avoid relegation that will do for me. We need a huge increase in quality.. recruitment so far looks better but not 'better enough'. We're still at best a mid level League One club.
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