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Everything posted by FalkirkBairn2021

  1. Happy to admit I didn't have a problem with Holt coming in. Sheerin however I sussed from Day One was a stinking appointment.
  2. Guess the immediate question is with Holt and Sheerin gone who leads the recruitment process to select the new manager? Never been a more critical time to get that right.
  3. It's still worth incidentally trying to pay off this entire squad in January and bringing in a new one. This league is so bad the playoffs are still possible with a real manager and a new squad.
  4. Yep.. it isn't about today. I genuinely believe that. It's about 16th October.. when we were bodied by Airdrie. That's the point when Sheerin should have been sacked. Every fixture after that point has been a complete and utter waste of an opportunity.
  5. Whilst the scoreline is of course shameful, is anyone really that surprised? I thought it would be 3 or 4.
  6. Only other candidate is that Clyde defeat and that was a higher division.
  7. It's absolutely shameful dereliction of duty that Sheerin wasn't sacked in October. Every single member of the board is culpable.
  8. The most annoying thing about this is that the fans have known for months Sheerin was an utter diddy. Months .
  9. We know Cones is the worst manager in our long history, but is he the worst ever manager in League One history? Got to be possible
  10. 'Paul, it's always tough coming to places like this.. but after the 5th goal went in, I thought we were unlucky not to get a consolation'
  11. 'We tried to win, but maybe we just can't' OK Paul. Try again next weekend.
  12. Things could be a lot worse if we sacked Cones. We need continuity and if that's accepting 37 defeats in a row we'll that's just what we need to do.
  13. Bit of both. They're terrible but given that we don't have an actual manager, you'd assume someone barely competent could get 10 more points a season from them.
  14. Looks like we get the quality of troll we deserve too.
  15. Tempted to say another laughably bad team picked by Cones today but that would be true no matter what XI he picked. Hetherington and Ruth starting though. Just f**k off.
  16. Holt leaving makes zero difference to the fucking shite Sheerin forces on us every week
  17. I believe Superfan rented it, and we'll repay him at £1000/month over 5 years.
  18. What is the vehicle to get rid of Cones? If we're told there's no effective management of the club day to day at present will that at least be addressed and formalised at the AGM? That's surely the main priority now. Ensuring it's someone's known job to sack Sheerin.
  19. Forgot about him. I think I'd amend my list to McFarlane, Sheerin and Holt. In that order.
  20. Sheerin has to go first. Followed by Holt. That's the priority order. If Holt goes and Sheerin doesn't I'd be utterly furious.
  21. The number of FSS subscriptions is the concern at the moment. That needs to be increased 10-fold and that's impossible with the shambles on the pitch. Only promotion will see any goodwill factor return.
  22. A lot of clubs do this and the deal is normally that we stop paying Sheerin when he finds another job. Pretty sure Celtic did that with Gordon Strachan. Or maybe Martin O'Neil.
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