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Cardle is Magic

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Posts posted by Cardle is Magic

  1. Football management is not the safest of jobs; one bad run of form and you can quickly be shown the door.

    I remember reading that Brighton have a shortlist of names for potential new managers that is kept regularly updated, for if/when they need a replacement.

    Got me thinking - if your current boss was to leave tomorrow, who are the three main candidates you would like the club to consider as his successor?

    For Dunfermline, my picks would be Rhys McCabe, Stewart Petrie & John Kennedy.

  2. 6 minutes ago, Ludo*1 said:

    If St Johnstone decided to keep playing the way they were playing, they'd have probably got something out of this but the poison of Levein's 'let's camp behind the 18 yard box and hang onto this' style that he passed on to Robbie Neilson has came home to roost. Again.

    They probably don’t win no matter how they played but the chances of just sitting in for an entire half and getting a result is so minute.

  3. Dundee were odds on title favourites so yes, of course, not winning the title would have been a failure.

    The idea our season would suddenly be a success because we were marginally less shite than Airdrie, Queen’s Park and Ayr is fanciful.

    If finishing in Top 4 was a great indicator that you’ll be promoted the following season then I’d agree with you but it clearly means very little. 


  4. 39 minutes ago, HoBNob said:

    You have to draw the line somewhere on what's considered a successful season though surely? I've posted it a few times, but in the ten seasons since the playoffs were introduced to the Championship, the previous seasons league one winners have then finished in the following position in their first season back up - 

    2nd - Once

    3rd - Twice

    4th - Three times 

    5th - Three times

    10th - Once

    I reckon it should be noted that the one time that the league winner didn't finish in the top five, the playoff winner (Queens Park) came third. 

    So for me if we were to come 6th, I wouldn't class it as a good season. I also wouldn't be calling for the managers head if we were to come 6th, but it would be the second lowest finish of any league one winning side, that would give me a bit of concern. 

    What would be key for me, is that if we do finish outside the playoffs this year, we need to finish in them next year. If that doesn't happen questions should be getting asked. 

    Except you’ve provided absolutely zero context.

    Morton did finish 5th in 15/16 but turn one of their wins into a draw and they’d have been 7th - would their season have suddenly been a failure?

    We finished 5th our first season up but looked quite shite for most of it and failed to win 24 of our 36 games.

    Arbroath were awarded 5th when COVID hit but who knows what would have happened had the season finished as planned.

    Correct me if I’m wrong but aren’t Livingston also the only L1 winners in your list to have since gone on and reached the Premiership?

  5. 9 hours ago, HoBNob said:

    For me, coming fourth would signal to me the team and the manager have it within them to progress and get promoted. 

    If we were finishing 6/7th I'd be concerned tbh.

    So, if we finished 4th with 57 points then you’d be confident we could progress and get promoted but if we finished 6th with 55 points then you’d be concerned?

    What a load of absolute nonsense 😂

  6. 6 minutes ago, Skyline Drifter said:

    1990 was definitely better. A very average Sweden (who we did beat) and Costa Rica. Even the seeded Brazilians were no great shakes that year, and it was 4 3rd places sides from 6 that year too. We blew it, but we should have got through.

    Fair enough, was not aware 3rd placed sides made it in any tournament other than the last two Euros.

  7. Germany - on current form - are the weakest of the seeded teams. Will be an amazing atmosphere but keep it tight for an hour and they’ll panic.

    Swiss and Hungary are good teams either at our level or a little ahead. There is no reason we can’t beat them but they’ll be saying the same thing about us.

    Our best ever chance of reaching the knockout stage of a major tournament IMO. Let’s fucking do this.

  8. 2 hours ago, Fife spider said:

    I genuinely believe Robin Veldman would be better suited to running the academy and bringing on the youngsters. Bring in Malky Mackay with all his qp connections as manager. I don’t want to hear any nonsense about emails from several years ago. Livingston have a convicted drug dealer and martindale does a good honest job .



  9. Quote

    “They play a certain way and they are probably saying the same about us, they are predictable, we are predictable so we will see who is as predictable when we turn up.”

    Another pre-match belter from McPake…

    Honestly, he probably talks more pish than Peter Grant did but the better results means his every word isn’t scrutinised as much.

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