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Everything posted by Glennie

  1. get yer jab subscription cards out for number 4 already people actually believed this was going to stop at 2
  2. voting wise if you want out of this thats the only option
  3. folk on here rather live under permanent doomsday hysteria than not vote snp despairing
  4. yes almost just as bad and theres huge anger at the clown show among many tory voters so tories arent the answer either, and even the smaller left wing alternatives are big state fanatics if you want out of this by your vote then right wing parties springing up as an alternative are your only options
  5. now think whats already been done to the natural landscape, most recently tainted by windfarms
  6. cynical, its a myth thinking freedom, liberty are sole property of the left the left dropped the torch miles back, youre just noticing the right carrying the extra burden
  7. the left have been a fucking disgrace for decades its just your now noticing once for streetwise working men the followers are now servile drones cheering big state. 20 months and still cannae see an inch past their nose
  8. people are sneering at doomsday cultists wanting hysteria and restrictions imposed on everyone else as the norm well deserved scorn
  9. glorious leader allows peasants to shit doomsday cultists - clap clap clap omg omg thank you
  10. freezin weather energy prices through the roof better be paranoid about visitors and keep yer windows open for your wellbeing oor NHS clowns
  11. the cult turning on its old dears hysteria
  12. nae idea what the left stands for anymore no for the normal man on the street anyhow embarassed that its been left to centre right populists
  13. the left have always been prone to insanity and bullying the people as theyve no brakes
  14. husband will lower raised backhand if the weather is nice
  15. bojo and co terrified of THE OMICRON this afternoon
  16. mind before this mass psychosis when "theres somethin goin aroond" was the start and end of it
  17. utopia is a type of dystopia so hopefully neither
  18. nothing different. the same doomsday cultists on their 8th booster posting graphs about the new kappa epsilon II 3.211c variant
  19. doomsday cult moonhowlers gagging to turn the world into an open air mental asylum
  20. havent worn a mask or socially distanced in about 16 months, wont be starting now wont sign up to any jab subscription or download any app for permission to live as normal
  21. moonholwer doomsday cult leader in Australia as bad as that New Zealand prime minister
  22. no, moonhowlers disinfect their hands 20 times a day, wear useless masks, stand on dots in shops, post photos getting a jab, live by what the 'expert graph man' on the TV says... all while castigating normal people living normal lives for not joining their moonhowling doomsday cult
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