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Everything posted by Satoshi

  1. 10 years ago? It happened in January. And it wasn't a sectarian attack, it was a Taliban attack aimed at police and counter terrorism officers - 90% of the casualties were police officers. That would be a massive news story were it in a rich, white country with a similar culture. It wasn't, so it isn't. Doesn't mean it shouldn't be, these are still human beings after all. And you're right, Pakistanis won't know about the Omagh bombing - I expect they have had worse attacks in their country every year since then. At the time, many Pakistanis were illiterate and many of those who could read would have limited access to international news. Why would they know about? Not sure how relevant it is either. They will all know plenty about 9/11, 7/7, Madrid bombings etc as these sort of attacks are usually followed by a massive upsurge in violence in their country or neighbouring countries. Tl;Dr our news is disproportionately skewed towards people like us - (relatively) rich white people. The whole media industry used to be like this too but is gradually getting a bit more diverse. News should be too, be part of the change you want to see in the world and call it out when certain stories get disproportionate coverage based on the newsworthiness of their victims.
  2. Nobody is suggesting that news stories involving people from places like Thailand or Chile get zero media attention. But rather they would get comparatively less than an identical story in a rich western country (even a far away one like New Zealand). By far the most serious terrorist attack of the year was in Peshawar Pakistan killing 85 people in a suicide bombing. How many people have heard of it? What about the Christchurch shooting from 4 years ago that killed 51 people? People are clearly not comfortable with these obvious disparities being pointed out which is why it's important to do so. Even if you disagree with it at least you have started thinking about it which is the first step. There is abundant academic literature on the phenomenon. Only way it will get better is to keep calling it out.
  3. I'm not supposed to say. Possibly, I just don't find it a particularly interesting story (and I am diver who has been to many shipwrecks just not from a sub because that sounds mental). Do you think this story would get exactly the same amount of coverage if it was a group of super rich Indonesians on board?
  4. You're correct, and my point is that the only way to combat it, or improve it, is to keep pointing it out. And there's loads of evidence it's not based on proximity, any sort of incident in Australia or New Zealand gets far more attention than an equivalent incident in much closer countries like Morocco or Albania or Belarus. Rich white people sympathise with rich white people. It happens in this country too, poor people will usually get far less coverage than someone middle class and newspaper worthy. Keep pointing it out, maybe eventually it will get better. And in the meantime, people who have never thought about it before might start.
  5. The only way to engage in this type of activity is to be rich. There are subs used for cocaine smuggling. Im sure some of them have imploded, been discovered, and nobody really cares. And incredibly wealthy, and adjacent to rich white people. A boat with hundreds of poor migrants going missing gets far less coverage and recovery resources. If you don't believe this you're a bit naive.
  6. I remember on the Sarah Everard thread some posters arguing vociferously that rich white people don't get disproportionately more media coverage than poorer people and those from non white backgrounds. This case surely puts that debate to rest. Sad for the individuals and their families but they voluntarily undertook an incredibly dangerous activity. It's objectively less tragic than any migrant boat death (of which there are far more). For the same reason, rich guys dying in helicopter crashes is less tragic than ordinary people dying in car crashes (or moped or whatever). Their wealth bought them something more convenient but riskier, and they chose that risk.
  7. Because he's been attacked shortly after leaving jail, you would expect he was either busted with drugs (hence why he owes them 6 figures) or that he informed to get out of jail. If it's the latter - bit daft to go back to where he can be easily found. Still not nice what happened to the guy, but he was never getting 6 figures in gainful employment before or after the attack. The new video is ill advised but he's been through a hell of a trauma. I don't often watch these things but the Dennistoun video wasn't as bad as I expected as you don't really see the victim. Thought that place was fully gentrified now... You'd have to be fucking mental or desperate to want anything to do with this life.
  8. I point out when posters made drastically bad predictions when trying to talk down our players. You are actually worse than that. You make so many posts on this board about how much you don't like my posts. I hear you. I don't care. So I don't know why you waste everyones time with it. It's incredibly tedious - I'm sure in your self aware moments even you realise that. If you don't like it don't read it, and certainly don't comment on it. In the meantime, I'll keep posting about the football. I'm delighted to have got it right defending Tierney and Gilmour for some of the absolute shit being flung at them over the course of this season. Both have stepped up when it mattered for Scotland. If either had played badly you can bet the usual suspects would have been gloating like f**k on their threads, so nice of them to get a taste of their own medicine. As for those white knighting them? f**k knows what that is about.
  9. There isn't a national side in the world who wouldn't start Robertson. Very much expect he will pass Ashley Cole as the Premier Leagues best ever LB in the years to come.
  10. Overall they probably do not, certainly not since he went to Norwich. But don't believe just me, loads of other posters have commented on how much stick he gets - it's quite unbelievable to be honest. Which posters have blocked me? Bing pretended to for a while but kept crawling back, Velos Army posts non stop about how he blocks me but still reads my posts. I'm not aware of anyone else (the first two make me laugh tho - keep it up!). I'm not entrenched in any view, I'm entrenched in the evidence. Whilst the wall of shame thought Gilmour was doing dreadfully he actually wasn't, he was getting a big money move to an ambitious premier league team. I knew he wouldn't start instantly for Brighton, I provided substantial evidence that they take time to bed in all their players and I knew Gilmour wouldn't be any different. Whilst his attitude and physicality came out I pointed out there was actually zero evidence on this from anyone involved in football, and to the contrary every manager who has ever had Gilmour has publicly praised him. When some posters said Chelsea wouldn't offer him a new contract and were desperate to force him out, I pointed out they actually extended his contract and that the owner even told him he was about to sack the coach in an attempt to keep him. So I'm only entrenched to what the evidence says. And if you really thought that Chelsea wouldn't extend Gilmours contract (when they had a long history of extending no hopers like Lewis Bakers contract) then you don't want what is best for Gilmour and for him to be a top player - you want to shit on one of our players. Which is a very common theme on this board. The poster who made up statistics to try and prove that Tierney was Arsenals 4th choice left back wasn't wanting what was best for Tierney, he wanted to shit on one of our players and got utterly called out on it. This happens in club football as well as international football, can't believe it's news for you - but we were all naïve hopeful teenagers at one point I guess. Also from the wall of shame, numbers has went on to be an excellent contributor to the board. Posters can change and drastically improve their contribution when their primary aim isn't just attacking our players. I'm not sure any of the others from the wall of shame will quite have that come to Damascus moment, but if they could be less shit for a while that would be good too. The only way to improve things is to keep calling them out and eventually they will get the message.
  11. Wow, I didn't believe people this naïve generally existed. Believe it or not there are people on this sub forum who do not like the national team and who constantly attack our players. And they don't really bother to hide it. So your kumbaya everyone loves Scotland really is, er, a bit wild. Of course, this exists in all nations but is particularly prevalent in Scotland for some reason. Not helped that our two biggest clubs openly associate with England and Ireland. But in your mind all those guys with Tricolors and England shirts all want the best for Scotland and all our players Oh to be young and naïve, sorry to open your eyes to the world but it was gonna happen eventually. The wall of shame meanwhile will hopefully discourage those posters from their dreadful predictions in future.
  12. I, correctly, judged that you wouldn't even have 10k in monopoly money. Still, I feel an appropriate forfeit would to be stop spouting your dire predictions on this sub forum. This forum would be better without the usual suspects constantly attacking our players.
  13. No whoosh, posters repeatedly attacking our players and ending up with egg on their face. Whether on here or twitter it's obvious there's many Scottish football "fans" who hate the national team, got to keep calling it out and maybe eventually they'll change. If not they can continue as point and laugh material.
  14. Er, think you should read those quotes again, or this thread generally. He was being repeatedly attacked and the calls for him to go on loan to Rangers or the championship were ludicrous at the time, even more so now. Do you really believe all of the posters quoted only wanted him to succeed and were concerned? That is the height of naivety.
  15. Oh ye of little faith. This ain't going so well for them Although to be fair, their Armenia game reminded me a bit of our loss to Kazakhstan where the opposition weren't great, but every crazy long shot they took flew in.
  16. You've had an absolute shocker here Time to disappear I think!
  17. The wall of shame. In fact, the wall of shame could be hundreds of posts long given how badly so many posters got it. Will they be willing to come on here and eat some humble pie? Let's wait and see. Delighted for Billy yet again, excellent, confident performance.
  18. Fantastic result - sign of a great team to pull out a win when far from your best. What an amazing time to be a Scotland fan, happy to have been pushing back against some of the absolute shite some of the players get on this sub forum. We are a really good team, the table doesn't lie. Time to change the description of this sub forum? It's no abject source of misery that's for sure.
  19. Which poster thought Gilmour was world class? Any quotes? A lot of posters were attacking him non stop all season, hopefully they have learned their season. Great to see him thriving, got a good chance of starting and if not will surely see some minutes over the international break. Remember the absolute welts who thought he was going on loan to rangers or the championship? Red faces all round.
  20. It's an article exclusively focused on his positive stats. If you watch goals West Ham conceded this season you will see plenty of shocking play from Rice (which was also covered on this thread at the time). It was also covered by many how bad a season he was having compared to previous years. He's not a bad player, just no where worth what they are spending on him. We will see in time of course. Can see a middling career at Arsenal and them not winning many, if any, trophies personally. But Arteta has a good record of improving players so who knows. Also Salah and De Bruyne were sold by Chelsea not released, don't think there will be many examples of world class players being released - it will be very unusual. In fact has any player previously released ever been sold for 100 million?
  21. Especially bizarre given he's actually been pretty rubbish this season. He's never appeared in CL, was released by Chelsea and only looks ok for England (frequently ran ragged in big games). It's a weird one. But then so was Ramsdale and White so Arsenal clearly have a strategy around it.
  22. Wonder if that ginger striker is worth a look...
  23. I think Scotland caused them to play badly, but they are certainly not a bad team. Appreciate it was 2 years ago, but they were far and away the best side at the last Euros and ran Italy ragged in the semi final only to lose on penalties. They have some of the most talented youngsters in world football in Pedri, Gavi and Balde. Hope they pick up maximum points against Norway but beyond that wouldn't be against them dropping points to teams like Georgia or Cyprus (unlikely though it is).
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