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Posts posted by Pareidolia

  1. On 30/03/2024 at 19:18, GNU_Linux said:

    Cumbernauld Colts 1-3 Kirkintilloch Rob Roy
    Tranent 1-2 East Kilbride

    Excellent result for Rob Roy against a Colts site doing well for themselves in the LL. Rob Roy's first major final since 09-10 in the West of Scotland Junior Cup.


  2. On 08/10/2023 at 17:44, Ginaro said:

    Some pics and info on the new Kirkintilloch ground. Certainly better than a cage though apparently needs bigger nets/fencing behind the goals (wonder how many balls will be lost to the canal!) - similar to Kelty you could add more cover etc so I can see why one club would want to make sure it is "theirs" before investing in the facilities.



    For reference: https://www.eastdunbarton.gov.uk/technical-notes-2023-issue-159- kirkintilloch-community-sports-complex

    1. The Council has received an approach from a local junior football team, Rossvale FC, to host their upcoming Scottish Junior Cup match versus Darvel on the 7th October at the new Kirkintilloch Community Sports Complex (KCSC).  The Club have been struggling to source suitable accommodation to host the tie and have identified the KCSC as the only realistic opportunity in the local area.
    2. Officers have negotiated terms for Rossvale to use the facility for training on the evening of the 5th October and thereafter for the match itself on the 7th October.  Members should note this is a one off agreement in order to support the Club and will not prejudice negotiations with the preferred bidder, with whom officers continue to engage with a view to finalising the long term lease of the subjects.
    3. The Council will provide FM support to open, close and clean the building and stands, ensuring the facility remains in excellent condition prior to the new lease commencing.

    Outside of that - no update on the KCSC fiasco...

  3. 8 hours ago, Junior supporter said:

    Rob Roy still have the Adamslie sale money so £ isn’t a problem . The problem is this council changing the lease agreement at the last minute . Things that don’t suit the club, so this needs ironed out . Whoever gets the long term lease will run the facility and make £ from the rental from it and any other income streams . I also believe they want to spend £ on it by improving the stadium more , i.e social club and some standing areas for fans etc . So why the council would not want this is beyond a joke . A local team willing to pay rent and improve the facility its a no brainer but then again it is EDC 

    A subjective and minority opinion I suspect, but I'm not sure a social club (especially if seeking an alcohol licence) frequented by patrons daily is necessarily the best thing for a club to develop on the site, which might go against the ethos of providing access of the facility to a diverse range of stakeholders including children and vulnerable groups.

    Edit - "social club" in the very stereotypical/traditional sense at least; if KRR have a broader vision of how a facility may be constructed and used then it of course might be a more positive development.

  4. 21 hours ago, Ginaro said:

    Presumably this is because both users of Huntershill, West Park United and Rossvale, are at home in the Junior Cup next Saturday, so instead of moving to the Friday/Sunday Rossvale have found an alternative ground. Maybe Kirkintilloch Sports Complex only opens from October so it's just unfortunately that Rob Roy don't have another home game until 11th November.

    However saying that, it appears Rob Roy did have a SRCC home game on Saturday 14th, but it was switched Hurlford as Cumbernauld United were at home as well...

    It suggests to me that KCSC is useable on an ad hoc basis (and that the ground is fit for purpose), but the lease has not been agreed with a regular tenant. I guess technically KRR could also rent the facility out but clearly somethings going wrong with the lease negotiations and its hard to see who's to blame for this without more information. Could be that KRR are baulking at the fees that EDC are suggesting?

  5. 19 hours ago, Ginaro said:

    Maybe worth having a look at the council website to find the agenda/minutes of these council and committee meetings, if you want to find out more about the motions/votes rather than relying on the Lib Dems.

    "The Chief Solicitor & Monitoring Officer advised that the terms of the original Report on this matter, including the identity of the preferred bidder remained confidential as per the decision of the Council. As part of her update to Council on 9th March, she had advised that Officers had offered a Licence to Occupy to expedite occupancy of the site. Officers had not sought and did not require to seek Council approval to enter into a Licence to Occupy and this was not sought at the meeting. Instead, she had updated Members as to progress with the transaction which included the offer of the Licence. For this reason, it was not included within the original Minute. She advised that subject to the agreement of Council, the Minute would be amended to reflect that Officers had offered the Licence to Occupy."

  6. 2 hours ago, tyson1909 said:

    They were almost relegated the season when tucker first came. Think it went down to the last game of the season. Problem we have these days is the the landscape of our level has changed and we no longer have the same attraction we had before. Other teams at our level seem to be more equipt to cope with the changes, mostly financial. Why would a crackin player from the likes of glasgow etc. travel way doon into the sticks when they can get better wages closer to home. Beith have the attraction of being runaway champs last year and still goin like a train. We all know about darvels attraction. Clydebank has always been strong, not to miss out pollok. Its tough times but we have to try and find our own way of coping with it

    Again in the context of an idiot like myself looking in from the outside, if I never looked at a map you'd think there'd be a certain lure of playing for Talbot given its history and its established success, but I guess now that its not a closed shop and full on capitalism is sweeping through the leagues, any team with aspirations and bigger "catchment areas" could easily overtake them and either maintain their status or go up the league system.

    It would suggest (pessimistically) that the only way is down for Talbot, though, in the long term, being demoted to a village team. But as I said, I'm an idiot.

  7. Re Gala - you're right of course! I might be thinking of Gretna actually when it comes to SoS/EoS confusion, come to think of it.

    But yes the pyramid isn't in its final form but its going to take some incremental iterations before we get to a more permanent solution, notwithstanding any population or political overhauls. And lets not forget the business side of things, which tends to run counterintuitively of a meritocratic league system.

  8. Great job! Cue arguments of whether Gala Fairydean should be in EoS or SoS...

    I've always imagined KRR yoyo-ing between WoS and Lowland leagues, though it might take about 25 years to get to that point! Interesting to see WoS 8 teams down, too.

    Edit - I like your attempt to create a functional league system given more North teams dropping down and South teams going up, exemplified by the North Region Championship East/West split.

  9. Great work. Though I think Celtic is missing from the Glasgow City list (FYI).

    I know its a lot of work as is, though would love to see a de facto league standing for clubs based on the current league system (similar to what FWF did in September in this thread), to imagine what an actual competitive league system would look like!

  10. 4 hours ago, HorseyGhirl said:

    @Pareidolia Can I suggest you end this topic my friend. 

    The lunatics have taken over the asylum.

    That's a decision for mods, imo, than me. Its toxic but maybe necessary for some collective education on the state of play of supporters in lower level leagues when it comes to sporting situations of public interest.

    Unfortunately if there's something I'm learning, and admittedly I did fear, is individuals who literally describe themselves by their team (and de facto representing them) has the same worrying attitudes to this whole debacle. As someone who has plans to support KRR once they return to Kirky, who has had longstanding concerns about inclusivity/equality/diversity in lower level leagues, this is putting me off putting my hand into my pocket for the team when its "representatives" have such attitudes that I know I will be more exposed to in small crowds than having the relative anonymity of a 50000 stadium.

    The silence from WoSFL (and looking at the committee - not exactly a diverse bunch of people), doesn't help. Maybe they have the same opinions as some of the contributors here? It's not completely out of the question if supporters here have similar views.

    Might as well stick to my "big" team which also has plenty concerning attitudes but is somewhat diluted by the cooperate and mainstream aspects of supporting a team with greater ambitions than being community-focussed, and at least have (albeit niche and half-heartedly) attempted to address some of the issues being raised in this thread.

    Hey ho.

  11. There's a difference about being safe in the community (otherwise the person would be incarcerated) vs being a public role model. No child is dreaming to be a guy in a corner shop backroom compared to someone scoring goals for their local team.

    Glasgow United doubling down is car crash worthy media. Just googling "Glasgow United" shows the reputational damage they have caused themselves.

    Actions have consequences. Being declined a job based on conduct is not a protected characteristic.

  12. Well isn't this a fun thread. Maybe we need to move away from the semantics of language (particularly around violence and mental health issues - I have strong professional opinions on both but I'm keeping out of this for my own sanity) and just recognise that the guy has been found to be a rapist per civil law definitions.


    It still doesn't answer the silence from Teams and WoSFL itself (as per my previous reply). Or do they wish for politicians to make their decisions for them?

  13. For some bizarre reason, I didn't think this thread would blow up considering no one had commented on it since the friendly. What do I know.

    For what its worth (and speaking from a lifelong professional career that deals with a lot that the case discusses) - it's an atrocious act (and easy civil judgement) which also unfortunately shows where criminal case prosecution also lies when it comes to judgments on sexual violence. This guy probably wants a criminal case purely on the low prosecution rates based on higher standards of proof - not because he is innocent.

    It's the usual issues with criminal/civil "rehabilitation" - when can someone "move on with their life"? Well people can, but don't expect to be accepted as a public role model, that footballers at all levels are ascribed to be by their own clubs and fanbases. Glasgow United should not have considered trialling him, in my opinion.

    I'm not necessarily expecting WoSFL to get involved per se (unless the individual is breaking any contractual or constitutional rules, or going against any other values that the organisation has signed up to). However I do hope that WoSFL take a public position on this to protect the reputation of its leagues and the values it informally tries to promote. Similarly you would not want teams to be in a position of making individual decisions when playing Glasgow United (particularly Women's/Girl's teams).

    Silence just makes the vacuum bigger, and increases both organisational speculation of its own values, but also leads to constant squabbling, politicisation, entrenchment of views, and general nastiness from the louder/unhinged people of the world who influence clubs and fanbases alike.

  14. "...Kirkintilloch Community Sports Complex where all works are now substantially complete and handover is due in May 2023."

    I guess its imminent. Rumours are that KRR are returning to Kirky.

    Interestingly KRR (or at least whoever runs their FB page) have said in a comment "Decision was made back in December but no official announcement has been made yet until contracts are in place", which would be a strange thing to say if they weren't successful, I speculate.

  15. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Promotion_and_relegation#Argentinian_football_and_the_average_performance_system

    Generally lurking on these forums and listening to all the discussions around promotion/relegation, and balancing up financial risks (inc. B Team and Conference league discussions), would the "average performance system" (used in Argentina) work at Tier 4 alongside automatic promotion from Tier 5?

    I'm sure someone more resourceful than me would tell us who would have been relegated in the past few seasons.

  16. 11 hours ago, Dev said:

    Don't suppose, by chance, that there are any local elections coming up soon? 

    Sadly not - though being brutally honest I don't think this saga resonates with many locally, partly due to demographics, partly historically underutilised community engagement by the club, partly the fact that they've been away for many years. On the other hand I do think that if KRR return, they have a better opportunity to develop a fan community than they did at Adamslie Park.


    I wouldn't be averse to KRR and Glasgow City/other being co-tenants though you'd think a SWPL team would want to be in a more central location given their stage of football development.

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