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Posts posted by UpInTheStand

  1. 5 hours ago, aidan-bufc said:

    A bit much that. They’re young boys who tried to get into the football to watch their local team. Assuming they did something wrong not to get into the game but we were all young and stupid once right?

    Hey sir! Just for the avoidance of doubt...

    * They weren't Rose fans and haven't been to a game all season - they were there to cause bother, hence the balaclavas

    * They refused to pay to get into the game after trying to get in for free - while it is free entry for u16s, they must be with a paying adult

    * Having been refused entry to the ground (for free), they hung about for nearly two hours outside to try and fight with people leaving the ground at the end of the game

    I don't speak for the club but clowns like that shouldn't be made welcome. I thought the Bo'ness fans were a credit to their club yesterday and helped to create a great atmosphere, something this league desperately needs at more games.

  2. Congratulations on your win today - you're having a great season but we'll be coming for you next year, don't you worry! 🙂

    We need games like this in this league rather than against the likes of Broomhill, who bring four fans - it was a great atmosphere even though I was gutted with the final result.

  3. As you know, I normally keep my mouth shut and just post the highlights. 🙂

    Two things - firstly, a huge shout out to the Albion Rovers fans who travelled in numbers and were a credit to their team. 

    Secondly - the handball at the end was a penalty all day long, to the point where I had to check last night to see if they'd changed the laws of the game again.


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