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Everything posted by Ayrutd1910

  1. Weird this forum, beat Inverness last week,got a few pages saying what a good win,get beat and this forum is on fire
  2. Its not about if they don't get on,he's the best keeper at the club,the club comes first he needs to play,because this lad in nets is not good enough.The defence is bad enough but if you know your keeper aint coming for crosses,or commands his box that puts even more pressure on the back 4.
  3. Cmon Dundee United, only thing it's going to keep us from relegation playoffs is Inverness being shitty than us
  4. Not holding much hope for 2nd half,against the wind with this keeper, Queens Park just need to keep put crosses in and the will put this game to bed
  5. Ferk me ,try to play out from the back with this lot ,your havin a laugh
  6. The concerning issue from Saturday is tha Dunfermline are just as bad as us and we never left a glove on them,that was as bad as anything under Bullen . What ever Albison has done,we need to play him,Clarke is conceding too many soft goals,always rooted to his line and been coached by the centre halfs.
  7. Just one on The keeper Clarke,been into the ground a couple of times 20 minutes early,only Albison and young lad been warmed up by goal keeping coach,Clarke nowhere to be seen until kick off,maybe nothing in it but if your starting why he not there
  8. Yep,that's the most honest post that sums up everything that's wrong with team,The Bryden supporters on here will probably be his mates,yep McGinty made a mistake for the second and you heard the the shouts coming from the stand,Bryden and McKenzie ferking hopeless yet hardly heard a whisper,if the Bryden and McKenzie supporters club wish to watch these two then it will be league one.
  9. At ninteen there should be a bit of ability, listen would be great to see him do well but cant see a player there.
  10. McKenzie is a waste of a shirt,Yeah he runs all day,but ferk all ability,he needs to be binned,this loaning out Bryden, no he needs to be binned if we want to progress
  11. Honestly, the way people talk about Bryden being played out of postion,regardless where he plays the boy is not good enough at this level,not even sure of league 2 level but he gets a easy ride as does McKenzie because he is "one of our own",not blaming him today because everyone was rank,but if this is the sort of players we are giving 2 year deals,them the future doesn't loog good.
  12. Yep,frozen the council tax,but made up for it by the 50 quid charge for brown bins
  13. About time we started with some shithousery,we seem to never do it,while other teams constantly do it.
  14. Said it before,whoever gave McKenzie a 2 year deal should have been sacked on the spot
  15. That performance was as bad as anything right up there when Bullen was here,there are too many poor players at the club,goes to show how poor this league is now that were not in Arbroath's position.
  16. Thought young keeper was too slow of his line to close down the two goals,i know Albison has been dodgy a few times,but you need to play him,his head will be gone now that a boy signed in the morning plays before him.
  17. Our turn tomorrow, with McLean ferkin us,that wee twat easton will play on it .
  18. Dont see a issue with it,yeah think your judging in wrongly
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