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Everything posted by Sawkye

  1. I can back every word lve said so bring on the mods
  2. Great statement, especially from someone who really cares. If you believe that fine. She was so interested in the area she had to approach East Dumbartonshire trade unions for sponsorship. She like the rest says what she believes the voters want to hear.
  3. Thanks Moonster, just sent it. Cheers
  4. Think l will stake out Queen Elizabeth Hospital physio department incase Farrell is looking for new players.
  5. Bloody joke, extended contract to a guy who is constantly injured. 16 games and then regarded with a extra year. That clown Farrell is sticking his fingers up at us real supporters. Time he got to f--k. Totally useless. So trust rep forget all the pie in the sky crap and concentrate on getting him out.
  6. Thanks Jan, makes sense. Must admit to having a laugh watching the youngsters waving and joking with pals and parents not realising the ball is out of play. Know one youngster who helped out once and said never again due to some adults shouting abuse because there not quick enough getting ball back to players. And as you pointed out yesterday game was high intensity.
  7. Does anyone know why there were no ball persons(boy/girl) at yesterday's game? Theses kids have turned out in all weather's to help. And who decided they weren't needed.
  8. Thought your numbers are about the same as I counted, but players were given 20 tickets each. (480) assuming we have a pool of 24. Haven't taken into account Farrell and his staff.
  9. Can someone explain to me why the hell am l still going to Bonnyrigg on Saturday. Is there a doctor in the house.
  10. Don't worry, lm confident they will let us know by 2.30pm if game going ahead.
  11. With the rain today and forecast for next two days we could have an pitch inspection on Friday. God l hate the weather. Anyone know yet how tickets for Scottish Cup will be allocated.
  12. Is there a pitch inspection today Jan or do we just assume game is on.
  13. Who is seco fife? Looked through all scottish leagues and can't see a team of that name
  14. Thought we were very poor with no tactics .Far to much punting ball up the park. Was obvious that EF came for a draw. Ref allowed them so much and has been said last weeks ref would have had great fun booking. Lynas wasn't fit was easy to see but he's definitely our best RB. Carlo is OK infront of him with them attacking but not as our RB.
  15. was a great game, plus points all over team. Harry was strong and assured in goal but the wood work certainly was on our side. And for MOM l thought lynas edged it. Saved us a few times with goal line clearances and was very sold in defence and attacking on the wing.
  16. Lots of signings, but will there be room for the fans? Yes we needed cover but l still not happy with Farrell being there and as far as lm concerned sign as many as he wants but his tactics won't change. When he got us relegated l said then he has to go and stand by it.
  17. Cheers, much appreciated . I will be on the bus early doors heading up..
  18. My son and grandson are in lanzarote the now and want to know if the game is on DTV.
  19. As a season ticket holder we use to get games. So lve missed out .so simple. There's the issue
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