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I Clavdivs

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Posts posted by I Clavdivs

  1. 1 hour ago, KirkieRR said:

    Listened to the BBC Scotland News at 7pm during Get it On with Bryan 'Always Talks Through Instrumental Playouts' Burnett last night. Labour Conference was the main story. Specifically, Wee Anas telling them that they had won Scotland in the GE, and would win Scotland in the Holyrood 26 election. Er, that was it.

    What a journalistic newshounding scoop, BBC North Britain!

    Usually tune out when the unionist state broadcaster airs a unionist party political broadcast thinly disguised as news .

    Does Get it On still have that annoying woman on it who brays like a Donkey on laughing gas ?.

  2. There no doubt Reform will garner further support in a rightward lurching England ,whether or not they can form a government only time will tell .However,It was not so long ago people laughed at the very idea of BoJo becoming PM ...well you how that went and very likely England can possibly deliver a similar abberation in the form of Farage as PM.

    All in all just another pressing reason why Scoltand needs out of this corrupt,failed,one-sided and London  centric union .


  3. 20 minutes ago, Duke Gekantawa said:

    But that is not and has never been the rule. Time should be blown when time has elapsed whether the ball is in play or out of play. The clock is not  stopped when the ball goes out of play. While there should be a small amount of common sense leeway to prevent “Clive Thomas incidents”, I really don’t think the ref was wrong to blow when he did, assuming that time was up. It really isn’t that uncommon to see time blown when a corner or free kick would otherwise be awarded.

    Again,like this arguement,it's going to interpreted differently by Refs who on the main(and certainly in my mind from the point of fairness)keep the play going till infringement has been penalised and time played out normally.

  4. 6 minutes ago, Arnold Layne said:

    If anything, I would say this was an example of strong refereeing (a rare example in yesterday's game). The referee should not make a subjective decision that one team deserves a free attempt on goal once time has elapsed. It's something that the authorities should make clear.

    The counter to that is a "strong referee" should not ward an infringing team with a get out jail card....especially in light of said infringement occuring before whistle was blown .

  5. 37 minutes ago, Duke Gekantawa said:

    That’s not the rule though. half/full time can (and should be) called even when the ball’s out of play when time elapses. It’s not that uncommon for this to happen ( though refs have a greater tendency to play the corner).

    So in effect it's left to Ref discretion ? .I would have thought given the stop/ start nature of first half up to that point he would have played out a clear corner before he blew whistle.All in all just adding to my original summation of yesterday's woeful refereeing .

  6. 8 minutes ago, The Kebab Pie said:

    There's a real issue I think with refereeing in this country just now, all the top refs are basically involved with the premiership games, be it on the field or in the VAR room, meaning a lot of guys getting fast tracked up the leagues. The standard of the refereeing we've seen at our level has been abysmal. Although, I dont think we can give Mr. Anderson the courtesy of labelling him as "fast tracked" he'e been about for a while. He's just a rotten referee.

    Looked like he was on a mission to blow the pea out his whistle ....his waiving a clear corner to Thistle at end of first half just summed him up .

  7. Good Points ...Clean sheet,3 points,good noisey crowd ,Lambie in good voice and nice to see 30 /40 Glasow Uni freshers in the JHS (hope thay were not put off by the low standard of football and attend on a regular basis) .Crawford ,Megwa,Ablade ,Milne,Chalmers and O'Reilly pass marks. 

    Not so good points...Team overall disjointed and still very much geling .Ref honking and an opposition trying hard to look an uglier version of Morton made for a frustrating stop /start game .

    Anyhoos ,will sleep well tonight .


  8. There is no way Westminster will allow another Independence referendum as they know it will be lost (roughly 50/50 Yes No in polls) .They only granted it last time around as YES was hovering around the low 30's but got the fright of their lives when it rose during campaign.

    Options would be UDI but would expect the unionist Bloc to abstain threatening  voracity of any vote.Other option is to challenge the Act of Union in the International Courts as well as making the blindingly obvious case that the Scottish people are sovereign and beholden to no one when it comes to deciding their own destiny .


  9. 37 minutes ago, Bula Bairn said:

    10 years on and scarily accurate... 


    My own personal favourite was the claim made by the then Labour leader Johann 'Stairheid Rammy' Lamont that "Scots were not genetically programmed to make political decisions" .

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