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Everything posted by VincentGuerin

  1. I know a guy who is involved in the recruitment process for a League One club (in England) and he was talking about the interview process recently. Basically, every club will need to have an in-depth interview before hiring anyone, because there are lots of technical things they're looking for. Things like set-piece policy (Yes!), agreement on squad profile, understanding and analysis of use of subs etc. Plus loads of other stuff that had never crossed my mind before. A candidate will need to show a very deep understanding of Motherwell's performance, how that compares with other teams in the league (on a deep statistical level) and how that can be improved with concrete proposals for that. It's a tough process. No way anyone's getting appointed without a serious interview these days.
  2. Brilliant. There are a few Hearts videos like this for goals against Hibs. I always wonder who the poor souls who record them and decide to upload them are. For me, DELETE DELETE DELETE.
  3. Cool. Glad we've established that's what it was though. As you were.
  4. I think your previous coach was more handsome. And I think Jack Ross is more handsome. Van Bronkhurst too, imo. I don't think Goodwin is a shout. I think people give too much weight to the beard. Similar to how Robbie Neilson dresses impeccably and is unquestionably Scottish football's style icon, but he's not actually handsome.
  5. Jim Goodwin is especially handsome? Has this been agreed? His beard is without blemish and he seems a very nice, polite man. But I think there are handsomer coaches out there.
  6. No. They went up from 95-96, which is after Fergus had come in and Celtic had started spending good money on the stadium and squad. A couple of million on Thom, more dosh on Van Hoooijjidonk, Scottish Cup won the previous summer, big new stand etc. It was the first season since 1988's double where Celtic had an actual title-challenge. Classic glory-hunting.
  7. I was at the game and as he shaped to shoot I remember shouting 'DON'T!'. Fucking oooft.
  8. No problem with people celebrating. Not sure when it became cool to pretend fitba fans shouldn't celebrate stuff, but it's just silly. As a veteran of many late derby goals, I'd be a huge hypocrite if I went near that. That said, me and my brother were accosted by a Hibby who jumped in front of us and shouted 'YAAASSS! WHAT'S THE SCORE, YA c***s!' I genuinely think in all the excitement he thought Hibs had won. I believe drink had been taken.
  9. Maybe simply an age decision. They've brought in two mid-late 30s lads in Marshall and McGeady. Maybe just the squad profile doesn't allow for another one.
  10. Always think this is a daft thing to do. Fair enough if the ball bounces out of the goal, pick it up and run it back to the centre circle if you want. But by engaging with the opposition you just open the door to them manufacturing a wee scuffle to waste time and there's always the chance of getting a card. The ref's going to restart the game anyway. It almost certainly makes absolutely no fucking difference anyway.
  11. As mentioned above, Hearts' October is very tough indeed. Rangers and Celtic at home, Killie, Aberdeen, Ross County away, and three European games. We need to get off to a good start and get points in the bank before then. It's also true that being in touch with third at the World Cup break is good enough. 6 points behind would be fine, I think.
  12. I think it's going to be interesting to see what our strategy is with this. There's a reasonable case to be made for keeping our powder dry for next season and having a bit of a spend next summer, but if the club think Europe plus third again is realistic this season (I don't think I do) then we will definitely need more numbers in. Those ITK seem to reckon there's a big signing coming if we win our EL qualifier, but I always take these things with a pinch of salt.
  13. So, you're just saying people were wrong then? Including yourself. It's quite funny to see a supporter of a side that finished tenth in an absolutely shite league insist that his team's squad was actually good. The Billy Big Bawsness of some Aberdeen fans takes a real hit when they're miles worse than Hearts. Very enjoyable.
  14. What a night this was. Fucking freezing, but absolutely brilliant. I can still see the ball going through the keeper and up into the net from our spot up in the corner. Very happy memories.
  15. Just been on the AZ fanpage. "Kut, maar zo terecht. Ik gun het publiek die goal wel. Wat een sfeer!!!!" "Je ziet het gewoon gebeuren. Dundee speelt zo snel mogelijk de bal op de helft van AZ en probeert daar de duels aan te gaan. AZ heeft het mantra gekregen alleen over de grond te spelen, maar daarvoor is vandaag te weinig kwaliteit in het elftal. De bal blijft grotendeels op de helft van AZ. Als de bal al eens over de lijn komt, raakt AZ de bal snel kwijt door knullig balverlies. "Ik zie genoeg aanknopingspunten om verder op te kunnen bouwen." They're fucking fizzing!!
  16. It's really unfair that the SPFL chose such a wicked and convoluted system to prevent Aberdeen's excellent squad showing its true potential. Only allowing games of 90 minutes between two teams with eleven players each was a sneaky move. Not to mention the so-called 'points system' where teams winning games were hugely advantaged over those losing. I've got to be honest and say that without this chicanery, Aberdeen would probably have won the league.
  17. I suppose, actually there is a comparison with your point here. You claim there's not much difference betwen the sides last season based on three games. But, as I mentioned, over the initial part of the season (before being separated by the split) Hearts were 21 points better. It's a bit like me trying to claim the 19/20 Hearts team weren't that bad because they beat Rangers twice, Hibs twice, and put Aberdeen out the League Cup. It's what you do over the season that counts. I'm surprised anyone would suggest otherwise.
  18. I'm not sure what your point is here. Is anyone saying Hearts were a good team in 19/20?
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