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Posts posted by Boredatnine

  1. 1 hour ago, Ric said:

    Sorry but that's all over the place. The Griffiths you mention at the start doesn't exist any more, recalling some halcyon memory is completely at odds with the performances he has delivered of the last 2, 3, 4 years? If he can't motivate himself enough to play for the club his own son supports, where he was a player before and where the fans support him, all this with his mate as the manager, why on Earth do you think that he's going to suddenly rock up to St Mirren and be that player from your memory?

    Next up the whataboutery. Sure there are lots of people in the game who may not be ideal characters, that's not addressing Griffiths, all that's doing is lowering the bar, not raising it.

    The idea of rehabilitation is something I don't disagree with, but Goodwillie doesn't consider himself guilty and has shown absolutely no contrition. How does rehabilitation work when the party to be rehabilitated refuses to acknowledge the impact of their actions. The whole "they should see it through to a logical conclusion and not accept a handout for financial gain to drop the case"  is concerning too, as if your personal preference somehow trumps the preferences of those actually involved in whatever action/mediation is brought.


    Just for clarity, I don't want Griffiths at the club because he's shit, first and foremost. I am 'uncomfortable' with his persona and the absolute heaps of baggage that comes with him. There is also his disciplinary problems. Long long before you want to discuss the merits of anything else, he's just not good enough, and never will be.




    Fair enough thats your opinion and I respect that, I understand why you dont want Griffiths as it is a risk.

    Whataboutery  - simply pointing out there are people with similar baggage doing very well in the leagues in both Scotland and England not lowering the bar at all just pointing out the precedences

    From a seeing it through perspective  - if you accept the money in principle you accept the position  - if you dont accept the position then just dont take the money, please read what I said ,  this was my personal view but would respect other peoples opinions.  I note your opinions , you dont want him at the club and I respect that opinion and position. 

    As an aside , who would you like to St Mirren signing for the price range we can afford.  Not many decent around 



  2. Griffiths is a natural finisher and even if only half fit would put away some of the numerous chances we create.  How many times when we played Celtic was their dread when the ball went to Griffiths in or just outside the box ....................Be honest almost all of us would have had some form of dread.

    I am not condoning what he did or even suggesting its acceptable.  However, its about on a par with  what a certain Portuguese superstar was allegedly accused of and many more top professionals in England. 

    Goodwillie's actions were horrendous but he has paid his penance (and a lot of money) and knuckled down at lower league clubs to score goals (as the only gigs he could get).  In all honesty , there are other Scottish players and managers currently involved in scottish senior football have had similar or worse accusations allegedly levelled against them that have resulted in consequences. . 

    There is a rehabilitation of offenders act in Scottish law that allows someone to get a second chance if they show willingness to change their ways.  If someone has been a legitimate grievance against the actions of another that has went to court , they should see it through to a logical conclusion and not accept a handout for financial gain to drop the case.....................its sort of defeats the principles of taking the case to court. 

    I am neither sexist or prejudiced against anyone or anything, I just believe that if you have been punished for your actions you should be continually punished for them or the situation dragged up constantly.   This is of course my personal view but appreciate and respect all other views that may differ from mine     

  3. McGrath is a really good player and I rate him highly but at the moment its about this season and climbing the league to as high a position as possible which will be a tad harder without him.  However , he would be gone in the summer for nothing so we save on his wages now and get £100K or we get nothing in the summer.  Jim has swallowed his pride and reverted to 4 at the back which has stopped us leaking goals , he is playing what is effectively a 4-3-2 -1 which in my opinion suits the players we have.   Power and Gogic as the midfield enforcers with Gogic having the better engine, Ronan floating, Kiltie or Jones or Henderson providing pace and mobility in support of Brophy .  Erahon , Tanser and Millar can cover for Power or Gogic or maybe replace Power and Ronan when their deals/loans are up and we have McCarthy , Tait and possibly Tanser as cover at the back  - Better balanced and possibility of more attacking play. 

    I am not saying that £100k is a great deal but Jim needed pace and needed someone that has experienced the SPFL and has done well before  - Wigan had that player we needed for this season and paid £100K in addition , benefit being us not having to face McGrath in a Hibs or Aberdeen jersey when we may need points from them and we know what he is capable of!!!    If Jones does well for us during his 6 months and we gain top 6 we get money from that so good business I think .  This will give Grieve time to settle in and learn in the league 

    Now we need to get rid of Main, Erwin and Dennis who to me have been a waste of money and time.  Our whole game changed with the signing of Main and we went from a passing , good to watch football team to a kick and rush team, hopefully we get back to that pleasing on the eye football team that are dangerous to play against at any time.   Defenders fear and hate pace and cant relax when its around, without pace defenders are happy to push up which pushes you back .................look at Hibs without Boyle , thats all they had and now its gone          


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