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Posts posted by Moorie

  1. 2 hours ago, Theyellowbox said:

    Must be really annoying to have folk slowly running/marching en mass through the city centre streets disrupting other events 🤔😉🤣

    I can see why Saints wouldn't agree to the switch. If it disrupts the opposition in any way, then will take any small advantages.

    Would barely be any saints fans there anyway, do not putting out many away fans, bit I'd imagine a fair portion of Rangers fans ruled out due to timings of ferries and journeys back to Inverness etc. 

    funny thing is if the got their way and had the game moved to McDiarmid they would have been demanding 3 stands 

  2. 4 hours ago, Enrico Pallazzo said:

    He's also got a bad habit of tweeting out the names of transfer targets when he's presumably attempting to search for them, in an 'Ed Balls' fashion.

    Connor Hazard and Ibane Bowat both come to mind.

    As much as it’s great having Thelin doing well. Bad side is we will miss Cormack phoning up Sportsound and ripping into the panel 

  3. 21 hours ago, Thenorthernlight said:

    The “selfies” were for the club website / Twitter account you tool 

    They do it after every win.

    And Jimmy Thelin has also made sure the players thank the fans after every win, home & away.

    Giod to see yet ANOTHER bitter wee St Mirren fan stenching the Aberdeen forum out though 😂

    Yeah the players carry their mobile phones in their socks to grab selfies with fans just incase we win 

  4. 15 hours ago, mcginns said:

    Just checking if the Dons fans have recovered after that amazing win yet. It was all happening...pitch invasion, extended scenes of celebration after the game, players taking selfies.....


    A view from the terrace needed to replace their opening credits from the Livi pitch invasion from few seasons ago. Got a new one now 

  5. 8 hours ago, Zapp Brannigan said:

    I think he can be a handy squad player. He was a useful foil for Miovski when they were paired together. Probably because Miovski's intelligence balanced Sokler's industry. To be relied on for 15-20 goals a season though? Not for me. I imagine he'll be rotated with Gueye depending on what the situation requires and as long as Nisbet stays fit 

    Sokler going to be one of those frustrating players I feel. Once he gets a goal he’ll go on a run but will dip again and go on a slum again. 

  6. 8 hours ago, Sonam said:

    Simon Murray, Yan Dhanda last season. Both class acts. Murray while not the most skillful player I saw at County, but his effort & attitude has made him one of my fav players. Absolute legend!

    Stuart Kettlewell, although he got sacked, was super nice guy too. The work he did with the County when County won the development league title in 2016–17 was superb. I felt saddened to see him hounded out. Pleased to see him do well at Motherwell now.

    Jackson Irvine!!! Alex Schalk. Ok, maybe lacking in ability, but Kenny Van derby Weg club legend! Alex Smith really nice guy, though considering the budget he had as manager obviously didn't succeed. Owen Coyle was terrible at County, but nice guy.

    Going back Johnstone Bellshaw, the super fast Chris Sommerville (a player I adored!) Scott Lemmon another sincere nice guy. Barry Wilson as well.

    On the other end of the scale, quality players but Michael Gardyne for what he did at ICT. Sadly another player I adored when younger, Billy Ferries, amazing skill yet a horrible person. I have met him, he was ok to me but heard too many shocking stories from people who worked with him over the years. Perhaps it was just a phase he was going through

    Let's forget Malky & worst of all Goodwillie. Can sort of understand why Roy hired Malky hoping he had heaps of player contacts and club would do well. Goodwillie tho...

    Lot of respect for Murray. Especially for his work of pushing sensory boxes at Scottish football grounds 

  7. 1 minute ago, johnnydun said:

    Brian Irvine.

    Came say the same. Played in a game against him through the fans v ex players through the community trust. 
    End up in town after it get speaking to him and his wife. Get the balls to ask for his shirt from the game. Says to me that he usually gives them to his daughter but he will ask her gives me his number and says call him in a few days. 
    Text him a few days later then receive a call from him speaking away like we have known each other for years. Says he’ll send me the shirt need to post an envelope  up pre paid. No issue there, but a really good bottle of red wine and send It up too. Few days later get a text thanking me for the wine and shirt is on the way. He sent me the shirt signed, his medal from the game, singed match program from the game and a letter thanking me. 
    still keep in touch 6 years later with happy birthday texts and catch up if I’m hospitality in he is doing the ambassador duties. Always brings up the bottle of red wine to this day 

  8. 2 hours ago, Watson Nimrod said:

    I think they summed it up perfectly. The club is struggling with no direction or identity and with the current trajectory are going down to L2. 

    I hear we are getting a new Head of Operations and Commercial tho, job to be advertised soon. That’s going to be a tough gig in L2. They might want to cast their eye up to Peterhead who have an amazing Operations Manager who is getting a lot of things right. Anyone who has dealt with her will tell you that. I imagine it will be one of their pals from O&G that gets it with the same inward looking mentality. 

    In other news I see Alfie Bavidge is going to play top end championship football. He was never ever coming to us for a relegation scrap. 

    Yeah totally, agreed with the full time comment with two teams full time in Aberdeen always going to be hard. 

    Bavidge needed to go a level up to see how he progress. Did league 1 with kelty last season in that league. 

    good to see the lads who are loan currently doing well with you guys. 
    I like we are giving the prospects the loans these days than the 5 minute cameo of the Bench every couple of weeks 

  9. 14 minutes ago, d31 said:

    able to share a recap?

    Spoke about how Leven has been a help to him and his staff learning how the Scottish game works

    players work hard come in on days off to go the gym

    Doesn’t like looking back always looks forward and see us a project 

    meal he could live off his spaghetti Bolognese as only thing he can make

    would love to sit down with sir Alex Ferguson as learn the history of his time at the club

    mentioned the clubs DNA a lot.


    Rob Maclean mentioned would be no talk of Duk due to legal actions 

    came across very well and seems like can have a laugh 

  10. 22 hours ago, Theyellowbox said:

    I've had to give up on sportsound. Used to just be the go to in the car to and from games, but it has become completely unlistenable now.

    Same old patter and horrific at actually covering games. Only way it can be saved is if the BBC rip it up and start again. Presenter is shockingly poor and pundits get worse each year.

    When it was at its best, it had proper sports journalists at each game covering the detail. Saturday there, Miller (utd vs Saints) had players involved in goals after they had gone off and summarised key events in the wrong order.

    Doesn't work having ex pros trying be something they are not and we don't need the manufactured arguments.

    It’s not like going out with the brother and law for drinks but he’s invited all his mates along you are sat there listening in to the conversations and inside jokes being told and have no idea what’s happening  

  11. 11 hours ago, Richey Edwards said:

    Will be some laugh when it's a new "Best Of" being announced instead of a reunion. 

    30 year anniversary of definitely maybe album special will be a few days early to build up hype for the release day. Plus today being a English bank holiday 

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