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Posts posted by QoS99

  1. 14 minutes ago, Monkey Tennis said:

    Yes, it was fairly impressive overall.  We were the better side, but I can see our failure to win in 90 minutes costing us in the competition.  

    We looked pretty good going forward, but defending was too passive at times, which was particularly evident in St Johnstone's first goal.

    Encouraging for the season ahead though.  I'm hoping we can be entertaining.

    Thought we were too soft in the middle of the park, which changed a bit when Wilson came on 

  2. Just now, RandomGuy. said:

    This will sound sarcastic, but thanks for this feedback. Its good to hear hes not completely out of options and going South always felt like a chance he deserved. Im still hoping he gets a good move.

    It’s not sarcastic at all. In the bar below the old stand at Palmerston, they were in the away end today. Said there was talk about Stoke but they aren’t sure where he’ll end up

  3. 29 minutes ago, Mr November said:

    I did notice that yesterday, very similar, even down to Queens playing building a squad for and playing a back three which doesn’t seem to suit the players that well. 

    I said a month or so ago I thought that’s the formation we would use this season, with others thinking we would favour 4 at the back. With the amount of defenders we have I think that’s the way Wullie wants to play

  4. I couldn’t go yesterday, but what I thought about the squad before the game is what others are seeming to say after that performance. Always thought our team was too inexperienced and too nice, I think we desperately needed that experienced centre half, which won’t happen now.

    Also thought we needed a more physical presence in the centre of the park, similar to Wilson. Still think we need another winger with pace and another option upfront, as well as another centre midfielder and I think that could be us done. Hopefully another few additions before the league campaigns start.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Rjc-1988 said:

    A much better than anticipated crowd rewarded with a truly awful performance. All the problems from last season there again in abundance - gutless and lost when up against a committed physical outfit, shambolic defending, no cutting edge when going forward.

    A few huge lessons to surely be learned from this :-

    — ditch back 3 immediately.The CBs have to compete for the two spots no point in trying to shoehorn them into the side 

    - Willie has to play (clearly our best player)on that evidence he could play at RB, central midfield or wide in a midfield 4 on either side. Take your pick but we cannot afford to leave our best and most influential player standing duplicating what Grant Murray is doing on the sidelines

    - Goalkeeper looks a problem position already. Only hope that is a one off but I am not so sure. Cowie needs to be on standby unless they sign somebody else. 

    - Players like Murray, Cochrane ,McKechnie and dare I say Connelly are so easily brushed off the ball. We surely can’t keep picking so many players who just don’t deliver “in the heat of battle”

    A FT side losing 3 goals at home to League 2 opposition sets off huge alarm bells. We need to take that performance as a big wake up call or face another fight at the foot of the table. Not good either that 4 key players return from close season not fit to play.





    I was working, never made today, what was the crowd?

  6. 34 minutes ago, queenslad said:

    That's what I thought. Trying to get into Hampden and wouldn't work on my phone. Sent to a supervisor who had a hand held device and still wouldn't work. Got sent to the ticket office next south stand where I had to queue with others who had problems. They tried it again, didn't work before doing some security checks and issuing me a paper ticket which I had to go back and use which worked. All in all took about 30 extra mins. Must have been about another 40-50 people I saw with similar entry problems

    I’ve been to every Scotland game since they were issued and every single time me or someone I’m with hasn’t got in, they are a nightmare.

  7. 25 minutes ago, baillieinleeds said:

    Cove to finish bottom, yea right. They have shit tons of cash to spend. They’ll be mid table or could finish fourth. 

    They haven’t signed anyone of note (I think) and are remaining part time. I think any of the bottom three I have could be shifted around to finish bottom. But still expect them to struggle a lot more than Queens Park

  8. 44 minutes ago, KD1711 said:

    Max Currie is more scared of crosses than Dracula and cost us at key moments throughout the season, the play offs especially.


    Rico Quitongo is also shite. That was my point. I would much rather have Bannantyne and Josh Rae than Currie and Quitongo.

    Yeah I’m not disagreeing with that. My point was the core of your squad was deemed not good enough for us, but a player can clearly be rated differently by two different fan bases (Paul McKay).

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