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Posts posted by QoS99

  1. 1 hour ago, FFC 1876 said:

    Weclome back, How was Ruari Paton and Nditi for you lot last season? We were rumoured to be signing Paton last summer and Nditi looked like a decent option when he was at Forfar.

    Paton will be a big player for us next year, he’s only young and the jump from League 2 to Championship might have been a bit big if we were to rely on him as a regular starter. He’s looked good in spells and clearly has a bit about him. Nditi was our best player early on in season and looked very good, but our manager moving him from position to position drained his confidence and he was never the same player. He was a total bombscare at the end of the season, but I still wish we kept him for this season but Gibson clearly doesn’t fancy him.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Diamond Oracle said:

    I wouldn’t say our fan base disliked him. He was solid enough and reasonably versatile, he just want really a stand out.

    Any bad feeling that did exist probably was more to do with the ties with his dad Willie McKay at the time.

    Unsurprised to see that Ally Roy didn’t fare well. One of the most frustrating players I’ve ever watched play for Airdrie - an utter shitebag.

    Jumping out a challenge at Killie away which led to a goal earlier this season sums him up. A heart the size of a pea.

  3. 9 minutes ago, Diamond Oracle said:

    Did Paul McKay sign a two year deal with you last season, or has he signed on again for another year?

    How has he been for you? Was really surprised to see him make the step up last season.

    He signed a new deal at the end of last season when injured. He’s been good, always a 7/10 for us playing centre half, noticed a difference when injury ruled him out to our defence. Struggle to see why your fan base seem to dislike him so much. Ally Roy on the other hand, I completely understand!

  4. 1 hour ago, madton said:

    What's Darragh O'Connor like? Local paper saying he is set to sign for Morton today.



    Gutted if this happens. He was terrible the first few games but he’d arrived at us after just recovering from an injury which kept him out a few months. After the first few games he was brilliant for us, no disrespect intended but thought he would have got a better deal than Morton 

  5. 4 hours ago, Monkey Tennis said:

    Being unconvinced is harsh?

    Wouldn't being convinced instead be a bit premature?

    I never said I was convinced, but I’m not ruling him out becoming a manager like you inferred. I do think the way he is as a captain shouldn’t reflect his managerial abilities, plenty of previous players you could use as an example for this. 

  6. 9 minutes ago, Monkey Tennis said:

    I'm also unconvinced about his leadership to be honest.  As captain, he used to sometimes show frustration with lesser mortals.  His main attribute in that regard was probably to lead by example.  He was never really a tub thumper though.  

    There are exceptions of course, but it's often the case that the most gifted players don't make great coaches because they've never needed to devote as much thought to the game as others.   

    I'm quite possibly havering and he'd be magnificent of course.  I'm not convinced he'll make a manager though.

    His under 18 team he’s managing are meant to play really good football and have been in 3 cup finals this year. Granted, don’t know the squad he has in comparison to the league, but think it’s a bit harsh to be unconvinced if he could make a manager yet. He’s doing all the right things to be ready when that time comes.

  7. Is it just me that’s a bit disappointed the tanner fund is being used to get three youngsters to train with us full time? In my opinion that’s something that the club should be paying for anyway in order to promote local players. I thought the purpose of the fund was to help us add to something which wouldn’t be possible under normal circumstances (meaning offering better wages for first team players). Don’t know if I’m being overly critical but I’ve always thought this since this idea was originally suggested.

  8. 17 minutes ago, Slipmat said:

    Current contracts expire on 31 May as far as I know.  If there's no news by then I guess the four who've yet to re-sign won't be doing so unless we go back to them with much improved deals to those that they have already been offered, which, judging by the Josh Rae case, I doubt they would get.   It will be a true indication of the ambition of the BOD if all four were to walk given that we supposedly have money sitting doing nothing in the bank.

    I think we did give Josh Rae a good deal, he’s just obviously going to get better elsewhere after the season he’s had. I’m very critical of the BoD but completely disagree here. If Connelly for example gets an offer from a Play off chasing team in the Championship  he’s not going to stay here even if it is the same wages.

    And think the money we have “sitting in the bank” is drastically overstated. We need a new pitch which is going to cut a huge chunk of that and are expecting a heavy loss, we can’t afford to be offering stupid wages to try and compete unfortunately.

  9. 2 minutes ago, cb_diamond said:

    You don't need to cry little guy. It's ok, I get it you're one of those stalkers that doesn't like being called a stalker. I'll help you out....


     ...you're not a stalker...

    Marvel Studios Reaction GIF by Disney+

    Your team are playing and you are on here, watch the game or go to the pub or something. Strange guy.

  10. 1 minute ago, cb_diamond said:

    You literally posted before half time, which implies you were pishing your y fronts with anticipation. Utter stalker behaviour. 😂

    If I was you, I'd be more embarrassed about the tie being done and getting pumped at home off a team who are part time. So what minute did you leave the game in today then?

  11. 3 minutes ago, cb_diamond said:

    God bless the fact you not only remembered but planned in advance to put up a wee post. That's actually creepy AF, but I'm flattered I made such an impression.

    Nah mate, have more than two brain cells so I can remember a simple conversation quite easily. Another season in the Seaside Leagues, while longer to make "Airdrie great again" then hahahahahaha

  12. On 09/04/2022 at 12:00, cb_diamond said:

    Unbeaten in the league since last year sweetheart 😘

    Turns out this picture that was trotted out in July isn't the cowardly lion celebrating his hat trick, he was merely foreshadowing which tier both he and yourself would be plying your trade in next season 😂


    Alright mate, just checking up on you to see how you're getting on?

  13. 47 minutes ago, 19QOS19 said:

    Not arsed about the ones leaving other than Dunn. Quite gutted he hasn't been kept on as I thought he'd looked handy.

    Nditi was probably more shit than good when you look overall so I'm not going to lose sleep over him going but do think there's a player in there.

    The most concerning thing for me is no mention of Joseph on that list.

    Don’t think I can handle another season of watching Joseph try and kick a ball

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