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Posts posted by Baghdad_QoS

  1. 19 hours ago, Homer Thompson said:

    Didn't the Tanner Fund fold? 

    With the Chairman busy with other things and the rest of the committee gone, is there really a Tanner Fund left? 

    I guess someone else with more time on their hands and less other commitments could ressurect it. Might even get some kind of representation on the board. 

    Just never know whats been discussed since Jim's update, opening the door for discussions. As Palmy Pie says, with the new boards completely different angle towards a fund like the TF, it could certainly dwarf the funds the TF pulled in for sure. 

  2. 28 minutes ago, Otis Blue said:

    Watching the squads assemble its going to be interesting to compare the level of players being recruited by the FT clubs (ICT, Cove and ourselves I think).  This will give an indication of the sorts of budgets each has and of course at the moment no one knows what will transpire at ICT once the chaos eventually settles down.  Of the three, I still expect Queens to be at the lower end of that particular market.

    Of the PT sides, I'm expecting Arbroath, Alloa and Montrose to be the strongest - and I wouldn't be surprised to see Arbroath challenging for the title.

    As always, the key for Murphy will be ... can he spot a player within a limited market, how good are his contacts, does he have a clear vision of the make-up of his ideal team, can he use the loan market well and can he build and motivate a cohesive team unit.  Gonna be an interesting month ahead.

    Without 'presuming', I think that (or would expect) his scouting/network will be Northern English based, so will be interesting to see who he can bring in, especially if we continue then to train at Hamilton. He seems to have got stuck straight in with no farting about which is great news so will be an interesting few weeks now that players will be returning from Holidays etc and being offered terms.

  3. 54 minutes ago, 19QOS19 said:

    Aye pretty shitty from Bartley. If he had given Kennedy more games after that I could maybe have seen his point, but he clearly had no intention of playing the boy. 

    As I say, I'm glad he's looking for a career outside football as he's supposed to be a very intelligent boy. I seen him play loads and don't think he would have made it at this level tbh. 

    Yep I'm pretty sure the holiday was booked before anything and I'm led to believe that Bartley didn't even know Finlay was still aligned to the Youths as such.

    I wonder if this is there the Hybrid side of things could come in with the lads like Finlay being given part time contracts, enabling them to continue with either studies or jobs whilst backing up the core 17-20 first team players.  Genuinely not sure how hybrid works/could work with the training etc but would certainly enable the youths to have an income and football and still have that pathway to excel.  

  4. Thought that was a great update from JM, it was certainly a much needed post and great to stir the passion up whilst addressing some much needed areas for 'refurb' in the stadium.  Going to be an interesting month ahead and looking forward to the updates as Peter gets players lined up to add to the squad.  Good to see the restricted numbers, enforcing the use of youth


  5. 7 minutes ago, Homer Thompson said:

    Well, I guess one person knows. 

    Maybe more than one 🤔

    meee 😇 - we have chatted on that before and @Mon_The_South can haud his wheesht. Its all for the love of queens....

    4 minutes ago, Brother Grimm said:

    There's plenty rumours flying around about why the TF folded. 

    oh? Love a good rumour 😆

  6. 3 hours ago, Homer Thompson said:

    Wouldn't there be the risk of a conflict of interest too, between the Town and the club I mean? 

    Only if there was an application for a project/funding etc. Usual voting etiquette would mean anyone from any business/interest with a registered conflict would be excluded from the vote and discussions.

    UKGov does actually highlight a Football Club Director as being an ideal candidate for Member or Chair of the board. 

    (and on a humorous note... I've only got £20m to spend... would take a hell of a lot more to fix poor Palmy! 🙂 )

  7. 15 hours ago, Homer Thompson said:

    Thanks for clearing that up. 

    So, looks like MTS was mistaken. The chairman of the Tanner Fund wasn't expecting an invite to the Queens board and, looks like, would have turned it down anyway. 

    It would also appear that the Tanner Fund folding wasn't really related to the club either. It folded because the chairman left and he left for other reasons. 

    As I say, 'primarily' - and that's my official statement bar wishing Mr McLinden well

  8. 1 hour ago, Homer Thompson said:

    Sorry, just want to make sure I'm clear, are you saying the Chairman of the Tanner Fund resigned because he thought he was going to be on the new board but then wasn't asked? 

    Sounds odd. Strange he wouldn't just go back to the Tanner Fund. 

    I'm sure he posts on here as @Baghdad_QoS   maybe he can clear things up

    Hi Guys - I had to step back due to the focus on Town Board work primarily.....That's the only board for me 😇

  9. 4 minutes ago, Mon_The_South said:

    Everything and I mean everything depends on the club getting the board situation sorted out.... 

    Over maybe the last 5 years you will see a steady decline in the gate numbers, not obviously counting the pandemic season. A lot (granted not all) of the decline in numbers seem to have been in dispute with the transparency of the board and that divide between board and terrace, therefore it is IMPERATIVE that Mr McLinden (who is obviously going to be the new chairman) gets his board absolutely spot on and ensures the fans feel welcome.  If the fans are welcomed and feel involved then they will turn up at the gate..... If the fans turn up at the gate... then the finances are there.  If we even get back to an average gate of 15/1600 this will add circa £130k back into the coffers which is a huge difference in wages.  Lets forget any other business plan.... focus on how do we get the fans back Mr Chairman...

    • Local Businessmen involved
    • Fans listened to and involved
    • Palmerston Upgrade Strategy (and I am not just talking new stand)
      • Remedial Action to stop Main Stand being condemned (which is close I believe)
      • Toilets sorted before being condemned
      • Terrace Kitchen sorted as the mould and damp in there now would not pass an HSE assessment for food storage. Spores are dangerous...🤔
      • Cleanliness of stadium in General
      • Lick of paint and general spruce up
    • Stop refusing to speak to Solway Sharks and embrace the potential partnership for what it can deliver

    Get the board wrong (of which sadly I am on that trajectory line), fans will not return and will only mean a guaranteed return to PT, more losses and (the very worst case) us going quickly into the red, with Save our South buckets being hunted out again. 

    I don't know where I stand with my thoughts on PT.  Is the club staying FT actually hampering us? If we are paying so bad a wage that we can't even compete with the PT wages, then we are on a hiding to nothing.  If we kept the budget where it is and continued to train in Glasgow we surely then should go from terrible fulltime payers to a decent part time payer.  My biggest wish is always for more training at Palmerston however if we went PT I don't expect this would be achievable.... Tues/Thurs Training wouldn't finish until 9ish and for those players not local, it would take them a couple of hours to get home at least be it Central Belt of NE/NW England.... 

    Some HUGE decisions by those in power, but hopefully these next 2 weeks we will see some news and direction

    👏👏👏 - 100% agree with this... Would obviously love to see the club remain Fulltime, however it very well may be hampering us if the budget is so low... however as stated elsewhere, if the budget is so bad, don't sign 30 players, and surely that will increase quality over quantity.... surely my maths isn't that bad.  Big decisions coming up this next week or two you would think...

  10. 1 hour ago, Mon_The_South said:

    Certainly going to be an interesting close season..... 

    I hope that the rumours aren't correct in that the board won't change much more and in effect JM is just a replacement for the departing MB. We need new life breathed in from top to bottom so the manager stands a change.  With such a disconnect from Boardroom to Terrace and disharmony the pressure on immediate results of the new manager are key... when you have a happy fan base that feel wanted... you can get away with things a bit longer.

    If you had asked me after the AGM what I would want for this coming season... It would easily have been a new localised board, possibly Murphy as manager (personally think he's done well keeping Annan in League 1 with a hell of a less budget than us and understands youths), Del Lyle Assistant (heard he'd be open to return to us... and good for Fan connection).  Board can instigate no more than 17 senior players to be signed, then we rely on Reserve and what would have been the Tanner Fund for back up... Sadly, whatever has happened with the Tanner has happened and now just relying on the wish of local based businessmen joining the board... which is diminishing... I did hope that when I saw a certain local businessman stand away from the Tanner, that there was a move to the board for him... we shall see? however I don't think thats the case as they wouldn't have folded the fund completely 😞 




  11. On 06/03/2024 at 17:53, QoS99 said:

    In my opinion, I don’t think Bartley will be here next season. It’s the biggest open goal the BoD have in terms of getting fans on side right away. 

    I wonder if there is a clause in his contract stating that any change of baord would then trigger a discussion/open a gateway for a mutual termination of MB's contract?

  12. Every game I genuinely get more worried about the club. The heart for today was hoping for a decent performance at least and at the push get a point.  The key is the 'perfomance'. Sadly both were missing and thats what stops those 'will I go or won't I'' fans from going to Palmerston. When the attendances drop the future is a muddy path to manipulate as we must be now losing  a fortune in gate receipts.  The stadium is degrading week by week, the fans are dwindling week by week and that from a business point of view is gravely concerning for the budget for next season for the inevitble rebuild (again). 

    Toying with a play off place, MB's ability to talk with a sprinkling of an away win is obviously keeping the board's belief in him but I fully believe that we have missed a trick by not bringing in a fresh management team for the turn of the year to push for the 4th spot.  Most fans are now just looking at their watches asking if its the end of the season yet, and more and more can't be bothered to physically attend the games.  This in itself has a massive knock on for next year and it is only up to the board now to stand up and do something to keep the fans from disappearing. Now what 'that' is, I don't know? being visable? communicating? tidying up the stadium? Now as much as these are not influential on the pitch, it goes somewhat to to bridging the gap between Boardroom and Terrace which at the moment is non existant.  This is where we are badly missing an SLO side to things but that in itself highlights the relationshop in that no one wants to take the position up, again due to the clubs unablity to constructively engage with the old SLO crew.  Talking communications, the lynchpin for me is Danny Armstrong and he seems also to be getting more of a say in how things are working on the commercial side which is good to say.  I feel that it is a matter of time before he gets an official board room position which is nothing more than deserved.  Sadly one man can't tie everything in together, not for the lack of effort as he literally is involved all over the place.

    Sort the stadium out
    Sort the communications out (and proactively work with an SLO, don't just make it an appointment without a voice)
    Train more at Palmerston

  13. Certainly an interesting one with Kilsby.  I think he will be a decent player, however does it possibly say more on MB's thoughts going forward and the formation he's played recently with wingbacks and diamond midfield... my thoughts straight away would be his comments "Max is young but highly rated and has been impressive at BOTH ends of the park" - Is Church's injury longer than thought, does it question Gibbo's starting place? Is he ANOTHER squad player for an already bloated squad? yet another formation? Do we need more seats installed for the bench? Whats the update with Reegan? I know there was a push for a midfield, but I think with the formation we are ok in there... pending injuries

    McKay/Kennedy/Mimnaugh/Johnston/Cochrane/Ferguson/Todd and then Connolly at the tip of diamond with Gibbo/Kilsby and Logan/McGuffie WB's. That Midfield 'should' be absolutely fine for a very decent L1 team... 


  14. On 23/01/2024 at 07:50, Slipmat said:

    With the same team, under the same manager, but playing entertaining, attack minded, almost unpredictable football would draw me back to Palmerston in no time.  Bartley though, like many managers these days, seems to be hellbent on coaching anything resembling creativity or doing the unexpected out of the team and it's sapping the enjoyment of watching them out of me.

    I'd agree with you.  He seems to forget what level of league we currently find ourselves in.. So much negativity and build up being implemented that those with the attacking flair are restricted... which then further restricts our attacking front line.... We desperately need that League 1 midfielder who can boss the midfield and another Centre Half.... Play to the players strengths and not what we have been doing and I'd be confident squaring up to any club in the league.

    The frustrating side is that when we do play those better teams, we do ok... and i don't believe its a case of the team 'upping their game' either... genuinely think that the team can technically play a good level of football... but just can't play L1 football and where the big centre mid is needed to get stuck in.

    With attacking football on the menu I even think Hutchinson, purely on watching his youtube videos... would actually be the player MB thought he was signing - but played in a front 2 beside Gav

    For me... the only way I think we are going to get that boost of points to get into 4th is a new manager bounce....and that aint going to happen.. 

    Another thing that has been mentioned in the past threads (and not football related but i feel relevant) is the Solway Sharks.  Last season they were a volunteer led, amateur team punching quietly well above their station ... Upon promotion to National Leagues they have gone on one hell of a journey with new owners and some impressive behind the scenes work... and are again punching their way through some huge UK teams.  Now yes this is Ice Hockey.... but they now are nearly matching our crowds and quite rightly so... I full imagine alot of fans may be swayed to go there instead of Palmy and for obvious financials may have that choice to go to one or the other..... I also know that the owner would love to work on promotions with Queens, be it discounts for hockey fans with a queens ticket or vice versa......  I think it would be a great partnership for the town and enticing those weekend ice hockey fans visiting dumfries to the game would prove fruitful... (all in my own opinion obviously)


  15. On 14/01/2024 at 16:47, QoS99 said:

    I’ve never understood the last few seasons recruitment with squads of 25+, I think it makes a lot more sense to run with a much smaller squad of 16/17 senior players (like Morton do) and the rest from our academy. That is surely a better way to manage our finances so we are in the market for a better player. Having said that, with this seasons injuries we would have struggled for a full squad most weeks.

    Absolutely the model that should have been adopted.  I genuinely thought that this was also in both WG and MB's pushes when they came on board.  Yes when you see the injuries we would have struggled, but there is nothing to say this would have been the same.  Smaller squad and a hybrid Full Time/Part Time one at that, subsidised by Youth/Reserve would have eased significant financial pressures.... and even if we had to play more reserves due to injury the pressure on the Manager lessens as expectation of those youth replacement is understood by the fans.... and maybe just maybe they would surprise as the incentive is there for them to perform.

    I will always be an advocate to train more in Dumfries for identity but also aligned to a hybrid part time model, it would allow us to tap into the English market for part time players also..... not saying english part time players are better than Scottish... however the market is considerably bigger (if scouting is done correctly which with MB's supposed contacts it should be)

    Putting my tuppence worth in in regard to transfers, I don't think the club don't have the money to spend, I think they don't trust MB to spend wisely, so have told him he needs to utilise the existing budget... Bizarrely enough we are very much still in with a shout of the play offs but something needs to be injected into the squad to push us over the line. Anyones guess where that comes from though.  Anything but 4th is a failure.


  16. Outstanding result and what we have been waiting on... but what changed? I wasn't there to comment on tactics/formation but it seems there was a change away from the way MB historically this season has had us playing?  Am i being too cynical? I think there has been alot of discussions with the BoD this week, even with training in Palmy, and I'm convinced that after that result, a change in tactic was 'advised' (without coffee).  That in itself is a worry if true but hey ho.... a few more than winable games coming up now and more of the same please.....

    My views on the manager remain the same, but league safety is the priority for now so focus on that 

  17. I would genuinely like to see a club training in Dumfries operating with a Hybrid model enabling us to tap back into the NE/NW markets.

    Much more to be sorted within this though, for example a remapped grass roots system with the club launching teams from u8's upwards... which is where the fulltime players tie in with coaching the youngsters as part of their employment.

  18. 40 minutes ago, DoonhamerDon said:

    Remarkable that Bartley seems to have survived (for another week at least) such a run.

    4pts from 33 in the league. 

    Just checked our other recent sackings and all were on "not as bad" a run. Johnston, Naysmith, Fowler and MacPherson all had at least 8 points from their last 11 games. Gibson had 15 (and 18 from 12)

    Not suggesting those sackings were wrong at all but just staggered that BoD can allow this to continue.

    What is keeping him in post? It has to be cost/lack of alternative? 


    I am hoping (and praying now) that there is a clause in his contract that he gets an untouchable year.... which gives us the first week in January before he can be punted.... The board will be scathing with results and very much doubt they will be happy so fully expect this has been a stinker of a binding contract......

  19. This is a funny one for me in line with the players.  I don't disagree that we have signed some stinkers.... however I genuinely believe we have enough ability to actually do well enough in the league IF the psychological side is sorted out.  MB i'm afraid cannot spell man management if it came and spanked him in the arse and that is what the issue is.

    Train Train Train... Fails to execute  Train Train Train... Fails to execute.... Train Train Train... Fails again to execute - To any man and his dog, that screams out that either the players have no faith at all in what he wants to achieve... or that they genuinely don't understand what he wants them to achieve.  This is then followed by a public flogging of the players and those players then slip further into the 'WTF' category and their ability subsequently falls further down the line.

    Before Efe's public flogging he was decent enough, he was MoM probably more than any other player albeit not a stand out.  When you take the confidence out of the player, then simple tasks, knowing the end game is a possible public flogging... ends up in a complete shambles performance wise and this is where we are at.  Take the lowest common demoninator out of the equation and we have a chance to turn it around. 

    We don't need the most tactically aligned manager at this stage, but we need a people person that had the ability to get players on the pitch  believing that they can beat anyone..... He'd never come back but as a Man Manager, Naysmith for me is that type of manager that can unit a dressing room.


  20. 12 hours ago, Slipmat said:

    Totally agree with you regarding experience, or the lack of to be more accurate.

    Bartley has, as he put it, gone for a (very) young squad "by design" and filled the team with players with next to no first team experience whatsoever.  Ambrose, McKay, Cochrane, McGuffie, Todd and Reilly are the only players at the club who have played more than 75 league games throughout their entire careers (if my calculations are correct).  Signing a gang of 18 and 19 year olds from youth football and expecting them to out-think and outplay guys like Tidser, O'Ware and Jason Thomson, the latter who has been playing for longer than many of our players have been alive, is wishful thinking at best. 

    The manager comes across in interviews as a hardline taskmaster who won't stand for any shirking or nonsense yet seems to have created a team that is somewhat indisciplined, to put it kindly.  Witness McClelland's card collection or the 4 yellow cards issued in injury time against Hamilton.  Again, a lack of experience all round.

    I'll concede we have been hit badly with injuries (though most have been picked up in training), but Bartley has by and large stuck with the same formation in every game and same style of play* - and we have yet to keep a clean sheet in any game.  Is he unable or unwilling to change his thinking - maybe a degree stubbornness creeping in?  Rather than experiment with, say, Logan as a left-back or Gibson a LWB, or freezing Houston out for a month, should he not be choosing a system which is suited to the players he has available rather than fitting whoever is available into his chosen formation?  Or varying the formation depending on results and opponents?  A central midfield today of Cochrane, Johnstone & Ferguson was bizarre to say the least.

    * albeit with much more negative approach against Falkirk and Hamilton.

    Great post and completely agree.

    What we are seeing (in my eyes) is a hard task master that stands for no nonsense.... however with such a young squad, its not working.  Training regime is causing issues and injuries to those older players that we need all cumulating in where we are now.

    We (MB) need to remember that we are in Scottish L1 and not La Ligue1... fancy formations, playing out from the back, genenpressing, Tika-Taka'ing.... not working... lets get back to a 442, give our attackers service from the wings (and not upfront on his own) and play no nonsense, simple footballl.... I'm happy to give him the benefit of the doubt as give him his dues he's not had his starting 11 fit to chose from.... however his regime needs to change before losing the changing room...

    and to add, being on a contract until next year I very much the board would get rid anyways......

  21. As I said before the sacking, the board were in a no win situation here, and reading the comments cements this.

    If results had us sat at the top of the table it would have been a huge ask but aggravated racism at anytime, not just football isn't tolerated.  Yes he hasn't had his trial yet, however we all know this mud sticks guilty or not guilty.  The club, results focused or not, have to think in the best interests here and with an important window coming up, would a) clubs set for loaning to us or b) players themselves engage with a club in the midst of this trial coming up?

    I am completely gutted for WG to be losing his job as he is a true Queens fan but as a 'business' you cannot blame the board 

  22. I genuinely believe the BoD will be in a complete quandary as in what to do.  They sack him now and they will be accused of shooting before being found guilty/not guilty or they hang in there and have to go through the heightened press activity this will bring knocking at the door.

    As to what's going on, on the pitch I'm afraid there isn't much that can't be placed at Wullies door.  My most frustrating issue is that he promised not to spend cash on an inflated squad, looking for quality over quantity...  The defence, I feel would sort itself out if they had any faith in a keeper behind them of which I am fully convinced.  


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