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Dr. Amp

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Posts posted by Dr. Amp

  1. 2 hours ago, Firefoxer said:

    People need to educate themselves here and understand properly the context of this whole situation. 
    Several points .

    The last thing Putin is, is crazy or dumb. He is a master strategist and must be taken very seriously.

    Over 14000 people have been killed in eastern Ukraine,  the vast majority have been ethnic Russians,  who have been bombed by the Ukrainians and terrorised by the local Nazi azov battalion.  The American puppet Ukrainian president has allowed this even actively trying to put in place one of the leader of the azov battalion as a defence minister.  Said individual as it happens leaded a group who burned down a union hall in eastern Ukraine full of ethnic Russians killing many.

    The Ukraine have went against both Minsk agreements one where they would remain neutral and not allow NATO and its weapons and military to push onto Russian border and threaten Russian national security and secondly where they would agree to ceasing military action against ethnic Russians and allow them to vote on having greater autonomy.

    The Americans have been funding the Ukrainians and azov battalion after they instigated a coup in 2014 to oust the pro Russian president .

    Any Russian leader or any world leader of a powerful nation would need to act in such conditions as unfortunate as such action will be , NATO after all were founded as a anti Russian alliance .For years this has been building up against the Russian federation.

    Btw the current Ukrainian president imprisoned opposition political leader and opposition  newspaper editors.

    America would retaliate even harsher if for example China Russia and India infiltrated Mexico to establish military presence,  trained its army,  supplied weapons and pointed missiles that could reach American cities.

    Ukraine has a large percentage of population ethnic Russians,  large population speak Russian,  they should be forging close ties with Russia as Slavic brothers not allowing themselves to be corrupt puppets of the west in particular America.

    Of course the vast majority of the population like with covid are brainwashed into believing what the media want them to believe rather than take time to do own rather basic research. 

    What's your view on the role RNU and, particularly, Girkin played in setting the context for current events? I assume even rather basic research will have given you some insights. 


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