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Nearly Sane

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Posts posted by Nearly Sane

  1. 2 hours ago, PedroMoutinho said:

    I get the impression the club are almost trying to quietly wind down the youth set up. 

    No permanent head of youth, a team being closed, youth scouts all resigning, no pathway to the first team, promising youngsters having to go elsewhere.

    Seems to have been a bit chaotic since Jamie Swinney was put in charge of it.

    I get the impression you are entirely correct!

  2. 2 hours ago, PedroMoutinho said:

    To me he needs to focus on one role or the other. A CEO shouldn’t be involved in the minutiae of youth development- apparently he’s even been coaching.

    His whole background is in youth development so I’m not surprised he’s trying to get involved in that. It was always going to be very difficult for him to effectively replace Kieran’s commercial role with no sales experience.

    I would guess he secretly wanted Holts job and is on his way to getting it.

  3. 2 hours ago, latapythelegend said:

    Tbh it's a big role for Swinney. He was a school sports co-ordinator before the FV Academy role and then chief executive at Stenny where they have excellent community interaction which is where his strengths quite clearly were. On the footballing side Stenny bounce between League 1 and 2 without much expectation so he wouldn't have faced the pressures he does here .

    It's a big job for him to turn things around and he is one of the few at the top table who have bridged between the previous board and current one. He is in a very difficult and probably very  uncomfortable role but the jury is still out on whether or not he is the guy for it.

    Stenny bounced straight down to League 2 and were second bottom when he left.

    So basically, like Holt, he's not qualified for the job? Well played the old Board.

  4. 3 hours ago, Shadwell Dog said:

    So less than 30k . We'd need what 15 players minimum at least. A mixture of your 3 under 18s and some experience. I presume they are all expected to play for nothing?  First team squad will be tight this season so can't see many of them being involved.  Coaches I presume would want expenses at least but wouldnt have salaries.  All seems quite cheap if we can get a proper b team together for that kind of money.  Plus the it's a recurring cost not just a one off like Griffiths and that money was given to the club on the condition it would be spent on signing a first team player.

    A B Team combining a mixture of first team players who need game time/recovering from injury, limited number of promising young players on pro contracts who are on the verge of first team squad (it'll be league 1 after all!), promising young players on amateur contracts/looking to earn contracts, trialists and U18s promoted on a game by game basis. Coaches could be senior first team players doing their badges (common practice at other clubs). I believe the old FV Academy used to part fund young players wages through apprenticeship schemes. Add in sponsors and if need be fundraising - where there's a will...............

  5. 1 minute ago, Springfield said:

    With all respect and after five plus months in charge are the board still uncovering “new issues” by the day ? 

    Some folk are in complete denial and fall for that excuse. While ignoring the mistakes or poor decisions that continue to be made - whether with the best of intentions or not.,

  6. 9 minutes ago, Shadwell Dog said:

    You'll struggle to find anyone on here that thinks that closing the academy wasnt a dreadful idea and that doesn't want a proper academy back at the club but it has to be done at the right time.  Spending money on a b team won't sell season tickets I'm afraid and short termism as it may be we can't really look any further ahead than putting everything into getting out of this league.  There's also no point in putting under 18s into a first team full of absolute shitebags like our first 11.  They need an environment where they can play alongside players they can look up to and rely upon. 

    It's not exactly a surprise to some of us to find out that decisions are changing on various things considering the fact that the bod are uncovering new issues at the club by the day. If we can't afford a b team just now then unfortunately we just need to wait till we can afford it it's as simple as that. If the previous incumbents hadn't signed a pile of dross and pissed the clubs cash reserves down the drain on all sorts of stuff we probably could've afforded a b team.

    How much would a B Team cost?

  7. 19 minutes ago, Brockvillenomore said:

    🎣 😂 You’re a newbie targeting one subject. - Didn't realise that wasn't allowed - apologies if that offends you


    Youth development is all about opinions and how or when they mature. - correct. So why is the "opinion" of one person who is leaving the club, having failed, being allowed to decide the future of young players at the club - contradictory to many other qualified peoples opinion? It's symptomatic of the poor decision-making that has ruined the club being demonstrated again. But you would have us believe this type of incompetence/poor practice has been eradicated.

    But,  there is none of this reality or even nuance in your posts, only criticism driven from a narrow / selective perspective. - I'll review your posts to find an example of the nuance you refer to and ensure to include it future posts. That you've even written that shows a distasteful level of arrogance and perceived superiority - hilarious.

    The very definition of self interest. - How? By advocating for young players to be given a chance? How is that self interest?

    I’m a member of FSS and see that as a catalyst for change. - not everyone agrees and doesn't need to be part of this group to have a valid opinion or contribution.

    But ten years of rack and ruin isn’t fixed overnight. - agreed so why continue to allow mistakes to be made in the short term that will affect the long term. Best get it right now, no?

    If the club can't afford youth development then show good leadership and finish it in a professional and proper way. Then share a vision/plan for restarting an Academy (or not as the case may be) and what the milestones are for triggering actions (promotion, sponsors, investment etc). Instead, in the last two months we've had accusations of "rogue" employees, youth staff resigning en masse, teams being disbanded, inaccurate figures being thrown about to justify decisions, young players who'd been at the club for a year released by telephone and Martin Rennie deciding the future of youth players after he'd announced he was leaving the club. Does that sound like change to you?

    Perhaps the above paragraph contains too much criticism, self interest and not enough nuance for you?


  8. 14 minutes ago, FFC 1876 said:

    I've got to agree with Shadders on this one if they're not good enough to be on the park or don't have the potential to break into the team there's no point them being 'involved'

    Just ask Ben Weekes, Mackenzie Lemon, Johnny Armstrong and Cammy Williamson how good it has been being 'involved' this year. Obviously you need a first team manager bold enough to trust putting them in the team but if they aren't up to it we're not only wasting our money we're wasting their time. 

    With us not having a B team at the moment then it's going to be incredibly difficult to bleed players straight from the u18's into the first team.

    Agreed. Which is why we need to be making the correct decisions about youth development now. U20's or B Team had been started and it involved the players you mention above. Now we're told it's not affordable.

  9. On 22/04/2022 at 19:21, Brockvillenomore said:

    You do know if you have inside information and you’re ‘articulating” it here you’re part of that problem. You yourself are damaging  the reputation of the club mate. Also your information, if correct’ is post IF leaving. Have you been overlooked by the club for a different role and you’re acting out here? 

    Haha nice try. Come in and sit in the stands during a youth game and listen to the chat amongst parents. No insider knowledge needed. Club doesn't need help damaging it s reputation - or are you acting out because you're partly to blame?

  10. 1 hour ago, Shadwell Dog said:

    That's not true the bod are definitely looking at the possibility of having a b team in the lowland leagues. 

    Otherwise the 16s and 18s are all we need just now. No need for under 11s etc . Once we are out of league one we can then look at expanding but it's not something we should be jumping into at the moment and spending more cash on.  Fergus's idea of bringing in an under 11s side was sheer stupidity for a side languishing in the third division. 

    Not the point. There's a very talented 16 year old at the club, he sees talented players told to leave the club after U18 as there's no U20s, no pathway to the first team. Other teams scouting him offer him a place at their club (that does have an U20's/pathway to 1st team), off he goes next month. Other talented players follow suit.

    So scrap the youth system all together on the basis it's not a priority/can't afford it OR see it as a fundamental building block to the future of the club and invest in it. At least set out/communicate a vision. The mismanagement and half-arsed approach at the moment is doing no-one any good and damaging the reputation of the club.


  11. 8 minutes ago, Shadwell Dog said:

    Obviously. If he says he doesn't want one then they won't have one but the plan is being considered if the manager agrees with it.

    There is absolutely no plan to put an U20s in the SPFL Lowland Development League. In fact I'd go as far to say some people within the club, who should know, don't even know such a thing exists. There is absolutely no plan or commitment to youth development and the only reason the U16/18 teams continue is because it would be another PR disaster were they to go - which there's a distinct possibility they will.


  12. 13 hours ago, Brockvillenomore said:

    Seriously. Who are ya? 🫣

    You always have to wonder about new posters joining the party with their ‘inside’ (cough) information and a blatant agenda, almost certainly with the truth being a victim of a smash and grab  

    Mr Fergus stood up at the AGM and said he didn’t have approval and was seeking it over the coming weeks and months. So much so a certain shareholder volunteered his services to convince the board that the funds would be made available.

    Daft thing to say but typical of the man. I know all this because I checked my notes just now to be 100% sure. It was such a bizarre exchange it stuck in my memory.

     Stubborn things facts.  

    Mr Fergus clearly said he didn’t have approval, yet a week or so later he made the signings. 

    On the subject of “mass resignations” this is very interesting. The BoD have made it clear improvements need to be made in how the back office operates and revenues increased. 

    The club has been on the decline for ten years, the last 4 or 5 has seen a rapid acceleration of this decline. Losing people, through their choice, who have been within the club during this period is surely a good thing, not anything to be worried about.

    Nice as these folk are and how hard they’ve worked for the club I for one feel fresh ideas, contemporary skills and energy is needed. Not the same old same old reheated and rehashed. 

    And you always have to worry about posters who dismiss others version of the "truth" to prop up their own.

    I'm not advocating on behalf of previous employees or suggesting an academy be financed (but we could easily establish an U20 at minimal cost to add to the U16 & U18 teams) . My point was that the management of the club was a mess pre new Board and is still a mess under the new Board. The current Boards line of "the big bad boy did it and ran away" is factually incorrect and they are as much to blame as anyone related to the treatment of young players at our club.


  13. 8 minutes ago, latapythelegend said:

    7 age groups is not feasible and would be a complete waste of cash. 

    We should just bin this academy. Unless we are in the top tier, it is simply pissing money away.

    Pissing money away is signing 28 players who aren't good enough to get the club out of League 1. Adding an U20s to the current youth set up would not cost much and provide a pathway to the first team for young players on relatively low wages. There's actually an economic argument FOR a youth set up.


  14. On 19/04/2022 at 17:10, Shadwell Dog said:

    Bringing in an under 11 side that can't play anyone  was a huge cock up for a start. We'd have  been better off looking at starting up a b team that would include players from the under 18s and those out of favour .

    You need 7 different age groups to progress to the next level of the CAS programme. That was why the U12 team was created - you can't play competitive fixtures until the teams are formed and you're accepted into the next level - chicken and egg situation.

    A B Team/U20s was operating as well and played a number of games including 2 victories over the Shire and a win over East Fife 20's. The best of the U18's and players like Weekes, Lemon and Omperon played. Fergus led it with the support of Sheerin.

    Further age groups would have been added to fulfill the CAS criteria.

    This was with the full knowledge of the Board and Chief Exec. Fergus spoke to Falkirk TV about it in November 2021!! Hardly "rogue" behaviour.

    The new Board looked at how much that would cost and pulled the rug. Then the Chief Exec gave the car crash interview in the Herald.

    The 3 promising U18s mentioned (that have been training with the first team) have basically been told there's no pathway and to leave the club.

    Other U16 and U18 players told BY PHONE they were being released and not to come back.

    Chief Exec and Directors will have you believe they have a plan - they don't. Poor practice, arrogance, key people out their depth and mass resignations at the club don't give confidence of a bright future under the current regime.

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