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Posts posted by andyg83

  1. 8 hours ago, Lurkst said:

    It's the annual outing for the Ted Lowe embassy quote.


    We also had numerous Neil Sedaka references yesterday. He hasn't ever heard 'live forever" by oasis despite having an "eclectic taste in music".

    As someone else pointed out he is the same age as Noel Gallagher.

    A very strange individual.

  2. 1 hour ago, Dave Barton said:

    He's usually been quite good as a co-presenter.


    I'd guess his obvious 'flirting' threw him off his game. (In mitigation, I suppose most of us have ' been 

    Yip, as I said to my cost a few pages ago she is pretty hot to be honest. Could throw even the best off their game 😀

  3. 4 hours ago, velo army said:

    You're a massive dobber. 

    Second of all. Objectification is not simply commenting that someone is attractive. There is more to it than that (denial of agency, identity reduced to one function etc). He's not even said "wid" so we can't accurately infer any lascivious desires beyond aesthetic appreciation.

    Your entire post is all over the place and pretty out of order actually. Your outrage towards the most miniscule of stimuli is pretty sad actually.

    Lastly, you're a massive dobber.

    Cheers for the support.

    I honestly don't know how dobbers can get through the day worrying about such trivial crap.

    Sadly this stuff is all too common. The tyranny of the minority is alive and well it seems. 

  4. 51 minutes ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

    I do get what you're saying, but the comments were in line with other comments on the show ie the regulars are old, fat etc, the remarks are quite judgemental and condescending. The remarks I seen about Defoy were pretty harmless, she's very attractive, I wish she was on tv etc.

    I think you're being overly sensitive. I doubt she'd be offended if someone had said "I don't think you're right for OTB, but you looked great."

    Some folk try to see injustice in everything these days. It's fecking exhausting listening to their nonsense.

    Some of those responses were weird tbh.

  5. On 01/04/2024 at 14:48, qos_75 said:

    I ordered my one about two and a half weeks ago. It arrived today. I hadn’t used them before, so wasn’t sure what to expect.  It is a good fit (one size up) too. 

    I wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between that and the official one. At just under £12, what’s there not to like?

    Of course, it could all fall apart in the wash, but for that price it is worth the risk. 


    Any chance of DMing me the seller of this one?

  6. 12 hours ago, sophia said:


    Episode 2 Idk GIF by The Office

    If you listened yesterday you would realise this was spot on. She was maybe "over presenting" at times. 

    Given this thread is largely about Cosgrove and Cowan not letting folk speak its not a dig at the woman. Maybe it's just in the job description that they all need to do it 😀

  7. 4 minutes ago, Ric said:

    The irony meter is currently overloaded. It's a real shame you are unable to understand the affect of your actions.

    Mate, have a look at the picture posted and the reply and have a go a them. 

    I just said she was good looking. I never mentioned my pen1s. You are projecting that onto me. 👍😀

    Anyway enough of this carp back to the actual thread. 

  8. 29 minutes ago, bennett said:

    Bradshaw is ok if he's on with Cowan or Cosgrove but yesterdays show just didn't work, I'm guessing that a lot of folk also switched off.



    That was my take. We all love to moan and take the p1ss about OTB on this thread but we would miss it if it was to go for good. 

    It needs a bit freshening up and in think Bradshaw is a good host and the best option when Stuart or Tam decide to chuck it.

  9. 35 minutes ago, Ric said:

    How old are you? If you are a boomer, then that is exactly the sort of response I'd expect. Society is moving and you need to read the room.

    Here's the thing, it's called respect. In the context of a football show, don't sexually objectify people. As I said, if this was Love Island where sex and physical appearance are what drives the show, then fine, the person knows what the focus of the show will be.

    Ultimately If you see nothing wrong with it, then you really should go and talk to women who are constantly being judged and objectified without their consent or knowledge. It might change your mind about how insidious and creepy it is being seen as a slab of meat that's only merit is how good your penis would feel if it came in contact with them.


    Let me be clear here, I'm not red dotting people, I'm not calling them out by name, I'm not reporting them to the mods, but I would be pretty disappointed if a good majority of people don't see the point I am making.


    Man this post IS creepy. Talking about pieces of meat and my penis. WTAF.

    I can only assume you are taking the p1ss with this post or attempting to play to the gallery.

    All I said was that she was good looking ffs.

    Until yesterday I had no idea who she was then someone posted a picture of her.

    Tam Cowan himself comes out with worse than calling someone "pretty hot" on a weekly basis so i assume you dont actually listen to the show. 

  10. 19 hours ago, Afc69 said:

    Please tell me De Foy isn’t on tomorrow?

    I really hope not. It just didn't work today. Bradshaw and Amy Irons would be better. 

    I actually like Bradshaw and one of either Stuart and Tam.

    Susue McCabe is on too much recently. 

    The worst by far is the Northern Irish guy who follows Man United. He hasn't any interest in scottish football.

  11. 2 hours ago, Ric said:

    She's on the show to discuss football, objectifying her seems a bit much.

    If she was on Love Island, fine I'd get it, but discuss her knowledge of football, not her looks.

    That's the way I see it, just feels a bit creepy imo.

    OK snowflake. 👍 😀

    Next you will be telling us is creepy to find Amy Irons attractive 😉😂

  12. 1 hour ago, alta-pete said:

    Pointless piece of legislation that provides a suitably shiny distraction from the myriad other issues that this country’s elected should be focusing on. And we’re falling for it. 

    I would totally agree with this. It's not going to be enforceable and defies any sort of common sense. It's all about them looking "progressive".

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