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Everything posted by SJFCtheTeamForMe

  1. I'm going to put it out there. Stuff like "it needs an overhaul from the ground up" is impossible in a game released annually with a studio the size of SI. Employing more people doesn't necessarily improve quality or speed either. If they didn't release annually they'd probably close down. Publisher will demand it as well. I've even read comments on YouTube etc with hundreds of likes demanding staff sacked etc. The level of entitlement and delusion shown by some grown men who play games is wild "fresh blood in the management" Software is developed in an iterative manner so you'll get some small features that can be turned around in the period between games and you'll get longer term features that take multiple cycles.
  2. We got another one tonight to add the the memory bank. Aren't moments like that absolutely brilliant? Money can't buy that level of happiness or excitement. That kind of point could mean the difference between a position in the league or even the difference between being in the top or bottom half. Especially with how tight the table is at the moment.
  3. Remi Matthews clearly not fit tonight and even resorted to taking a goal kick with his left foot in the second half.
  4. The St. Mirren tannoyman plugging his personal Twitter at half time over the pa. Multiple times
  5. You can see why there was time wasting at corners but Tanser jumped over the advertisement to punt the ball away. That's next level shite.
  6. How the hell can you claim that's a blatent handball based on that footage?
  7. Tannoyman plugging his personal Twitter is proper cringe.
  8. Danny Swanson's midweek at McDiarmid in the League Cup against Hearts as well. https://youtu.be/rT9BOrSNO4I Obviously his goal at Celtic Park also.
  9. https://youtu.be/OHmLZwO0o5Q Was inside the box. Good finish though.
  10. Graham used the defender as a shield and curled it around him from probably 20 yards in a 1-0 win McDiarmid
  11. He has only played 95 mins for Australia since June 2017. That totals 2 appearances out of the last 43 internationals Australia have played. Was always looking unlikely he'd make the squad. Credit to him though he's spent the vast majority of his international career travelling all that way to basically never play at all. Committed to his country that would suggest!
  12. There's been clips of a few of the Brazilian players celebrating with their families when it was confirmed they were in the squad and they were going absolutely wild. They were players who were almost certs to be in the squad as well so it just shows how much it means to professional footballers to go and play at a world cup. The same I imagine applies to David. Especially after his injury. To make the squad and get to go and be part of it will be incredible on it own. If he does enough to impress the manager to get some playing time then even better. That would be next level brilliant again! Gives us someone to cheer on as well.
  13. It's not really a shock that McGowan hasn't been called up. He hasn't featured in any squads for quite a while. For what it's worth Cammy Devlin has been selected. Canada announce their squad on Sunday apparently.
  14. Was thinking the same thing. I've played football for many years, appreciate it's nowhere near professional level but the same notion applies, if I don't get knocked to the ground like an Olympic swimmer entering the pool when my toe gets tapped... Neither do the professionals.
  15. At what point do we start accepting the obvious though. There was contact but it wasn't the contact that made him fall over. He planted his foot and just chucked himself forward. Football punditry has brainwashed people into thinking contact = foul because it's ex pros sticking up for their kind because they've done the same thing in the past. English football blindly accepting the De Bryune one was a penalty as well sums it up. Some say VAR will ruin football. You could argue this "entitled to go down" nonsense has been ruining it for a lot longer. You don't need to be murdered to gain a foul but there's got to be reasonable contact that has actually impeded you.
  16. Guy with his arms on his head has just realised his laptop is going to be checked.
  17. Not really sure about all their logic on this. Does one win against Rangers mean he's a brilliant manager? If so by the same logic does a defeat to St. Mirren mean he's a terrible manager?
  18. Horse's mouth. Hip flexor. Out probably until after World Cup break having a scan as precaution though apparently.
  19. Doesn't look good for Chris Kane injury recovery wise though. Due to see another specialist Not that my sympathy helps him any, hopefully he's able to make a recovery from whatever the issue is!
  20. Decent in a back 3 as well but had played well in recent months in midfield As a Dundee fan you'll enjoy the most his performance at Tannadice in midfield was up there with his best. Not sure if it was experience or what it was but he was miles ahead of the United midfield. He was signed initially though to play right of a three.
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