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Everything posted by SJFCtheTeamForMe

  1. Where's the party pints at? Forget the analysis. Where's the celebrations?!
  2. Still playing the first half in the 56th minute is a fucking shambles. That is all.
  3. Davidson didnt setup aggressive against Annan and QoS. Don't think he'll do a Goodwin.
  4. Is Davidson smart enough to start the weak links/players low on confidence though? He usually sets up the same way and pretty much same gameplan in and out of possession no matter the opponent. While never easy as Rangers players are better its great chance for Saints in the first 5-10 mins to "ruffle a few feathers" and significantly press a few of the nervy ones in their own half. That kind of thing can deepen the doubts and panic the likes of a nervy King. It can make them think twice about taking a touch etc.
  5. When will we see the first instance of a referee sticking with his initial opinion after being sent to watch? it seems they feel obligated/pressured to reverse once they go to watch it. That's not just our referees though. I think I've witnessed 1 instance of the referee sticking to their decision from other Leagues VAR on tv.
  6. Same at McDiarmid today. 5 mins plus for the overturned red card. It's small things like the referee stood for over a minute holding his ear listening to the VAR official. The whole time he stood at the other side of the pitch. Before eventually making his way to watch it. To save time could they not start moving nearer the monitor if it's suggested the VAR official might want you to watch it. Instead of standing 50 yards away the whole time since he's standing doing nothing anyway. Can't understand why its constantly taking them 2 mins+ every time to even decide whether or not the referee should watch it. He then watched it for another 2 mins probably before overturning.
  7. It's a celebration dance that originated in the NFL. Stevie likes NFL.
  8. Wasn't sure if it was raining throughout there or whether it was just Armstrong's salty fucking tears.
  9. Carey isn't to blame for our lack of posession. McGowan & Wright on the other hand has given it away countless times.
  10. I would imagine a direct result in the cost of living. Sky is a luxury. I love having sky sports as it's pretty much all I watch but if I was starting to struggle to feed a family (I don't have one) or pay the bills its one of the first things you'd cut back on.
  11. Montgomery has now received the "Davidson's lost trust" I think. I don't expect he'll start much now between January when inevitably he'll return to Celtic. There's similarities between Brown and Booth as well in terms of "decent" but arguably not good enough for this level? Gallagher - jury still out also but barely played.
  12. I may have pressed the wrong buttons as well instead of blaming it changing via predictive with F being beside G and O being beside I. So I've ended up with gone rather than fine
  13. Scott Tanser and his wife were in a car accident this week. Scott fine but Mrs Tanser was injured. I know no longer a Saints player but I believe a few Saints fans may have became quite friendly with them both.
  14. When the video is likely to 50+ frames per second the margin for error you mention will be negligible and the difference between many of those frames are potentially unnoticeable to the naked eye.
  15. Kinda what I was thinking as well. I don't get what the end game here was either in terms of the determination to get a conviction at all costs. What does it achieve other than more distrust between that kind of young football supporter and police? Again, I appreciate you can't be going about chucking fireworks of flairs around intimidating average public person but if it's a bit of smoke, let it go. Just don't get what the police really gain from that conviction by targeting him alone? Making an example of him Is not a deterrent.
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