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Everything posted by ExiledLichtie

  1. Fosu wasn't signed to be a striker, and I think he's looked pretty handy and fitted in well in the team. Shanks showed a lot of potential at the start of the season, albeit looking raw, and Isiaka has had no chances to show how good he is. The very few opportunities he's had, I think he's showed enough to deserve more game time. You can't accuse him of not scoring goals if he doesnt play! I don't think any of them 3 are bad signings. I do think that they have been treated poorly by the management.
  2. I'm willing to give the manager a pass on transfers. I don't think its entirely his fault that deals didnt work out, and in terms of the signings, I think only Corfe looks like a complete failure to me. I think there's a lot of unfair hysteria about the others. In addition, I agree with Simon from earlier that Dick's subs have always been baffling, and his interviews nonsense. The problem for me this season is that he has picked the wrong team far too many times. Even accounting for injuries, the teams he's put out just haven't made sense. No strikers, wingers in the middle, midfielders up top, its just been a mess. I can forgive a lot of the other stuff, but picking the teams is 100% on the manager.
  3. You can't say that, I was slaughtered last week for suggesting such a thing!
  4. We have toilets behind the terraces too now! I have only just noticed that, how long have they been there? Are they proper toilets, or just portaloos?
  5. Why? Some people love all that clairvoyance nonsense, and surely its a good thing to have all that Gayfield space occupied on non match days?
  6. Barely any serious injuries, but surely you have to admit that by the end, we looked like we were running on fumes at times?
  7. If he ever looks like he's running out of steam, then its too late. The point of managing his game time is so he doesnt look like that! Look at our team last season. When the pressure was on, Dick didnt want to change a winning team, so our team were running on fumes and carrying wee niggles.
  8. I know I've been accused of being Isiaka's maw, but I do think he's showed that he deserves more chances. I think the only out and out failure in our summer business has been Corfe. Some players perhaps haven't lived up to expectations, but I think they have all at least showed glimpses of why they were signed. For example, Fosu seems to fit into the team well and is a good utility player, Allan is hot and cold, but you can see what he offers, Isiaka has had very few chances, but I think he's showed enough to get more opportunities, Shanks looks very raw, but there is a player in there. Corfe has had multiple chances though, and he hasn't remotely looked like a player. Coming on against tired 10 man Hamilton and given license to roam with a striker in the middle, it was all set up for him, and he offered nothing. I don't like to criticise our own players, but he isnt good enough.
  9. Was there not a big fight in a pub with windows broken too?
  10. As I said, I'm happy to say that I was wrong about that.
  11. I would have dropped him if he wasnt 100%. As it was, he was good today, and Im happy to be wrong!
  12. So a lot of positives today. O'Brian was excellent. I was worried that he might have been carrying an injury or something in recent weeks, but physically, he looked fine, so that's a relief. Hamilton was motm for me too, excellent game! Moving forwards, McKenna was buzzing about and played a key role in keeping play moving, linking up with others, and while he wasnt our main man, he was vital to our success. I was really pleased to see him linking up with Bobby. Bitsindou was fine, but I'm not sure about Tait. At times he looks a little rash, a little rough round the edges, and he has a petulant side. I like his energy, but as 1320lichtie said, he was a million miles per hour. Up front, Fosu was chucked in, and while he started really well, as the first half went on, he ended up drifting deeper and wider, and for a big guy, was getting pushed around a bit. I thought Isiaka was better when he came on, and if Allan had made an easy finish from his pass, we could have been on easy street. Most importantly, he is a forward! He was in the right places, doing the right things and providing options. Again, I think he showed enough to deserve more of a chance. If he'd been starting, with the service from Linn, McKenna etc, Id fancy him over Fosu. Scott Allan. I dunno. He played a few excellent passes, but he also gave the ball away needlessly, wasted opportunities, and at one point, under zero pressure, he slowly and carefully passed the ball 1 metre out of play. I'm expecting more from him. As for Corfe, he's had a fair few chances and opportunity, and I think he's not up to it. Against 10 man Hamilton, with time and space, he did nothing. He's had a fair few chances now, and he's not shown anything. One caveat though, this was Hamilton, and they were absolutely woeful today. They made our attack look like lethal assassins! Still, we got 10 points, we're in double figures, and the players just came through a must win game!
  13. Yassss! Critical thoughts later, a much much needed 3 points.
  14. I want to see him given a chance! Not just 5 minutes at the end when we are hanging on. It was an improvement, but I think that's partly down to how dreadful Accies are. We have had chances, and we've actually taken the lead in a game, so Im clinging to that optimism!
  15. Hilson pulls up injured in the warm up, Fosu starts. Fucking hell! What is it going to take to give Isiaka a start? Edited to add. Doomed.
  16. He's been sent off twice this season, both times when we had a fair amount of game to play.
  17. Isnt that what you do with injured or badly out of form players? Give them a bit of a rest? Nobody is saying he's a bad player, or that we should release him on a free, but he's costing us games right now, and a couple games on the bench wouldnt be the end of the world.
  18. This season he's been sent off twice, he could have easily been sent off against QP, and what the hell happened for that goal on Wednesday? We've looked better when we had Hamilton in there. I watched the stream on Wednesday, and after he sold the goal, the commentators were asking if he was injured. Maybe he is? Maybe he isnt 100% right for some reason?
  19. Why? O'Brian has been questionable all season, Hamilton was excellent at centre back in his absence, and given how few goals we have, time to give Isiaka a chance and see what he can do.
  20. Drop TOB, put Hamilton in the middle, and start Isiaka please.
  21. I reckon we should be sign a Messi too, but Scottish obviously. And playing in league 2. Someone who is racking up 40 goals a season, but that the other championship clubs arent interested in. Raging that Dick hasnt done this tbh.
  22. Right, so we have one of "Nouble's mates", except he didnt sign for us. I took a guess at Isiaka, but I'm really not sure who else in the squad counts. So this idea that our squad is full of "all Nouble's mates" is just utter pish.
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