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Captain Chugwash

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  1. Obviously it’s going to be better quality because he’s not streaming, he’s shooting straight from an iPhone which films in 4K
  2. When FTV were at Kelty the season before last the weather was horrific and their scaffolding had no cover. The rain pelted the camera lens for 90 mins and required wiping every 2 mins. Their scaffolding is also really awkward as both sides are covered, meaning the view is restricted at either end of the pitch.
  3. This exactly. The FH haven't exactly helped by making "buggers" look like "b*****ds" with some unnecessary asterisks. Not a huge difference but enough to make it seem like McGlynn was having a dig when he clearly wasn't. He's just trying to manage expectations and get the point across that the board have to be careful with money and can't go overspending to try and go for promotion.
  4. The fact he is their all time top scorer just adds to OP’s point too. @Long Suffering Bairn thinks that because MacIver can’t Messi his way past three defenders to score means he isn’t a striker, never mind a good one.
  5. You say Giroud’s goal scoring record isn’t great but he’s France’s all time top scorer.
  6. Long suffering reader of your posts. “Not really a striker” despite having all the attributes of what you call an “out and out CF” and those traits leading to him scoring 18 goals last season? Baffling to me how someone can watch a sport for so many years and still not understand it.
  7. Aside from the fact this is the biggest pile of bollocks I’ve ever read, McGlynn actually stated in an interview a couple of weeks back that Lang has a knee issue (which he said there was no timescale for) and Donaldson has a groin issue (which they’re still trying to get to the bottom of and said they had no timescale on a return for him either). I’m not sure what more information he can give?
  8. Thank you. At least you have something positive to say about something for a change
  9. Not the brightest are you? It’s very obviously only for the premier sports cup games. Also where did I claim you said those things? You told me that it was people’s opinions when my original post was actually in response to one of those remarks . Braindead.
  10. 1) I’ll post what I like, thanks! 2) This may sound crazy, but sometimes, just sometimes, things actually happen outwith FTV’s control and it causes issues. Like I said before, it was because of the work of the FTV team that you were able to watch a working stream yesterday. 3) Correct, everyone is entitled to their opinion, however, ‘opinions’ like “bring back Lewis and Stuart” and “get the Alloa boys in” are not opinions, they’re extremely unfair and horrible remarks about a team who do their best to bring you games every week, so I’ll stand up for them if I can. ps. I’ve also posted about Ross MacIver a few times so there goes your theory
  11. There have been gripes with FTV over the past couple seasons but as mentioned in an earlier post, none of the issues you’ve mentioned were their fault yesterday.
  12. Not true. Hearing that organisation on their side was a shambles and a lot of miscommunication in what was a “too many cooks” situation. Thanks for playing though.
  13. First game of the season and this stinking patter is back, deary me. The FTV boys were lumped with a host of issues because QTV (who broadcast on behalf of Premier Sports) took over their gantry and internet connection. The poor quality footage you saw was taken from QTV's cameras. The FTV team actually did an excellent job to bring you a stream at all so maybe give them a bit of credit instead of suggesting they should be shown the door, you clown.
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