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Everything posted by Molotov

  1. Or even getting a draw at Dens Park? Or not pumping bottom of the table Clydebank at Tynecastle a few weeks before the end of the season? They could only scrape a 1-0 win?
  2. Flowers and Diamonds? I hear Gabriel’s are crying out for your “talents” when you visit. @Arch Stanton will stand you drinks all night as long as you sing depressing 80s classics. Rather there than the Court.
  3. I’m sorry I never made it clear in my post. I was not implying it was you. I had assumed it was taken from social media.
  4. I believe Dunne is suspended next week so we may see Gogic in defence or go with Taylor. Does Ethan return from suspension or does he sit out another match?
  5. Aw I was just trying to find some positives. Look what I’ve gone and started? We are now having trial by supporter camera photos. Why was the St Mirren fan taking that photo not clapping instead of cheap point scoring. Btw that current Hearts no 2 kinda reminds me of Walter Kidd of the ‘80s Hearts all-thugs team. The amount of diving going on was reminiscent of Robertson and Colquhoun.
  6. He’s probably related to Levein and his bottle crashed on the day of that game!
  7. Ach no need to go overboard with the compliments BTW You were disrespectful by not even attending! Boo
  8. Maybe where I was standing at the halfway line I saw Hearts fans applauding. Maybe you saw more from your vantage point. Those Hearts fans that did respect it - thank you! Sorry was not looking for an argument.
  9. Ach we can always remind them with YouTube: https://fb.watch/hVIyRI-WKW/
  10. I think not enough is being mentioned about another 7K+ crowd today. Fantastic to see the family stand much fuller this season. A lot of credit must go to the work done by volunteers to encourage families and community groups to attend Really should have taken 3 points today but it’s still progress on where we were under Goodwin and previous managers.
  11. But my point is that there was no disrespect in terms of vile chants that used to be the norm with Frank whenever he played against Hearts?
  12. Was that because you had forgotten to switch it on ya daft cnut?
  13. Gogic was pressing and closing down players faster than Olusanya and Gogic had been playing for 80minutes previous. Olusanya had one decent opportunity and completely wasted it. 0/10
  14. Can I just say that I felt the minutes applause pre match for Frank McGarvey was respected by the Hearts fans in attendance that I saw. Thank you!
  15. As Jimmy Sanderson would say “Were you not at the game caller?” It happened close enough to the West Stand touchine so I can only assume you sit in the posh seats in the main stand. I did find it odd that the stadium announcer kinda laughed as he said it was being checked for violent conduct. I thought at the time it was a completely unnecessary challenge by a player certainly not known for intentionally hurting opponents but it was reckless and therefore a red card. As soon as it went to VAR there was only one outcome. However why it took the ref so long is beyond me. It’s either clearly a red and he made a mistake or it’s not. Slowing down these challenges can often make it look worse than it was. The game was a lost opportunity by St Mirren. Two many decent chances squandered. Especially Grieve end of first half.
  16. Fergie joined in summer ‘78. So I. would assume this was from 78/79 sticker album.
  17. Two were playing previously under McNeill. Bell was “stolen” north by Fergie.
  18. Bruce Rioch, Andy Goram and Stuart McCall. All English c***s as far as @Binos is concerned.
  19. A few players I don’t recall. Notable omissions in Rougvie, Bell and McLeish. Too ugly for the kids sticker albums?
  20. The name "Molotov cocktail" was coined by the Finns during the Winter War in 1939. The name was a pejorative reference to Soviet foreign minister Vyacheslav Molotov, who was one of the architects of the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact on the eve of World War II. The name's origin came from the propaganda Molotov produced during the Winter War, mainly his declaration on Soviet state radio that incendiary bombing missions over Finland were actually "airborne humanitarian food deliveries" for their "starving" neighbours. As a result, the Finns sarcastically dubbed the Soviet incendiary cluster bombs "Molotov bread baskets" (Finnish: Molotovin leipäkori) in reference to Molotov's propaganda broadcasts. When the hand-held bottle firebomb was developed to attack and destroy Soviet tanks, the Finns called it the "Molotov cocktail", as "a drink to go with his food parcels". You are clearly a rabid racist who has likely never lived or worked in England for any amount of time.
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