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Posts posted by Anotherlichtie

  1. 24 minutes ago, Anonymous12afc said:

    Especially after we lost Derek, Ricky and Mikey I think fans derseve to know who our replacements are so stop thinking ur mental and help a fellow Lichtie out



    27 minutes ago, Anonymous12afc said:

    I just said I was new to the page and wanted to know any rumours so there is no malice in that wanting to know who the club are thinking about singing Rather than knowing who won the club awards u keyboard basher


    First off. Your grammar is very poor. Back to Wardykes for you. 

    secondly. Why would anyone on here know who the club are signing? Do you think this forum is full of football agents? 

  2. Just now, ExiledLichtie said:

    If you didnt go to the awards night, you shouldn't comment on it. 

    I bet that sounded really funny in your head didn’t it? But it’s not the same as not going to games. I’d like to say you know that, but your lack of basic knowledge and understanding is painstakingly obvious that I’m really not sure. 

  3. 2 minutes ago, ExiledLichtie said:

    Makes you wonder why clubs even offer a streaming service.   Its also weird that other threads on here are full of discussion about other games like European Cup games, where people who don't go to the game in person but watch it feel free to offer comment. 

    Still, if it makes you feel like a better fan, then more power to you.  Is that why you go on about the awards night?  Do you think they are better fans than you because not only do they go to games, but unlike you, they bothered their arse to go to the awards night?  

    Do you know who won? Cmon mouthpiece let us all know. 

  4. 12 hours ago, RedLichtie86 said:

    Usually when sponsors put money into a club they usually get something back in return. Tickets to games that they can hand to friends/family/employees etc , invites to the boardroom for games, corporate events, etc etc. Just part of the game. Nothing sleekit.

    And that also includes tables at awards dinners where they get to sell these seats to people they know. Last year i am sure there was a number of seats advertised by the club. This year the tables were all full up. 

    Club has expanded with the womens teams so that has probably ment that there was no extra tables this year to sell to Joe Bloggs as they got a share of the tables.

    Next time there is a chance to interact with the board at a meeting, if someone is that bothered by not getting a chance to go to the awards, perhaps they can come along and raise the question with the board.

    If that is indeed all true then it needs changed going forward. 

  5. 8 hours ago, Lichtie78 said:

    I’m not really that fussed about attending myself, but if they can’t find a bigger place to host it then an option might be organising a separate sponsors evening so that more regular supporters can attend POTY. One of the things that really got me hooked supporting AFC, and something that I see as a huge advantage over my mates who support the old firm etc, is being able to easily access the players and get to know them a bit. 

    Well said 👍🏻

  6. 13 minutes ago, Monkfish85 said:

    I was invited onto a table through someone’s business. Sorry !

    No need to apologise and I hope you had a lovely evening. But you have helped me prove my point. This night was never meant to be for supporters. It’s for businesses and sponsors. And it looks like they were the only guests who were given the opportunity to purchase a table. That’s totally unforgivable and a punch in the mouth of the support who in all fairness have stayed loyal to the club through 2 horrible seasons. 

  7. 3 minutes ago, Monkfish85 said:

    Spoke to Mikey at the awards on Saturday . First of all a great guy who loves the club but appears it’s not working out with Jim in charge. 
    A vert difficult player to replace for more than one reason. Has technical ability as well as the attitude . I remain hopeful he is ours until anything is announced otherwise. You know how easy rumours spread !

    How did you get a seat to the awards when they were never advertised. Not being negative towards you i am just curious 

  8. 20 minutes ago, ExiledLichtie said:

    I attend games when I can, had a season ticket until this season, and until the last few weeks if I can't make a game, I pay for the club stream.  No dodgy streams unless an official one is not available.  Consider yourself corrected.

    Once again, I'm not saying Gaston doesn't make great saves.  But is it his primary attribute?  The thing he's known for above all other attributes?  I think that's doing him a disservice.



    I do not believe for a second that you have been to many games in person this season. So what you should do is accept the L on this (and your Ali Adams bullshit) and move on. 

    Thank you kindly 

  9. 27 minutes ago, ExiledLichtie said:

    I don't see how this is a controversial point.  I'm not saying Gaston is a bad keeper, and I think we would have conceded less goals if he was playing instead of Boruc.  But his key attributes are making sure that the opposition don't get many shots, whether that is by making interceptions, coming off his line, organising the defence, controlling the pace of the game etc.  I'm not even the only person on this thread to say that Boruc is probably a better shot stopper than him, so I don't know why people think its a noteworthy point.

    Correct me if I’m wrong here. You don’t actually attend games and only watch via a dodgy stream yes? 

  10. As Iv said before this was an awards evening/dinner that wasn’t advertised to supporters and given to sponsors. That needs to be addressed as well. For all the good people at the club they certainly don’t help themselves with these decisions.

    I said a few months back I won’t be purchasing a season ticket for the 24/25 season but let’s be honest il change my mind before the start of the season. Arbroath is like an addiction and I’m a junkie 

  11. Afternoon all. a few things 

    1- Regarding yesterday’s game. I don’t think we should look to much into that. It’s a team of players already checked out with many of them not going to be at the club next season. I still see effort which is good but we just lack any quality. 

    2- Regarding the awards ceremony. I see this wasn’t advertised meaning the tables were given to sponsors or the usual board room crowd. I find that completely unacceptable. Those nights should be for the “supporters” and them only. This clearly shows how disengaged the club are with the true supporter. And I fear that they will not be able to have that connection again. 

  12. 4 hours ago, lichtiemike said:

    Folk involved with the club giving insolent replies to fans on the comments? Ffs they really don’t help themselves at all. 

    That guy is an embarrassment. Volunteer or not he is only out to say a couple of daft comments that will go viral on social media. He’s also terrible at the job of commentator 

  13. 7 minutes ago, 1320Lichtie said:

    They obviously want what’s best for the club too at the end of the day 

    Some are. Others involved are interested only in personal gain. But I don’t want to start that argument again as a certain poster will return with HMRC screenshots.  

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