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Jives Miguel

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Everything posted by Jives Miguel

  1. This is just too hard to be fun. Not enjoyable for me at the minute. Get hit twice by a boss and die. Brought out mimic tear and killed him inside 30 seconds without taking a hit. Just stupid. Find some balance please From Software
  2. GTSK is an absolute cuck anthem. Genuinely couldn't countenance singing that ever, regardless of my politics and nationality.
  3. I would love to know why people take random flags of their non-participant countries to games like this? Why do they think anyone cares where they're from?
  4. "Young keeper" Skorupski is only 33 years old Keown
  5. What need is to import a bunch of slavic Balkan people. Ridiculous the extent to which those people excel at pretty much every sport they put their mind to. Croatia is a tiny country and is world class at football, handball, water polo and god knows what else.
  6. We just needed to play 4-4-2 with Ryan Gauld and Lewis Morgan, and the laddy Shonklund up front and we'd have beaten Hungary 5-0 easily. Clarke must go Also, force Callum McGregor, McGinn and Armstrong into retirement and call up Lennon Miller and Danny Armstrong
  7. The 2016 versions of Laffery, Dallas, Davis, Evans, Cathcart, McAuley, Long, Brady, Mccarthy and Coleman would make our team from last night easily. Probably both goalies as well.
  8. Albania are shite and will be going out the competition with the same number of points we have. Their qualifying group was pathetically easily, they drew with Moldova and Faroe Islands and still managed to win it.
  9. Not sure that this is correct, West Ham are one of the biggest spenders in world football.
  10. I don't see any other set up we can play that would be more effective, for the time being. We have no wingers, no decent strikers and our attacking midfielders are in the mould of industrious players like McGinn and Ferguson rather than your typical number 10. Regardless, I don't think you can say that Clarke is just trying to shoehorn the best players we have into our team, we've been playing this way and this system for the vast majority of his tenure. We've been playing it before Giilmour and Hickey came into the set-up, he used McTominay in defence at the start of it, we've stuck with it when Tierney's not been fit, getting another striker in in Adams didn't change it. It's clearly the system he believes gets the best out of the players available to us, rightly or wrongly. Doak might be the one that encourages a change, but still a while away from him being a cast iron member of the squad.
  11. Did more in 10 minutes than fat boy Shonklund did in his last 10 games for Scotland IMO.
  12. Absolutely despicable from the referee and VAR on that Armstrong challenge. Fucking peasants.
  13. Yep. A bizarre reaction on this thread. Folk calling it a disgrace. grow up you weirdos
  14. How has VAR not told the ref to have a look at that challenge on Hendry? Looked like a clear stamp and red card
  15. 30 mins to kick off and they're on this "why are Scotland so shite these days" crap Piss off with this nonsense
  16. You need to have a few stern words with the hecking nincompoops. Dangnabbit, they need to sod off already and stop giving us all a bad reputation with this gosh darned behaviour
  17. Very funny that the most Polish looking person perhaps in the whole world has scored against them
  18. Agree with most of the sentiments above. It's all the people with recent football experience that have been good. Moyes, Joe Hart, Townsend, Frank (Thomas) . Who knew that people with recent top level experience would fare better than the fat, bald middle aged career pundits who've been sat on a sofa for 15 years? Shocking revelation. Just remembered dribbling simpleton Wayne Rooney is on BBC tonight. The exception that proves the rule. .
  19. You have to admire Phil Foden's commitment to maintaining the same dreadful haircut for the past 7 years. Might start referring to him as Chavier Zanetti
  20. Looking forward to some more Trent "Trent" Alexander-Arnold disasters.
  21. Have we not been knocked out 3 or 4 times from tournaments on goal difference? If there's anyone that could be the first team eliminated from the 24 team Euros, it would be us.
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