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Jives Miguel

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Everything posted by Jives Miguel

  1. Can I say something? Tranquillity Base Hotel And Casino is an excellent album and by far their best.
  2. I reported posts that broke the site rules, which were subsequently removed for having broken the site rules. Is there any reason why you seemingly feel the need to respond and reply to me so often on this website? Just out of interest.
  3. You spoke to the mods about a coloured circle on the Internet? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAJAJAJJAJAJAJAJAHAHAHAJAJHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA Oh my word, you would have to waterboard me to get such a confession out of me.
  4. Posts from "Jives Miguel" mentioning or quoting "cb_diamond"? 2. Posts from "cb_diamond" mentioning and quoting "Jives Miguel"? 11, plus the two he had removed for personal abuse and the one above. 14. Chat, who is the "absolutely rattled" one here?
  5. The "completely losing the tattie at Ayr fans" in question: The "red dotting spree" in question: As with regards to my "multiple removed posts", actually it was yourself and an Ayr fan who had posts removed for unprompted personal abuse, and as a result my posts that quoted them went with it. Thank you.
  6. Speaking about genres that disappeared, what about that era of pop music around 2012 where every song would have some sort of dubstep breakdown in it? What was that shite all about?
  7. I think he is the kind of profile player we needed, but christ those last couple of spells after Aberdeen do not auger well
  8. Some fair points. Perhaps we're conflating "disappearing" with "bands who released some popular stuff before releasing some much less popular stuff". Which to be fair, unless you're in Steely Dan is probably every band
  9. More kerrang/scuzz crap from my youth that (thankfully) no one talks about anymore Putting my response to Venti in spoilers to stop shitting up the thread further
  10. Back on topic. Some Kerrang/Scuzz bands from the early 2010s ish years
  11. Yes that's correct, a handful. I can see 3 posts from myself related to the Steve Clarke In/Out argument on there, so I've no idea what you're on about? Sounds like you're making shite up again. At least you can't delete the thread this time. Nothing's tripping me up. Think it was a perfectly logical reading of your post given the wording, you've just decided to respond like a snide dick for some reason.
  12. Surely you've got a better center half than Jonathan fucking Page? Did Barry Maguire not play there?
  13. Whst thread would that be? Don't think I've posted more than a handful of times on any thread there. Regardless, you've just said "Delving into one hit wonders" and then followed it by posting a song? I think you're the stupid one if you can't see how someone would assume you're calling the trailing song a one hit wonder tbh.
  14. Bruh, that ain't even Sun 41's most popular song nevermind their one hit wonder.
  15. It was. Britpop as equally to blame for influencing it all. Rock music will probably never recover from it.
  16. That's a fucking grim statistic. No doubt directly proportional with how many artists are topping the chart with music and lyrics that are written by their record companies and writing teams, and not themselves. Popular music these days has never cared less about artistic merit.
  17. I mean, its better than the Dunfermline, Ayr and Raith equivalents, and of a similar level to Falkirk and Livingston. That frontline would carry us to midtable obscurity.
  18. I'm thick as mince for deciding the criteria of my own thread? But you're not thick as mince for thinking that Ben Doak is an Ayr United academy graduate for apparently spending an unspecified amount of time at an unspecified age of <16 at Ayr?
  19. Active players yes. And yes again, played again. The Ayr fans picking Dembele and Doak are BANNED!
  20. What qualifies for "youth academy graduate" is up for debate. For Morton I'm going to make it mean players who spent at least some time at your club as youth players before making their debut. Therfore Jai Quitongo (picked up after leaving Aberdeen at 17 counts) counts, but someone like Chris Millar wouldn't (signed from Celtic at 19, straight into the first team) Active players only. ? Darren Hynes (Clyde) - Tam O'Ware (Kelty) - Lewis Strapp (some Finnish team) - Mark Russell (just left Portadown) Lewis McGregor (Airdrie) - Reece Lyon (Queen of the South) - Lewis McGrattan (Airdrie) Declan McDaid (Bohemians) - Brian Graham(Partick) - Scott Tiffoney (Dundee) Subs: Jai Quitongo (no club) Michael Garrity (Morton), Alex King (Morton) No goalie whatsoever to speak of. Struggling in defence, but the midfield and attack has the makings of a fairly solid Championship team.
  21. David Bates has had the most random career going. Has looked like an absolute donut everytime he's played for a UK club, yet seems to be well thought of on the continent.
  22. Just realised how much of a rip off The Vaselines' Teenage Superstar is of Search and Destroy
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