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Well Fan

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Posts posted by Well Fan

  1. In game management is an integral part of a good manager/coach partnership.  (for ex. Tommy McLean) 

    SK/SF may analyse teams and plan well beforehand (not confirmed) but it's abundantly clear, decisions made of late have not impacted our performance in a positive manner. 

    Shuffling players out of position to accommodate substitutions is mostly a recipe of disaster. 

    Changes today involved our defence, who have been guilty of multiple mistakes over the course of the season. So shuffle the pack further and who's surprised what unfolds in injury time. 

    Harsh but totally avoidable.

    He really needs to have players able to play other formations, but that's the dilemma. He has hamstrung himself in that respect and that lies squarely on him. 

    Think we will survive, but, he needs to take stock and have a more varied structure going forward. 

    Good luck to him. 

  2. Wow, manager contract extension (plus others) no communication broadcast and it's deemed as an oversight. 

    Pull the other one! 

    Don't believe this bs for 1 minute.

    Goes 180 degrees against fan ownership and community club. 

    Not a murmer for months when genuine conversations on manager suitability, club financials. 


    Its like a Scoobie Doo script... 

    "We'd have gotten away with it, if it wasn't for those pesky supporters at the AGM" 

  3. 23 minutes ago, eliphas said:

    I think the narrative of Kettlewell only keeping Kelly in goal because of a chance of getting to the Euros is a bit strong to be honest. 

    It's more likely to be he thinks dropping him will either completely rock the boat eve further with the defensive set up and/or Oxborough isnt a decent alternative. 

    If there is any manager of the last few years who really doesn't give a f**k about how players feel it's Kettlewell I'd say 

    It was really only an assumption I made. No inside information behind this comment whatsoever. 

    This being the case, Oxborough should be playing the next match in goal. 

    Ever ball into the box gave me the fear last night and every ball to Kelly's feet had me in palpitations. 

    Kettlewell will live and die by his decisions. It's up to him. 

    I will say that the transition through midfield at times has been controlled and nice to watch. 

    But please, sort out the defence. It's killing us on a weekly basis. 


  4. Liam Kelly has been a pretty good goalkeeper for the most part in Motherwell FC colours (imo) 

    However, his form has totally collapsed of late. No more incredible saves, covering for the constant defensive slip ups. How many points did he previously save us? 

    Does he need dropped... Yes. 

    Is Oxborough good enough... I have absolutely no idea. 

    But, I now believe, SK is sticking by LK in the hope his form picks up to past levels and he goes to The Euros. 

    If he is dropped, his place is lost in The National Squad. 

    So I'm guessing, this is more a loyalty showing towards Kelly, more than purely footballing reasons. 

    Hope he quickly pulls himself out this rutt and is back to his best. We need him back to point saving for MFC and our survival. 

    Do that and enjoy your involvement with The Scottish National Euro Squad. 

  5. In game management is naive yet again. Graham Alexander wouldn't have thrown that match. 

    Aberdeen changed formation and we never reacted. Other than shitting the bed defensively. 

    Kelly can forget his Scotland place, which is part of Kettlewells loyalty towards him. The guy has no confidence and it permeates throughout the defence..

    And McLean and Tosh are a couple of slevering prize plums. Two arseholes. 

  6. When was the last time we got a goal as calamitous as the first last night. Totally unacceptable for top flight professional players!

    However, who was surprised during progression of the first half. It came as no surprise to many as we looked totally off it, with long ball tactics to no one and an inability to handle their centre forward. Every ball fired into our box had calamity written on it. 

    Game management - total bollox.

    For example, Take Tommy McLean, a man who was able to see issues with tactics and was able to nullify teams and expose weaknesses with simple formation changes. 

    It wasn't working from minute 1 until we were 2 down. Kettlewell and Frail came up short and the response was shambolic with multiple substitutions and Bevis up front. 

    Tactics poor. 

    Individual errors. 

    Not good enough! 



  7. Incidentally, it went south after taking a 2-0 lead against Rangers at Fir Park. Cue bottles flying and mass pitch invasion. 

    I hope SK can navigate this horrendous run, but the powers that be, must recruit the correct players during the window. 

    SK must also look at a more expansive game. Midfield too slow and zero width. 

    Continuation with same tactics/similar players will result in a southerly trajection. Whatever happens, I can only hope for continued top division survival. The next 2 matches are massive. 

  8. The current predicament has a similar feel to the Roger Hynd era. A tremendous start and genuine hope before the wheels fell off. 

    Relegation followed and a complete clear out occurred. 

    Unfortunately, I believe relegation could slide us into same situation as Dunfermline, Falkirk and others. 

    SK was asked to cut the numbers which he has done. Unfortunately, recruitment and team formations have hamstrung us. 

    Next steps are crucial to MFC. We can't get this wrong. 

  9. Horrendous tackle by Dunne IMHO. Instructed to wipe out 'contain" Mika in remaining minutes. 

    After 40 minutes against Hibs, he was targeted for rough house treatment in this match. 

    From Dunne who has spent so much time injured himself, it bordered reckless to career threatening. 

    Seriously fu*ked off! 

    Who will now send  up young talent from England with these thuggish tactics. 

    Anyway, SK has a problem now. The recently signed front players are either jured or imo not good enough. 

    New recruitment required  urgently with a first choice forward. 

    The excitement of Mika has been literally "stamped out" before he got started.  

     Speedy recovery. 



  10. Unable to see the the match yesterday although saw East Fife and Hibs and saw highlights of The Dundee match. 

    One thing I noticed was the lack of movement up front and not bringing the midfield into play. 

    2nd half against Hibs saw changes and with it massive improvement. Link up better and closer together. 

    Players need time to adapt but I have major doubts about Bair's skill set (unsure?) and although Wilkinson has a degree of skill, it's previously at a lower level (he has time to acclimatise to SPL football) 

    Wingbacks seem less fluid from previous Max and Furlong, although SOD makes effort to overlap and get wide right. Also his cross balls from wide positions have been inviting. 

    Soare looked better 2nd half against Hibs. 

    Bevis is commanding in the air and is a unit, but, positionally against similar or better teams, his positional sense is poor and liable to mistakes. 

    Interesting on folks opinions at match yesterday on how the front 2 operated yesterday and other areas performed?

    P. S. Just my take on first glance of players and formations. 





  11. After many years away and watching matches online, it was great to get back to Fir Park. 

    Old stadium (quirky as it is) and playing surface look fantastic. 

    Fans also very supportive of the team. 

    Might not be the best team I've watched over the years, but, Kettlewell and Frail have a squad that seem to be together and understand his tactics. 

    Hopefully a good support and match against St.Mirren.

    Hopefully as good as the 27000++ match back in the 70's. Majorettes - Get it up ye, while your young!!! and Fergie, Fergie shut yir mouth. Never to be forgotten. 

    Good luck lads and support the team with noise and colour. Proud together. 

    Motherwell FC



  12. 6 minutes ago, Archie McSquackle said:

    That's a solid career at a good level. Not to be sniffed at and would gladly see him return. Not sure we could afford him though. 

    Strangely, Jonathan Page seemed to be the one considered to have promise but he's had a long and much less steady career at a considerably lower level. 

    You are 100% correct. Money would be lower at Motherwell FC. But compared to costs in London etc, the offset would be reduced to a degree. Family of his wife are also in this area, so more positives on coming back. 

    Pie in the sky at this stage, but stranger things have happened. Wait and see!




  13. Spittal aside, I have an overwhelming fear that goals will be a rarity this season. 

    SK has done a fantastic job end of season and has now moved on players deemed not good enough. 

    However, we look light weight up front, in the week of starting the new season. 

    Can see 0-0's  being our saviour this season, unless SK has a find up his sleeve. 

    Let's see how things develop, but our match against newly promoted Dundee, may provide more clues to our for coming season. 

    P. S. LM looks a player

  14. Let's cut through all The Bull Sh*t. 

    Our CEO leaves MFC (incidentally the team he massively supports) 

    He was obviously unhappy with how things were developing over time and probably had enough. 

    Other clubs would be aware and I believe he has been tapped (unless he had a brain fart and he was quitting without alternative employment - but I 100% don't believe.)

    Lead up:

    GA was eventually mutually terminated from his position. But, it took a long time to materialise. Was that down to splits in the board to keep or jettison? But, who was really happy with the formations and performances.  Players were clamoring to leave and move on PCA. Unfortunately, better players than those now currently playing week in and out. GA looks to have ripped the heart out of the previous squads with his methods and ideologies. 

    Was the board unanimously in favour of SH to come in and hit the ground running? Or was it an attempt to try recreate The Motherwell Way.

    Seems we lost our togetherness since Las etc left the building. 

    Fir Park doesn't look a happy place at the moment and it seems to have spread throughout the whole fabric of The Club. 

    Time for the bull shi**ing to stop, arses kicked and some leadership from the top. 

    If not, the consequence is a long period in the lower leagues. 

    These next 2 weeks are pivotal. 


  15. 45 minutes ago, Desp said:

    You could argue the board/directors have done just that.  They've given him nine new players in January.  That, to me, suggests they're giving Hammell time to try and turn this around.  I've said already, but I believe he gets the games in February (minimum) to show everyone he can get a tune from his team.  If it goes wrong, then we're scrambling about for a new guy in March hoping for a miracle.   It's a massive risk.  

    I agree the directors are trying to help with the additional 9 players. 

    I know certain players could make a difference and pull us out a hole. 

    However, I just have the feeling that SH inexperience will nullify all of the above. 

    It appears the Directors had to Stick or twist. I believe they are sticking. 

    Sorry to say, I believe this is a mistake for Motherwell FC, Stevie Hammell and all Directors that approved his appointment. 

    I hope I'm wrong. 



  16. If we don't change now with someone who can man manage, is tactically aware and can fire a rocket up some backsides. We are going to suffer the consequences and quite possibly for years to come. 

    IMHO SH is unable to set up tactically with the players we have and actually makes set ups and formations worse during game time. 

    It was a step too quickly in his career and it's obvious he isn't ready at this level. 

    Regardless of sanctioning new players. We won't improve enough if we are rudderless in leadership and our preparation. 

    The spotlight falls squarely on MFC directors. Help him or replace him. 

    Time is running out. 




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