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Posts posted by Welldaft21

  1. 2 minutes ago, rowsdower said:


    Always interested to know what's in it for folk that invest in football teams. I get the whole sports washing thing with the super rich owners, and me when I win the lottery, but what do these relatively small consortia get from it? 

    Will be interesting to see how the well society would fit with something like that. One of the biggest selling points of it is that it keeps us safe from bad guys buying us for bad reasons.

    Me too.

    Could be a vanity project, way to push US players getting a return that way, or a genuine interest in helping the club. there is Plenty folk out there who would happily assert strip a club or use them for personal gain in some form but I’m hoping given there’s a local involved that it’s a fan that has more of a genuine desire to help to the whole thing

  2. 6 hours ago, Swello said:

    This was touched on a wee bit at the AGM- not everyone that invests in a club like ours is necessarily is looking for shares/ownership. I can't imagine Motherwell is a business investment that makes sense if your goal is make a return but if it's a philanthropic thing then it might.

    If someone really bought out the Well Society and it was then decided to wind it up completely as a result - then I assume the money should go to the members rather than the football club. 


    Apparently the guy leading it is in the USA this week meeting with investors. Wouldn’t think anyone from abroad would be in it for philanthropic purposes but the guy leading it is from EK and is known to support a lot of good causes apparently so he might not purely be in it for money

    putting two and two together but poss could be some sort of US feeder type tie up they are trying to create. Who knows. Anyway something positive I suppose in the current situation or could be wide of the mark

    will see what else I can find out 

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