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Squeaks Snowy Bicycle

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  1. Or you are a new poster. They hound you and make up complete lies. Look at Scottsdad, complete and utter liar and doesn't even have the balls to explain himself. A coward.
  2. Tell me why you think I have posted on here before and been banned. Absolute claptrap. I am new and am getting treated dreadfully. The reason I am keeping this going is because I am not putting up with the complete lies written about me. Look at Scottsdad, what a complete lie, it is so obvious. Again I will ask him, why did you lie?
  3. You are seriously comparing a tv advert to someone posting pictures of young kids?
  4. Why are you making things up ? To look good in front of your mates and to make me look bad ? Or is it because you make up things on a regular basis?
  5. Several people typing. My point proving they bully you and hunt in pack Boo fu*king hoo.
  6. Not one of these posters who do stick together, hunt in packs and make up complete lies to look good and get a green dot from their mates can show me a racist post I have meant to have done. They are bullies, plain and simple and think that is okay behaviour.
  7. Not when there was no racist posts. They just decide because I am new and a Unionist. You show me where I have made anything that resembles a racist post please. Absolutely sickening how other posters have treated me.
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