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Posts posted by JPB16

  1. 24 minutes ago, DAFC. said:

    Not exactly sure what O’Halloran brings to this team.

    Nothing as a striker. He is a winger left or right in a mid field 4 or left or right in a front 3. When St Johnstone went to back 3 that shut him out. Suggest if you do not play him wide best leave him on the bench. Strange that Dave Mackay is not aware of this as that is where he played when he captained St Johnstone

  2. My oh my how can Rodgers take a winning team with a winning formula and change them into losers? Stubbornness wanting to play his way  and Pride not admitting Postacoglou's  style. tactics and dynamics is better than his. I feel sorry for all the Celtic fans out there because you will win nothing this season and may just beat Rangers unwanted record in the Champion's league. My solution sack him and put Kennedy in charge with Postacoglou;s backroom staff and play the same way as you did the last 2 seasons. The same players are there

  3. 44 minutes ago, The Toun Clock said:

    This is a wild take since MOH has been signed since early July and we’ve been in pursuit of Wotherspoon ever since 🤣

    It probably my wording never good at English. Yes they can play together and complement each other. They did it for years at Perth, I was thinking of the more of the financial side Wotherspoon looking for a Premiership team and I assumed Premiership wages. That's why I would be surprised if McPake signed both. If we can afford him he will be a great addition but don't disappear for internationals in Canada .

  4. Living abroad I get to watch any game I want. I enjoyed Ange's style of football aggressive, dynamic and very entertaining. I am not a fan of Rodger's style pretty boring.. He likes possession , slow methodical football. Right up Turnbull's and O'Riley's street not Hatate's style. I will watch the game today. Let's hope it is not one pass forward, 2 sideways then 2 backwards.   

    To quote Jock Stein “I think it is important to win a match, but I think what is even more important is the manner in which you win.” 

    PS thanks' for the loan of Ben Summers looked a player when he came on yesterday

  5. 1 hour ago, parxyz said:

    Think by the laws of the game its a yellow. But as others have said, in my opinion those sort of tackles where there's no attempt to play the ball and there's some sort of lunge should probably warrant a more severe punishment than your usual 'take one for the team' pull backs etc. An orange card perhaps.

    Could the old sinbin raise it's head again 😎

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