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    Raith Rovers

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  1. Honestly can’t say I’m disappointed! Some crazy decisions last year cost us the league. The way he left players out when they should have played and the rumours with Ross which will come out soon. Karma is a b*tch ian. Hopefully our next manager has better people management skills than IM! Said it before his new contract was far too premature.
  2. Thanks. Was a strange one thought there would be something out by now.
  3. Very true and none of our other cb’s or defenders caused absolute howlers so your spot on would have liked to see the laddy sign and maybe go out on loan.
  4. Has anyone heard anything of Ross Millen? He seems to have gone off the radar
  5. Every time they post a video it gets better and better. This media team are up there with the laddies - excellent! I suspect Hanlon will be next! Mcneil will stay but expect Corr to move on. He’s too good to be. Bench warmer - or maybe even in the stand with the defenders we have bought now. Needs game time
  6. I think he will go to thistle. His last interview sounded like he wanted to be closer to home
  7. Learning by sitting on the bench watching someone over 10 years older? The new cb’s are excellent and a vast improvement to what we have but the laddie needs to get out and play, it’s the only way he will “learn and develop”
  8. To be fare mate my grandson heard this and he is ages with the laddie (he has just came for lunch and I asked him about it) there was a video on Snapchat seeing him being escorted off of the plane
  9. Surely that story about the diverted flight is not about AA?!? He’s a young laddie with talent surely he wouldn’t do something so bloomin stupid? Wonder how long until our next new signing? Now I know how the bairns feel at Christmas waiting on Santa!
  10. I honestly don’t think turner will sign. He will be looking for a team closer to home going by his interview of “personal” matters I really liked him when he played in the right position. A real asset to the team and was missed in the county games
  11. I’m like a kid at Christmas waiting on new signings. My refresh button is wearing out! Come on team give us more signings!
  12. Yeah he was decent in that game but not so much the rest of the season
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