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  1. If we never let people ask questions they will always be ignorant
  2. I am genuinely interested in your point of view
  3. And if you have any other questions or comments you are welcome to share them if you do so respectfully. I will try to answer them to the best of my ability
  4. If you put other or either of the reasons not stated answers I would be interested in hearing your reasoning
  5. I just wanted to know what you guys think about this overall. I have heard a lot of opinions already but I want to get an even better feel for what you think.
  6. Every ideology has its flaws. We chose the one that we believe has the least.
  7. And yes at the same time if the ideology that America follows becomes more popular, America will gain more power. But the USA chose to be a capitalist republic because we thought that that was the best choice. So if we are trying to spread that ideology we ARE actively trying to make other people’s lives better.
  8. The main reason Americans are against communism is not because it is a bad idea, it’s because it gives way to much power to the government and in most cases has ended in a dictatorship. And since usually a dictatorship does not end well for the people under the rule of the dictator it is therefore beneficial to prevent the spread of communism. This is the logic behind stopping communism from spreading.
  9. Once again I am not saying that everything the USA has done in the last 75-100 years has been correct but I am saying that we have tried to make the right decision. It is quite easy to look back on something and condemn it as wrong but it is much harder in the moment of the decision. Also, in regards to the point that we have fought many wars to prevent the spread of communism think about what our motive would be for this. Like why would we want to go to war over that unless we thought it was a really bad idea.
  10. I wanted to see the perspective of people that don’t necessarily agree with American interests
  11. In my opinion the USA has only intervened in areas that it thought that it could help people have better lives. They haven’t attempted to take land out of greed, they have tried to protect other, weaker groups of people. That doesn’t mean we have always made the right decisions but at least we are trying to help
  12. I am simply saying that we should not let countries be controlled by countries they don’t want to be controlled by.
  13. I am certain that China is studying the war in Ukraine and trying to find a way to successfully take taiwan. If they manage to cut off Taiwan by surrounding it with their navy it would be far easier to conquer than Ukraine has been for China. They have already been quite aggressive towards Philippine and American ships in the South China Sea.
  14. As many know Taiwan is a point of great tension in international relations pertaining to the U.S. and China. As a little bit of background for people who may not be well versed on the subject, after World War Two the Chinese civil war resumed and with support from Russia the People’s republic of China defeated the Republic of China. The ROC then fled to the island of Taiwan and has governed there ever since. However the PRC believes that because it won the civil war it has rights to the island of Taiwan. Currently ROC is at peace with Taiwan because its aggression is looked down upon and the USA has stated that it will support Taiwan if it comes to war. History aside, a few people in the USA do not believe it to be advantageous to defend Taiwan if China were to invade it. The main reason for this is because of the massive amount of economic power China currently holds over the world. This means that if the American government decides to go to war with China over Taiwan, the world’s economy, along with a lot of western power goes down the drain. However, at the same time there are a great many who would say that we should defend Taiwan even if it means a war with China. For whatever reason nowadays it always seems to be the choice between the lesser of two evils instead of the greater of two goods. As such not defending Taiwan raises even greater problems. Foremost among them being the fact that not defending Taiwan could lead to China gaining even more power over Asia. This would be caused by a series of practically unavoidable events. First, because the US did not defend Taiwan they would be mistrusted by other nations and these other nations would be far more hesitant to trust the U.S. to create some sort of coalition to defend Asia from China. Then because China would not have to worry about a U.S. military presence in Taiwan or an alliance between other Asian nations to stop China’s expansion it would continue to take more and more power in the pacific or other parts of Asia. The U.S. would then have to resort to either all out war or nuclear threats, both of which would be a very bad idea for obvious reasons. A war at this point would be even worse for the USA than before because the US would have already lost many allies to either China or to a lack of faith. After all who would trust a country that left its ally for dead against the same power you are currently fighting?Even if China were to just take Taiwan that still would make the U.S. lose a lot of faith from the international community and would cause there to be a major advantage for China if they ever decided to continue expanding in the future. Clearly this means the USA must defend Taiwan at all costs even if that means a war with China lest it be despised by the international community and weakened significantly in Asia. Surely we must defend Taiwan at all costs.
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