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Donte Polvara

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Posts posted by Donte Polvara

  1. 2 minutes ago, craigkillie said:

    It wasn't even close to a foul on MacDonald, it was just shit defending and he knew it.

    I didn't think it was a foul to be fair but I think the point people are making is that had the on field decision been a foul on MacDonald it's unlikely to be overturned as there was contact. Brings into question what is the point in VAR if extra weight is still been given to the onfield decision especially if the referees are using it to hedge their bets against giving decisions against the old firm.

  2. I think the level of disagreement over the penalty on here shows that at the very least the VAR protocols are a heap of shite and should be binned. Robertson was taking the easy route all game and making sure decisions went the right way so he's not back page news for the next two weeks. Not seen the highlights but I'm sure had Celtics equaliser been the otherway round Robertson would given a foul on McDonald regardless of whether or not it was. I find it bizzare to give so much weight to the referees interpretation of an incident on the pitch but then not to bother getting them across to look at it as part of the review. I'd prefer just getting rid of VAR as a whole but if you're going to waste everyone's time at least to it productively.

    It's a shame that it's distracted from what was objectively a very good game. Very proud of the players who deserve plaudits for the performance. Obviously gutted with the result but can't say I didn't get value for my money going which certainly hasn't been a given for most of my trips to Hampden.

  3. Needed to be done but can't help but feel a bit of sympathy to Robson. Best of the last three managers I'd say but that's not a high bar. I've got no idea who we go for next and don't really trust the FMB to get it right. Couldn't really pick a worse time to change managers with the transfer window closing and both the old firm up next. Bad enough doing it once but three seasons on the bounce is incredibly bad.

  4. Comfortable enough win for us without really getting out of first gear. Not sure there's much to read out of the performance, Wednesday night against St Johnstone will be more interesting to see where we are post winter break.

    I thought Duk looked like he couldn't be arsed when he came on and was first down the tunnel after the game. Whether that's him upset about not starting/getting a move or just his thoughts on the weather I don't know.

    A red card in the scottish cup for Pape would have been a good way for him to start off his Sam Cosgrove arc. If 2024 gives me one thing let it be that.

  5. Start of the gauntlet here for Robson, no more excuses. Unless the results are truly terrible in the run-up to the break it doesn't seem like the board will be wanting rid but he's already lost a fair chunk of the fan base. Can't imagine we'll switch from 5 at the back but would at least like to see McGarry and Morris as wing backs. Hoping the midweek performance more along the lines of the Motherwell game than the Kilmarnock one but it is the hope that kills you.

  6. 52 minutes ago, Dons_1988 said:

    It wasn’t the same game plan that we’ve had success with. You watch back the second half at ibrox. We were solid but we counter attacked with purpose and committed bodies forward. That 2nd goal we were queuing up to hit shots. 

    In the game at pittodrie we got in front by being aggressive and we had them rattled. In the second half we camped on our own box and conceded a lot of chances and chucked it. 

    We all know what we saw yesterday. He just tried to stay in it and nick something. A repeat of 2018, where mcinnes did similar. But that day, like yesterday, we could have played all night and not scored. 

    I agree with you in a way but I don't think Robson has said to them don't counter them well and get forward rather the players are lacked the confidence to do it in a cup final at Hampden. Part of the reason that we didn't counter with purpose or get bodies forward was that as soon as someone got the ball they either battered it up the park or misplaced a pass and I think there's a limit to how much Robson can affect that. 

  7. 41 minutes ago, DukDukGoose said:

    Define competitive?

    If it's giving them a close game without anything to show for it then it's not working.

    4/6 points off Rangers in the league, beating Frankfurt at home, drawing with PAOK in Greece. Obviously there were some disappointing results PAOK at home, the two Helsinki games and the cup final but we were in those games for 90 minutes and deservedly so. Compare that to Hearts last season who got the same points at us but were on the receiving end of a 4-0,  3-0, 5-1 and 3-1. Which leads to my point that we're mainly letting ourselves down against teams at a similar or lower level to us.

    Taking the conference league and league cup final in isolation the outcomes are a bit disappointing yes but we're there competing and you'd hope with more time with the squad we'd improve and take the next step and progress/win. If Robson can sort out performances against the non old firm teams then I'd happily keep him and play the way we do against the "bigger" teams. Whether he can do that is another thing I guess the run up until the winter break will tell us that but if we do bin him i'd like it to be because we're in the bottom half of the table not because we didn't win the league cup or get through the conference league group.

  8. 38 minutes ago, Dons_1988 said:

    Barry Robsons post match comments are that of an inexperienced manager. 

    He’s not said we had no chance in the final but he’s said words that no fan wants to hear after a performance like that, and can be wilfully misinterpreted. 

    I don’t expect us to turn up at hampden and dominate rangers for 90 minutes, I’m fine with being difficult to beat and compact out of possession. I’m fine with us being direct too as long as there’s a purpose to it. 

    But the fact is we didn’t lay a glove on them, we didn’t have a shot on target and at no point did I ever feel like we really threatened them. The plan was to chip balls over the top and in behind and hope they made a mistake to gift us something. They didn’t. 

    Thats unforgivable Barry, it’s a cup final against a beatable side. You don’t get away with just being the unlucky underdog here. That was woeful. 

    I'm not sure the blame for that can be entirely Robsons though we've pulled off this game plan created a good number of chances in Europe and twice against Rangers already this season. I think in the first half especially players were panicking and shelling balls forward without any real thought. They've shown they can do it but just lacked the composure to do it in the final. 

    There's a lot of valid criticisms of Robson and that interview isn't a good look but the one thing I'd give him is we have been competitive against "better" teams. His record against Rangers since coming in is 2 wins, 1 draw (that should have been a win) and 2 defeats with a goal difference of +2. I think part of the reason that we all see Rangers as beatable is how we've performed against them under him outwith that since Clement has come in they've been unbeaten and topped their Europa league group. 

  9. Disappointed with the result but I don't think the performance was a bad as a lot of others. Felt we defended well but just lacked the composure going forward. That wasn't helped mind you by Don Robertson refusing to give us a single 50-50. We definitely are lacking in the centre of the park who can actually control the game a bit. Hopefully we can kick on in the league and get some wins at home before sorting that out in January.

  10. 1 hour ago, Sortmeout said:

    You do realise that we probably look worse than you because we can’t go and splash transfer fees on players here and there as you can. McInnes would certainly be a better choice than another rookie or almost any other available manager in Scotland.

    Wasn't meant to be an attack on Kilmarnock obviously with the money we can spend we should be the better team especially at home. He's doing at decent job with yous, similar to what he did with us steadied the ship and made you difficult to play against (at home at least). We clearly hit a ceiling with him after a while and that ceiling was lowering as Rangers, Hearts and Hibs got the finger out. I'd rather keep on with Robson than bring McInnes back to play the same way but (maybe) slightly better. Not to mention that he's completely at odds with the way the club is now run particularly with recruitment. Almost all our signings under McInnes were british or irish. Partly because of the scouting network at the time but I also think it was his way of keeping things close knit in the dressing room.

  11. Definitely a matter of when not if now with Robson. Was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt with all the mitigating circumstances but things clearly aren't improving. Even when we get the odd good performance more often than not it doesn't come with a result. Can't seem him being gone before the final if we win that he'll probably last until the winter break.

    As far as replacements god knows, unlikely to be able to land any of the managers in the english championship merry-go-round they all know it's just a matter of time until they get another shot. As poor as we were last night Killie were arguably worse so I don't see McInnes as the answer. Not even sure who we'll go to as caretaker switch Robson off and back on again and hope for another one of those winning runs? 

  12. I feel for Robson in a way, group stage football and the squad turnover we had in the summer wouldn't be easy to manage even for someone with experience. I'd like to see him see out the season to break the pattern of sacking a manager every winter if nothing else. But for that to happen results need to turn around very soon. Win the next two games and we're likely 4/5 points off 3rd with a game or two in hand, throw in the league cup and we're laughing. Lose them however and things start to look very grim. You'd hope that the FMB have learned from their past mistakes and have a plan in place for if things do continue to go poorly but I'm hopeful that we can get a couple wins on the board at home and get some momentum going.

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