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Posts posted by charliewheelen

  1. Absolutely, clever from the captain. As I had eluded to in the pod, I've met Dom a few times and the enthusiasm he would speak about him with was dead refreshing. I asked a question in relation to the style of play at the Q&A night last year and he mirrored exactly what he said last week. I'm away to shoot my shot with Robin now, don't say I'm not good to you all 😅

  2. Afternoon all. I have the privilege of interviewing your director of football and assistant coach Matthew Thomson on Thursday through at your home ground for my podcast "Today Wheelenterview". I wanted to ask if any of you have any questions you'd like me to put to him, or any topics you would like me to cover? It's a wee bit of a different interview for me, however it allows for a more personal touch when it comes to yourselves and the club. Very happy to share it when it's out!

  3. Morning all. I had the pleasure of interviewing former Killie man and current Queen’s Park skipper Dom Thomas.

    His time at the club was interesting and varied in general, and he gave big insight into his relationships with Lee McCulloch, Steve Clarke and the great Angelo Alessio, and the rather different experiences he had with them all. If any of you fancy stepping back in time a few years then feel free the give the podcast a listen. For those of you in a rush, 29:38 is when we get talking about your club, however you’re welcome to give it a listen for as long as you want.
    I hope this pieces together one or two things from that era at Rugby Park.

    Enjoy the Euro Tour in a couple of months 🎉🏖️



  4. 45 minutes ago, starshot131 said:

    Appreciate it's already been said but that was a great listen, inciteful and well-put-together
    Thanks for doing it!

    Oh no keep it coming mate 🤩😅 more than happy to give you guys just under an hour of the man himself, he told me on Saturday he enjoyed it and that it went well, so it was never in doubt! Hopefully there’s more to come from Queen’s Park on Wheelenterview, you’re all a great bunch! 🤝🏻

  5. 5 hours ago, qpfc said:

    Great interview, enjoyed listening to that! Both yourself and Dom spoke really well and there was a great flow throughout. Particularly Interesting listening to the segment about veldman. Without Dom actually mentioning him, it seems very apparent that the influence of Beuker essentially running all football operations presented very little to zero opportunity for Veldman to implement what he wanted to do in terms of recruitment etc

    Biggest thing I’ve took from that segment was thank goodness beuker still isn’t around!

    Thank you very much mate, I really appreciate that. Of course I’d never want to put him in a situation to speak bad of someone, or set him up to do so, it was all about shutting up and letting him speak of his experience 😅 the way he went about it was professional, and I think we know where he stands on everyone that was mentioned. As I’ve said before I was dead interested in hearing about his managers, especially Veldman. Glad you enjoyed it above all else!

  6. 21 minutes ago, an86 said:

    Can only repeat what others have said. Really enjoyed that. Dom feels like one of those players who has been here a lot longer than he actually has been, given how eventful a time it’s been. 

    He’s well and truly seen it all in black and white 😅 I’m happy I could shed a wee bit of light on some situations and characters, glad you enjoyed it above all!

  7. 24 minutes ago, Spidersmad said:

    A really good listen Charlie. Dom comes across very well and gives some interesting insights into the Owen Coyle / Robin Veldman/ Callum Davidson eras. It's especially interesting to hear what Dom thinks about Robin Veldman and the situation he found himself in. Well done.

    I love to ask about the managers in every interview. I knew he always thought very highly of Robin, some things aren’t meant to be. Could’ve spoken to him all night, great guy. Glad you enjoyed it mate, that’s all that matters!

  8. 22 minutes ago, Spider Rico said:

    Listened to it this morning. A really enjoyable listen, nice job putting it together 

    Thank you very much mate. As much as I’m glad you enjoyed it, I hope you found his comments on what happened in the title charge season and the managers he’s had insightful. Thought his talk about Veldman was quite nice, especially to hear it from a player

  9. The one you’ve all been waiting for is here! Dom was Wheelenterview’ed last week and it was one of my favourite chats so far. He’s a real credit to your club, you’re very fortunate to have such an enthusiastic captain who speaks so well and so passionately about the club.

    Thank you for your questions and your genuine intrigue in the chat. I’d love for as many of you to hear it as possible, share it around if you have others you know will enjoy it. Likewise, if you like the sound of my voice, give the show a follow to be the first to know about the next exciting interviews. Hopefully not our last involvement with Queen’s Park on the podcast, I’m sure I’ll see you at Hampden next season 🤞🏻🕷️


    *the first two links will take you straight to it!

  10. Hi guys,

    just finished recording the podcast with Dom. I guarantee there are some insights about the club you’ll definitely want to hear, especially about the managers in the last couple of years and the previous two seasons. Likewise, I’m sure you’ll all enjoy Dom talking us through his career as he speaks so well. He made it easy for me, and hopefully I’ll have it out on Monday morning for you all!

  11. 2 hours ago, QP's in my DNA said:

    Welcome Adam.......but like any new poster on any fans forum, and given your "pals" comments.?

    It would be nice for us on the Queen's Park forum "pay at the gate",  supporters to know the following   🐵

    Why should we    2) laugh at Inverness ????

    I, like many Queen's fans, who have been lucky enough over the years to attend not only home, but away games, at Inverness.....  and  Dingwall, Elgin, Peterheid, Cove , Montrose and best of all for an away day...Arbroath. I've scrounged lifts, borrowed bus fares, dodged train barriers, but of course I've always payed to get in.

    Your "new" first post makes me think you are the kind of guy who is here to tell us that the complete mis-management that is the redevelopment of Lesser Hampden was not the fault of any current QP Committee member, and we should ignore such disgraceful decisions concerning  building a glorified "Punch and Judy" box to house those self imagined glitterati.

    So Adam could you answer the following questions................after all, it is close season (for us), so we are desparate  for any news.

    1:- Do you have any connection with any QP committee member ?      You don't have to say which one !

    2:- Do you have any connection with  CITY ?????  in all it's manifistasions ????

    2:- Do you have any connection with any football club in the Glasgow area that 99.99 % of the rest of the QP family think are toxic ?

    Well of course, It would be nice to believe, you' re a genuine , brand new, football  fan with an interest  in QP, brought about by the  fantastic efforts of certain members of the hard working staff that go unrecogniseat The Nc Alpine StIUM

    Adam’s a good lad, he’s been QP daft for a good few years now. He’s kept me in the loop with everything going on at the club, and I’ve joined him a few times at the games. I would’ve never thought to use P&B without him, so cheers to that. As far as I know, he’s not a Spectre-style agent for the club’s committee, not yet anyway 😅

  12. 43 minutes ago, adamqpfc said:

    making an account on here just to

    1) endorse 'today wheelenterview', as chazza is a good pal of mine and has a great podcast ( i actually own half as i came up w/ the name ). theres a great one up with darren young, & without giving too much away, there should be one coming up with a certain *dick* that was a staple manager of the lower leagues at the seasides 👀.

    2) laugh at inverness


    Two fairly reasonable points here in fairness

  13. 10 minutes ago, an86 said:

    Would be interested to get his general take on the madness that’s occurred since he joined. The football up until the end of January of Coyle’s season in the Championship is the best I’ve ever seen from a QP team. Four goals away to Thistle, four away to Arbroath, five away at Raith, four at Hamilton and six at Cove.

    The madness of selling Murray on the up to Inverness, winning the game and then being knocked out of the cup because his replacement was unregistered seemed to absolutely kill us in one go. There’s a widely held feeling that we’d have won the league if he’d stayed and would be interested to get his feelings on all of that. Also the differences between Coyle, Veldman and Davidson in terms of styles, as they seem like three guys who are very different as personalities and coaches. 

    Absolutely no shortage of drama since he's come in. I've always loved asking guys about the managers they've worked with, so we'll be covering those three from the last couple of years. The second half of the title charge season will also be a big point of discussion, keen to find out what fell away, and if that night in Inverness had a bit to do with it. Should have no problem weaving these points into the interview, Dom's as talkative and open as anyone. Thanks very much mate!

  14. Afternoon all,

    On Thursday I’m in the privileged position to be interviewing your captain Dom Thomas himself for my podcast “Today Wheelenterview”. Having been a ball boy years ago and keeping a wee eye on the club ever since I’m really looking forward to it.

    This interview will be for you guys, and I’d love to get you all involved. Is there anything you’d like me to ask Dom on your behalf, or any issues or topics regarding himself or the club itself you’d like me to cover? There’s never a dull moment at Hampden, and with the season done and dusted I’m sure there’s a million and one things on your minds about QP at the moment.

    Very happy to share it when it’s ready to go, and I look forward to getting down to Hampden next season. All the best!

  15. Evening all. In the very fortunate position to be interviewing Dick Campbell himself next week for my podcast “Today Wheelenterview”. 

    I’d love to get you all involved as much as possible, so are there any questions you would like me to put to the gaffer himself, or any issues you would like me to bring up? Very happy to share the finished article when it’s out. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t buzzing for it!

  16. On 05/04/2024 at 22:07, Redcar said:

    Listened to it. His departure from Berwick bears no resemblance to what I heard at the time. 

    Won't say any more as I may have been misinformed, and it's all irrelevant now anyway. 

    If you don't mind me asking mate, what was the sentiment at the time? I'm genuinely curious as I'm not a Berwick man myself, interested to know what you guys all thought back then. Regardless, I'm happy I could shed a wee bit of light on it for you all from the man himself.

  17. Evening all. You may only be enthusiastic about a percentage of the episode, however I recently spoke to current East Stirlingshire manager, and one-time Berwick man, Pat Scullion. As expected, we discussed his emergency loan that led to him signing permanently. He spoke a wee bit about how the club was doing at the time and the manager himself! Here's the link if you're interested, may be even more beneficial now as it's basically an hours worth of free homework on a rival Lowland League manager! ⬇️


  18. Evening all. I'd be doing you all a disservice by not sharing it, however I recently spoke to current East Stirlingshire manager, and numerous-time Cowdenbeath man, Pat Scullion. As expected, we discussed your club more than the others, and it was interesting to hear about Cowden from three different eras. Personally, I'd love to know what you guys were doing to him on the basis he kept coming back! Hopefully see the Blue Brazil back up where they belong soon. Here's the link if you're interested, may be even more beneficial now as it's basically an hours worth of free homework on a rival Lowland League manager! ⬇️



  19. Hi all, many sympathies to you all for a goalless draw this afternoon. I couldn't find the Peterhead supporters anywhere P&B so I'll make it short and sweet. I'm interviewing one half of the Peterhead management duo in Jordon Brown the week after next for my podcast Today Wheelenterview, and I want to get as many of you involved as possible.

    Asking supporters' questions has worked a charm so far on the show, so is there anything you would like me to ask directly to him, or have you any insights at all into his tenure at the club to better the interview as a whole. Stenny fans, feel free to get involved, would be rude to leave you out. Happy to share it in your next matchday thread, we're on both Spotify and Apple. Wish both of your teams the very best for the rest of the season!

  20. Evening all. If all goes to plan I will be interviewing your very own Pat Scullion very soon for my podcast, Today Wheelenterview. In order to really maximise the value and entertainment of the show, I want to ask if there are any questions you would like me to put to the gaffer, or any insights/topics you would like me to cover? This has worked a charm getting the supporters involved in the show, ultimately this is an episode for you! We're on Spotify and Apple if you'd like to check the show out. Best of luck versus the Braves tomorrow!

  21. 4 hours ago, Beepee67 said:

    Echoed all the above @charliewheelen 

    Great interview & insight into not only DY's career, thoughts, idea's & ambitions, remembering he's doing this as a PT job & still having another job outside of football, you can see & hear is love of the game. His self belief that he can go on & have a crack at FT management... something i dont want to think about at the moment for selfish reasons as I'm loving the impact he's having on my club & the pleasure of following the team, that 3pm buzz never gets boring watching Pab's lead the team out, testament to the job he's doing along with his backroom staff 👏

    Ready to go again on Saturday at NDP @SA45 it will be same formation on Saturday...we will be playing 4-5-1 formation 👍

    I've loved seeing how much you all admire and love Darren, something I've been very fortunate to have seen with the others I have interviewed. I seem to pick and choose well! Great testament to your club who I'm incredibly proud to have brought a wee bit closer to the supporters. Gutted I can't make it down the road to Hamilton as a wee thank you, Do you know if the club will have any more midweek fixtures this season, or is that them done for now?

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