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  1. On Friday night, I found out I would be working in Aberdeen. I had no idea what time I would finish, so it was really a last-minute decision to show up. Football is the only thing I know of that begs fans to attend games but then makes it as difficult as possible to actually get there. I've lost count of the times I've walked up to the Odeon, thought 'f**k it,' and decided to just watch a movie by buying a ticket on the spot. Due to my job, I can't plan six weeks in advance. If I'm on call, I can be expected to drop everything and drive three hours away.
  2. Regarding tickets, I don’t see why they can’t sell them in the club shop on weekends. It would save them from having to pay an extra wage to someone in the ticket office. The club shop closes at 1. Unless there is some weird complex cos the money goes to Provan sports By pure chance, I was working in Aberdeen yesterday and managed to get to the game. However, most weeks I can’t make games until the last minute, purely due to depending what time i finish work.
  3. Only if we offered to repay him the money back in 6 months...
  4. First time seeing Oxborough, in goals and must admit he impressed me, granted he never had any real saves but still looked decent. Amazed he never came in last season when kelly was horrendous. Not too worried just yet if robinson takes that early chance we stroll it, Halliday needs to be replaced dont see what he brings to the team
  5. Is it just me or the glare off the pitch making this unwatchable?
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