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    The Ferry
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    Dundee Utd
  1. Clarke decided to park the bus in order to win a game of football. Genius!
  2. So you're argument is - we were really shit before Clarke and now we're not quite as shit, so let's stick with that because we might get more shit again. Remind me not to hire you for motivational speeches. Not sure why it matters but I've been watching Scotland for over 55 years and I know I deserve better, and so do you. I'm away to my bed.
  3. The fact of the matter is that a better manager with the same players would have comfortably won that game tonight. Hungary were there for the taking but our manager wanted to play it cagey. He chose negative tactics and a team full of players, including a few who hadn't turned up in the first 2 games and looked leg weary. If we'd freshened up the starting lineup we'd be celebrating tonight. The manager is the problem, not the players.
  4. If I'd known how negative Steve Clarke was going to be, I'd rather we had not qualified in the first place. I could have enjoyed all the other football, which has been positive, energetic and entertaining. Not like watching Scotland. I want more from a team representing my country than what Steve Clarke had them set up to do tonight. The manager was negative, cowardly and lacking in confidence in his players. I can't think of worse characteristics in a manager.
  5. The result tonight will have me down over the next week or so but the lack of ambition for our country portrayed by some folk in this thread makes me want to weep. What is wrong with Scottish people that they find it acceptable to be pretty shit and not expect to ever be better?
  6. I think you're missing the point here. We had told them that this was a game we had to win so they couldn't understand why we did nothing positive or have any shots at goal.
  7. I'm usually the same but I'm just looking to find out if I'm deluded in what my thoughts were on the match I watched the game in mixed company with some women that know very little about football and a couple of them were shouting at the tele about how negative the team was - 'Why do they keep passing the ball backwards?' I've never experienced anything like this ever before.
  8. I'm sitting listening Stephen O'Donnell justify this on BBC Scotland. So depressing.
  9. I'm shocked and stunned. Turns out we could have done with fresh legs and a more positive game plan from the word go. Who Knew! Steve, please GTF!!!
  10. Here's an idea, let's get a manager that wants to win a game from the first minute rather than the 80th.
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