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  1. You're not going to fit in with EB vision if you dont recognise the "CoPilot" mentioned is the AI from Microsoft lol
  2. Seeing as our potential investor seems to follow this thread I thought I'd give him a shot of "realism" in how you would achieve the levels of growth needed to make a sustained difference at the club . Its simple - you spend 100 million immediately on the team with circa 20m a year after. That buys you the premiership and champions league money which allows you over a 5-6 year period to recoup your investment all going to plan. During this time you will potentially build up to draw an extra 3-4k extra fans a week to the stadium as they chase the success (lets face it in the last 50 years our support has largely been stagnant at its current levels). Otherwise forget it because even 10-20m a year will only get you 3rd at best and that will bring you an extra few hundred fans on a good day, been there done that. Even then you face a fight to get those fans and keep them because you face the west of Scotland bigotry that keeps the ugly sisters full each week and sadly that's a very powerful force. Now of course this is all pie in the sky stuff and nonsense numbers rather than realism but that's the size of hurdle that's in the way of expanding our support by anything like even 3-4 thousand consistently. There is no magic bullet that will do it, AI and Salesforce will do nothing but cost us money because you simply don't understand the fan base that's out there. Over 50 years following the Well I can assure you the ones that will drag themselves out each week are already doing it and sticking their money into the society if they can/believe in it, there aren't tens of thousands sitting at home waiting for a messiah to turn things around or drop them a text/email asking them to turn up. Clever marketing and a documentary will change nothing - has anyone watched the Grimsby Town one on Amazon? Admittedly there are probably a few hundred fans that really just need their mates to drag them along rather than sit in the pub but that's realistically where we are. You wont change that, I know you think you can but plenty have tried before and they just aren't there to be gotten. Simple fact is we are a small provincial club that occasionally does something a bit special and while its getting harder to do that, we're pretty secure financially and as long as we operate within our means we'll continue to be so. I'm glad you're interested in our club, I'm glad you put together a well thought out and financially sound offer (for you, it will kill the society as people will quit donating leaving them a hole to fill) but frankly it wont change anything and when you get bored and decide to try something else I worry about what will have happened to my club, to our safety net in the Well Society and just who you'll hand the club over to because we will have lost our say in decisions like that. A lot of people put in a lot of effort to get us where we are, even Les the Rangers fan from Barbados did right by us to get us here and we owe him a huge debt of gratitude. Having got here I cant and never will accept anything that takes away fan ownership and for that reason I'm out.
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