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Everything posted by MEADOWXI

  1. Left handed, but when using both utensils it always fork left and knife right. The fork alone is always left, sometimes assisted by noon/garlic/normal bread in the right for the final pushing and mopping. Perfectly able to use a knife with the weaker hand.
  2. Brad was replaced by a self service checkout The Self Service checkout has more personality and charm Brad was a dick and won't be missed.
  3. What they have done is petty, what my reaction wants to be is not, My closest shop is a Tesco Express, barely bigger than a corner shop. I use it 3 or 4 times and week and know where everything is. They have moved nearly everything, The fresh rolls and brad is gone f**k knows where and the crisps are there, they've knackered the booze area, and the wine I drink is gone, sweets are where household stuff was, its just annoying and pathetic and total change for for the sake of it. I want to firebomb the shop as revenge, but the garage for petrol is miles away. I am a grumpy old sod.
  4. Comedy 5 Wednesday 9 First 7 fine then, Last three were all over the place, Opera wrong but thought was right Battle right but only because the question was asked in reverse about 2 weeks ago (asked for the KIng last time) Author total guess and hit
  5. My answer if I get as far as speaking to them is 'well I'm not looking for a pay cut', then slightly exaggerating what I'm on. Moved in Feb from employer of 3 years to new employer, at same time was talking to another company. Two weeks ago I have moved again. the other company had come back, made an offer based on my info, the employer I handed my noticed to, made a counter offer for me to stay, and I then got a further counter offer they couldn't match. 6 months, 2 moves and a wee bit of negotiation on 2nd move and have managed a 18% salary bump this year. Even if they don't say, worth the one call and just saying I ain't moving for a paycut and this is what I currently get (or say I get), If they not in the game they won't phone back.
  6. So much of that is about bailiffs and landlords and people that are having a shit time or at the bottom of the ladder, Hardcore Poverty Porn for the middle classes, lets have a w**k at someone living in private let poverty. Just appalling TV.
  7. Reality TV All reality TV is manufactured crap, in extremely artificial environments badly presented with false cliffhangers and pretend jeopardy. It call all f**k off.
  8. Had one of those B&W portables as a kid. On a Sunday, in the days before football was everywhere, could take the portable to my aunts the other side of Irvine, and you could get Ulster as well as STV, and the big match had a live English football game. Think it was Ernie Walker that had banned it being shown on STV.
  9. My dad bought V2000 (it was the other version). Think it was a Phillips/Grundig thing. The tapes were double sided like audio tapes so you could record more in better quality, but never caught on especially for video rental, Video 2000 - Wikipedia
  10. I take your thumbs up and raise it with the response 'K' Can't even be bothered to type OK, has to be abbreviated to K* *1st smart arse to respond with K gets a green dot.
  11. I wonder how a journalist working at a news broadcasting station* would be able to check and investigate if something was false? *I use the terms journalist and news in possibly there loosest meaning as think their defence for some of their stuff and presenters is that they are more entertainment than news.
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