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Everything posted by MEADOWXI

  1. It took how many Star Wars movies to make Rogue One to make the start of Star Wars IV : A New Hope even better, and I sat through all the other ones.
  2. Go to Revolut, or GoHenry or Starling All offer online kids accounts and take minutes to do, and when done don't forget to email RBS to explain their system has lost a 14 year old as potential customer for life.
  3. So if we all buy Tesla cars we will hear whistling again, a better argument for everyone getting diesel cars with burst exhausts I cannot imagine.
  4. The BBC website, Looking at the scores for last night and fixtures for tonight, Scores & Fixtures - Football - BBC Sport These are all first leg games, what the point of having the agg. score yet And all the games are the same.
  5. Still on a couple of Irvine groups, and half the stuff seems to be 'seen the helicopter up, what's happening?' North Ayrshire folk stunned by metal bird in sky..... it's a helicopter, it's supposed to be in the sky much of the time.
  6. Morning, Comedy 7 Wednesday 9 - wrong colour Totally on fire just now, sun is out, got offered a new job, current employer offered me more to stay, new company offered even more to move, 14.5% payrise for shorter commute and better job it is. Must be due a seagull attack or an aneursym with things going too well just now.
  7. I'm going to act like a criminal Neanderthal c**t - best wear a shirt that makes me stand out for the CCTV and all to easily spot me, look at those idiots all in black hiding their faces, just no looting style.
  8. Tuesday 9 - Guessed the cyclist and missed, And after the question has come up about 27 times I remembered the authors first name. The African country has a fascinating colonial history period which ties it to the other country through one man, worth a read.
  9. Misread the date as today the 5th and assumed the 7th would be a couple of days away and they wouldn't be hanging around to jump on the bandwagon.= Gives me time to perfect filling water balloons with piss and firing them by catapult at anyone there, or just scattering bird food laced with laxative at 12.45 and watch anyone that shows up be shat on by every seagull & pigeon in Aberdeen.
  10. Someone had it come up on their feed so not sure, need to go back and ask, 1pm on a Wednesday does seem an odd time, though can't imagine that many going would have to take time off work.
  11. From my flat if I put a speaker in my window I could have my music heard in the Castlegate, Mibbes a selection from Cat Stevens - Peace Train, Oh Very Young, Morning Has Broken, If You Want to Sing Out, Sing Out, Ramadan Moon...... It a WFH day and abuse will be hurled, this is an appalling poster.
  12. Back to being a commuter. WFH 2 days a week but 3 days a week have to travel by bus. It ain't the longest journey, only about 15-20mins but folk are annoying. If you on the bus every day why do you have to ask the driver 'how much to Altens?' every day, surely you should have some form of memory to retain the same info you are told every day. Have your purse, wallet, card, phone, ticket ready as you get to the driver, when you get to the driver is not the time to start rooting in your bag or pockets or pressing 47 buttons on your phone to get to the right app. And why wait till the bus stops before getting off your seat to leave, seems to be a new young folk thing, press the button and sit on your arse till the bus stops and doors open, then decide to saunter down the bus to exit, not only delaying everything unnecessarily but causing another pileup at the door as folk getting on don't see anyone getting off and start to get on and look for their ticket in their bag because that the Aberdonian way. If you hear of the X8 being hijacked and driven into the harbour I snapped one Thursday afternoon.
  13. For last weeks Treble and the start to this week I can only say ' I'm over the moon Jeff SlipperyP ' Monday - 10
  14. Friday - 9 going so well and then fell at the last wrong city. Guessing is strong this week as I guessed the Shakespeare question based on the fact it was the only name I kond of recognised LoL
  15. The Olympic team being called Team GB Should be Team UK unless we are excluding Northern Ireland, the debate on whether that a good idea or not is something else. They in now so it should be called Team UK
  16. Craiginches in Aberdeen closed and bulldozed and now flats on site Peterhead - closed and now a museum, and now a popular attraction Peterhead Prison Museum - A Family Fun, Day Out in Peterhead New Prison built next to old Peterhead site is HMP Grampian which has Male, Female and Youg Offender units.
  17. Apparently the trick on school trips to Millport or Arran for an Ayrshire school boy was to tear off a part of your roll or sandwich, place a two pence coin inside and throw it in the air, as they swooped to catch it could choke them and they would barrel roll into the Firth of Clyde in a manner reminiscent of a ME111 into the Channel in an old Battle of Britain movie.
  18. Gull size is scary, have seen one gulp down a whole small rabbit alive on the Links golf in Aberdeen, needed 2 stitches in the back of my head after being attacked walking along Pittodrie Lane as I walked my normal route which now had a nest on a roof nearby I didn't know about. And they ain't daft when they grew and can swoop for food in hand or on tables, this is due to the fact they have a heavy cull rate on the stupider ones that fall out of nests and think they can walk along roads without fear of car or bus or truck. Half the all grey young ones seem to have a traffic death wish in Aberdeen, and I am not in the least bothered by this extermination rate.
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