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Maltese falcon

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  1. Agree to large extent there was just more posittive energy. Though against Norway we had to 2 shots in Total. Against Spain 3 Shots on Target. Mctominay apparently had the highest goals to shot rate in qualifyin and Scotland had lowest shots in qualifying for any team that eventually qualified
  2. I watched this a few days ago. I agree it is good analysis. Unfortunately it ended up leaving me more depressed. As I thought about it - it was plausible, the tactics reply on getting very few chances. If one is scored/penalty is give all is great and we move on. Though It left me questioning our good results/perfornances. We need an incredibly rate of converting chances for these tactics to work. Norway Away - if we don't score those 2 chances, nobody would come away thinking we deserved to win that match ? does qualifying campaign stall? Spain home & Denmark home (last campaign) was different we didnt have many chances but the ambition and speed, crispness of play was more positive
  3. Would agree with some of this. Especially the bit about the sub coming much sooner. Neither option is great . and I would liked some different choices. Don't think it is right to believe that Clarke is just overly cautious/loyal or blind to the fact that Shankland is better than Adams (overall he is not)
  4. Was definitely not trying to say if a player plays for Rangers or Celtic he should be picked for National team. I was attempting to make a point about money attracting the better players, apart from a few a variations of the mean is just economics. Obviously there are loads of exceptions that you point out (particularly some who have come through the ranks mid. ranking/ dross English clubs. The truth is though if Shankland was better than Adams there would have offers from English or other European clubs after beerschot, or before Euros after a successful season
  5. We have to start being honest with ourselves. Everybody recognizes what a great season Shankland has had and he is undoubtedly a better finisher than Adams. However the reason Celtic and Rangers sign better players is because have more money. The better players give or take go to the leagues/teams where more money is available. English Clubs have more money and are signing up Scottish youngsters. Che Adams is not a great striker but is good enough for Eng Lower Prem or champsionship money. if Shankland was considered good enough he probably would have been attracting similar moneu
  6. Worry it is a bit like last Euros, disappointing first match, get hyped up for 2nd match get a decent draw raise hopes, Though Croatia were a classy team (or least some of them were) it did seem Scotland had run out of energy
  7. Yes was meansing as a winger/left sided midfield with KT overlapping - not inverted CM. I am sure he won't do that though
  8. Probably not the time to try this, but I do wonder why this was never tried (I don't remember it) a la Ireland when they had 4 decent fullbacks and played 2 in midfield
  9. Think Moyes has been a very successful and underrated manager, we would be lucky to have him. I do wonder if fans are realistic aout what difference he would make. Clarke is also very good manager who uses negative/solid tactics to get the best out of what he has available. Moyes isn't really noted for playing progressive football. - wonder how long it would be before fans complain about him playing negartive football. Ultimately there are limited options on how to play with the players there are. We have some good players but not great, and our players are not the creative, progressive ones that are going to create/score bags of goals. - hence the system of trying to have a solid base and not concede (which clearly isn't working over last 10 games) A.Robertson - Very good Left back - but hes is a left back so limited influence. compare that to a clubmate from smaller (football) nation - Szoboszlai J,McGinn - A very solid player - popular with Aston Villa fans but played in a more defensive role to allow more talented/creative players to go forward K.Tierney - A talented player -(but Leftback again) who is dicarded by his club and another more creative left back from small country was prefered S,Mctominary - A good solid player - in a poor Man Utd team - but not deemed good enough my most of club fans who want him out. - he will not play if they manage to buy who they want compare to Fernandes, Mainoo B.Gilmour - obviously talented player but not needed at Chelsea, and at Brighton he is not seen as important or good as Gross on Encisco, Mitoma etc C.Mcgregor - Very solid Midfielder but is not going to drag team to more creative winning positions. Then there is a significant drom in talent. My point being any manager needs to get a formation to use limited talent he has, not sure Moyes would be a major upgrade on that. Would help though if Clarke realised we have very chances at tournaments and be a little more positive
  10. Maybe I am creating my own memories to suit, Yes there was a clamour for 2 strikers against Czechs and it clearly didnt work, though I thought there was a sense of dissappointment, in that match in Ukraine match and others that we were not outplayed by better team but we just didnt compete like we could (see N Ireland, Gib., Rep Ireland)
  11. Understandably sounds a better tone and good to reflect, though I will never understand the thought process of might have 'given too much information'
  12. This all true. We should be honest enough to remember the years of not qualifying, and that there are a handfull of good players but a number of positions filled by players of a lower standard. However there was a sense of momentum growing under Steve Clarke. Most people were dubious about 5-3-2/3-5-2 but he used as a way to get AR & KT both in the team. Managers will from time to time get the tactics on formation wrong for individual matches. What is more interesting/worrying is how players and the team appear to be performing competitively (or up for it ) in some matches, and totally underperforming for other matches. almost freezing. Denmark (h), Spain (H & A), Israel (H & A), Serbia, Netherlands (1st Half)etc v Czech Rep (Euro 2020), N Ireland, Germany, Ukraine. England, Finland, etc etc How do we turn up to certain matches stale, is it tiredness, mental strength? A team like Switzerland have a handful of very very good players and some fillers but they do seem to 'turn up' at the big matches, which Scotland have for Some matches
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