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  1. No, look, it’s official!!! One day she’ll resist the urge to post every single inane thought that flits across her cerebellum, but today is obviously not that day.
  2. I am of course pulling your plonker. It’s a massive NO from me, vote was cast within 2 minutes of the email arriving. Weeyin is far from the worst imho.
  3. I haven’t voted yet, been waiting to see which way the big beasts on SOL swing before casting my own vote. So far, grizzlyg has cracked some shite jokes, and wellgirl has shared the joyous news that her mum’s email arrived this morning. No voting advice from either of them yet, sorry to report.
  4. You’d think people who post xenophobic bollocks to their small but admiring audience would have the good sense to keep their profiles anonymised so that any violent psychopaths who happen to be passing (present company excepted, obviously) don’t know where they live.
  5. He hasn’t posted here in ten days, but has logged in and out fairly regularly over that period. Is he just messaging the chosen few now?
  6. Plenty of strikers have done really well for us - eg KVV most recently, Louis Moult not that long ago - but if they never scored again for another team most of us would be quite happy. Oli Shaw can absolutely do one.
  7. I wonder how much overlap there is on Facebook /X etc. between the vocal set of people who slag off new signings before they’ve even kicked a ball for us, and the vocal set of people with their tongues currently lodged up Erik’s small intestine. Without any evidence whatsoever I suspect it’s quite a large overlap.
  8. Guess we’ll just have to be 10 points clear already by then. Let’s hope it’s not at the wrong end of the table.
  9. Sorry in turn, I quoted you but the reply wasn’t really aimed at you, it was more for the guy who keeps demanding competing proposals and won’t be told otherwise. Hoist with my own petard I know, but there hasn’t half been an influx of wallopers from SOL of late. What are you doing to them over there?
  10. Playing devil’s advocate for a moment, it isn’t realistic to expect a business plan to be made available here. I’d be more worried by too much such detail being posted rather than not enough. A business plan/strategy would be stamped as Highly Confidential, and wouldn’t be circulated outside of the Boardroom or senior management team. Imagine Erik did post actual details of possible commercial tie-ups, only to find that St Mirren then nicked them all and implemented them first.
  11. Luckily, those who exhibit the sort of lazy thinking you rightly castigate above only get one vote. Unfortunately, so do we.
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