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  1. Off the top of my head Ian St John scored 6 against Flamenco and Falkirk think. Pretty sure Willie McFadyen would have something to add to the discussion though given his scoring record.
  2. Them two were effectively running the club before Brian Caldwell came in so he probably pencilled himself in for it. Nice wee jolly along with Alan Provan but no real need. Quite sure Provan would have been able to deal with it himself. Oh and when I say before Brian came in I mean since Flow left near as dammit. Weiry basically delegated a lot of the responsibility and they took up the slack. Might explain a bit more again.
  3. For the record I have proposed a change back to Stripes in 2027 to celebrate 100 yrs since the King of Spain triumph. If it happens am claiming it
  4. Aye I think this seasons looks like a catalogue entry. Nice wee jolly for Bob Park and Suzanne when they could just have looked at the catalogue though.
  5. Nah opportunity wasted, nice enough leisure top. I recall being asked about moving away from the Hoop talking to Pat Nevin way back. He said it made sense commercially to change it now and again. Can see that point, don't agree though, there are other aspects that can be changed sufficiently to make it different but still accept that viewpoint from their side. Anyway I made a suggestion that we revert back to the Yoke for a season if they had to do that, kind of a tribute to our first C&A jersey. I'm wondering if they are trying to claim this influenced it. Poor attempt if that was the thinking.
  6. Oh I forgot. Someone asked the other day if anyone was part of the fans forum regarding the new kit. I was. And can I just say none of the recommendations made that night were put into this kit apart from maybe hoops on the socks. Just to cover our arses I have it in writing what was sent to the club, basically that last years kit was as good as it gets in terms of a traditional design. I take it they felt it was ok just to roll with whatever took their fancy but it definitely wisnae me Guv.
  7. Funny I had a guy last week posting a video of Stuparevic scoring one just like that saying "This is what you're getting Motherwell fans" Big Moses says "Haud ma beer"
  8. I'm going to shoot now but before I go I'll leave this one with you. On my FB post tonight a guy left this reply "On a serious note guys last submission of an AR01(ef) to Companies House appears to be 05/10/15 giving full individual shareholding.This has since been replaced by CSO1 and imho it's submission should be an immediate requirement prior to a vote. Interesting to note that from 2015 information any shareholding of 51% by Well Society in year 6 could be kicked into touch by any of the 3 major shareholders if they so chose." If I read it right he says any of the 3 major shareholders can dissolve the WS at the end of this 6 yr plan? I asked him that and he was cagey saying "mmm No but mmm" I'm too tired for cryptic puzzles at this time of a Friday night so if anyone is able to shed any light on it or dig into the meaning I would be much obliged.
  9. He was but seems to have been Dickie's lapdog and now that wee weasel is gone is coming on side. Still shouldn't save him IMO though. How anyone can be Dickie's lapdog is beyond me right enough
  10. It's unlikely it will be detrimental tbh but already had one tool on Twitter digging me about the latest design cos he couldn't beat me in the argument. Nearly sold out now so obviously no-one paid the slightest bit of notice lol
  11. Agreed, have heard a few bits n pieces about what's been getting worked on so looking forward to seeing the outcomes. Also looking forward to seeing the counter proposals wee Dee has sneakily requested in his posts earlier.
  12. Discussing that with my son earlier, we should bring back the bugle over the tannoy for any throw in we get in the attacking third.
  13. Nice to be noticed cheers. Alright guys, been following the thread as a guest for a while so can I firstly say thanks to all of those spending so much time dissecting this proposal so expertly and giving me more ammunition in my FB and Twitter fights. I've been using my Daft Laddie account on Twitter as that has way more exposure than my personal one, probably a wrong move given it's a business but to be honest I couldn't care less. If folk stop buying T-shirts cos they don't agree with me they can do one anyway. As stated up there in the quote I have noticed a great many coming on to attack my posts, hopefully I've managed to handle the majority but one thing I did notice at the weekend. On the official club FB post, many of those responding were completely unknown. Maybe others will not think much of it but over my time selling the fanzine and other things I've come to know a great many Well fans and none of these people rang a bell as having taken part in any previous discussions. I mean the overwhelming majority were unknown to me, so I checked into a few of the pages, no posts on their own page for 6 months, 12 months, a year, 2 years, some even longer. Not many with obvious Motherwell paraphernalia on their profile page either. Maybe I'm just letting it all get to me a bit much but that suggests dark forces at work. Whatever, I've stayed off chats for years for various reasons but I felt I had to come on and just say you have kept me going at times. It's soul destroying when you have to continually repeat "the exec board run the club, WS are a safety net, blah blah blah." But it will be worth it in the end when we run these charlatans out of town. I reckon we should form a guard of dishonour for McMahon and Dickie when they collect their belongings and walk out the front door for that last time.
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