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  1. We do, and was working really well with Shamal before he left and will do well with Jerome and Pitaluga too from what we've seen so far.
  2. 433 isn't defensive, but I agree we took the foot off the pedal rather than driving for a second, although in saying that we had almost all our chances in the second half
  3. Rough one today but positives to take. First half Morton sat deep so had plenty of the ball but struggled in the final third, come out second half get the early goal and thinks it's done. Disappointed to see us sit back after that almost willing Morton to have a go, who, when they finally hooked JET, looked threatening up top. Agree felt we were on top until the double sub, Sole making the type of tackle you only see from a player on the pitch for only 30 seconds. Positives: May loons handy and reckon could win us a few matches this season, thought Yengi played okay second half and we missed his contribution when he came off. Shamal looks like a new keeper and whilst didn't have much to do, was incredible at coming out to collect the ball from crosses and such like. Clarkey missing the open goal was bizarre but that's football, and when even the opposition keeper says the ball was over the line you know you've been done for the Notts header. Scunnered with the draw but with Raith losing and Shaun Byrne being sent off, don't think there will be a better time this season to head to Kirkcaldy
  4. Really excited to see how May fits in - contrary to other opinions I wonder if DM will play him through the middle and be a natural sub for Yengi and vice versa. Both different players so if we need height etc Yengi is your man if we need a runner then May. Looking forward to the game today, I think a wee win could really boost our confidence going into the Raith game next week, and of course the dreaded Spartans game the week after.
  5. Do silly things, get punished. No defence if this is the case and he will face the punishment he gets if he gets one.
  6. You enjoy being a bully don't you? Don't you have anything better to do? There's nothing to comment on - some random saying a story is about to break it's no more understandable than the usual pish you spout.
  7. Why is that a bad thing? You're on every social media outlet doing the opposite
  8. I'm not understanding what the issue is mate, genuinely. Someone offered feedback, I said why it wouldn't be viable. What does it matter where the information comes from? I'm not offended, just a bit ...I dunno...frustrated? Lost? I honestly think if the club came out and said they're giving every single fan £100 they'd get "constructive criticism" asking why it wasn't £200
  9. Great question - I'll pass it on - as a Facebook more than Twitter user you make a good point.
  10. I'm not responding on behalf of the club, I'm just offering an insight - you know...try bridge the gap etc etc Damned if you do I guess there's just no pleasing some people.
  11. A Livi team full of confidence following as comfortable a win as we could home for. Watching QP against Falkirk they have a number of good players to watch out for, but I'm sure that the Livi defence which has only conceded one goal in five games has enough to manage this. Notts although not people's first choice I thought looked good, Sham looking like a different man and Pitts and Kelly in midfield is going to be lethal. Hoping for another 2-0 to the Lions for a strong start to the season going into the cup break.
  12. Fair points made from yourself too - I guess it was to offer the fans a sit down. Feedback is good, though. My only point would be staff wouldn't check these boards and as a lot of people have said, most staff don't use the Facebook forum
  13. Thanks for this, I'll reply as much as I can to each point however forgive me if I miss anything. Re commercial - I agree there is a lot of it and it can detract from the good stuff we are doing but, whether we as fans like it or not, it is a necessity for a club of our size. If we don't have these sponsorships we don't have a club and I'm guessing part of these sponsorship deals are weekly posts across our social media. It sucks, but is a necessary evil. I think no matter what happens we can't change that. But what we can do is look to better the other content going out so that it doesn't detract so much. I do believe last season was a huge driving factor in the unrest and dissatisfaction in the air just now and I completely understand why, it was shite. As a fan, as someone who was involved last season it just felt like we were getting battered on and off the pitch from all angles. The court cases and uncertainty not helping at all. It's easy to lose that enjoyment and quickly turn to criticising the club when things are bad and don't blame anyone for doing that - perhaps more privately I was more doom and gloom that I let on elsewhere. But I suppose my big thing is that this season is going to be different. We're not going to be battered every week on the park (hopefully), it looks like we've adopted a new brand of football that's fun to watch so hopefully we can get the feel good back at Almondvale. I believe we've at least matched last seasons season ticket holders which for a club our size is absolutely massive coming such a horrible season with relegation etc. This means that all the stuff the media team had planned (and there was loads of it) can now be put into action. Money has been spent on the production equipment, the questions are more about Livi rather than budgets etc because the press conferences are now being controlled by the club and not outside media. So the information coming out will be more pertinent to us as fans ie injuries suspensions etc. I think Hack decided the best thing for his mental health and to avoid "biting" if you like was to just get rid of everything Livi from his timeline - remember that this is his work and it must be draining seeing his work all over his personal socials as well as his work one so I see the point. I also see the point of perhaps he went too far - again I would say that this was his personal account, and hope that fans can appreciate the stress he was under. I saw LIVIFOREVER say above, we're all guilty of a sarcastic/defensive response every so often, Hack has had his and he's taken actions to not have it happen again. He's still our admin and let's be honest he's still able to see feedback on official social media for Livi so it's not like it will prevent him doing his job I hope I got all your points, feel free to let know of anything I've missed
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