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  1. Greatly appreciate that Eliphas. I genuinely feel i have a lot of business resources and knowledge that i can bring to the table that will benefit us enormously but like i have said before the level of candidates are fantastic and it really excites me more that the society is going to grow to what we all hoped it would be and should be since its inception. I can assure you if fortunate enough to be elected your vote will be put to great use and i wont let you down. thanks again, genuinely means a lot! Greg
  2. Was impressed by the board tonight and how they answered the questions put to them. It’s really apparent that they are at the start of a promising time for the society and club and with a little patience, support and understanding on the relevance of time scales for developing their investment proposal deck then the society is in safe hands.
  3. Hope you don’t mind me posting. I am standing for election for the well society and after answering some correspondence on Twitter/fb etc it was suggested I post some additional content on here like others have. To provide more background on myself and what I can offer. For those who do not know me. I own and operate event and social engagement brands and companies which operate across the UK from our offices in EK, Edinburgh, the Midlands, Dublin and Dubai. Through our social jungle brand we assist brands and corporate clients grow their brand awareness, data capture and engage with clients through the use of event technologies and social engagement strategies. Clients include the likes of British Airways, PWC , KPMG , Brewdog etc . I believe the knowledge and specialist skillsets that my team and I possess can further support me in the role of engaging with our prospective members where membership is low in areas around Lanarkshire and beyond. Through our Event PAL company I have built a ticketing and fundraising platform raising £10m+ each year for charities and community groups across the UK . I believe I can introduce this technology to the society in helping grow our revenue streams through fundraising along with the benefits our systems event management capabilities brings to the society. From a personal point I have an extensive 20+yrs experience at board level working alongside boards , communities, committees and even competitors. Whilst I have experience in leading large teams and integrating them into our own group of businesses. This experience means I am very familiar with difficult conversations and challenging negotiations in business particularly when investing in or acquiring companies that fit our group. Something that I feel is of benefit in light of the recent investment conversations. I also currently serve in an ambassadors role on the fundraising board of the kilbryde hospice and assist in creating and executing fundraising strategies for the hospice fundraising team to deliver towards a £1.6m shortfall in funding each year. My previous working life has seen me work for a number of charities including Childline and Sense Scotland in community,corporate, trust and legacy fundraising and I believe the knowledge I have from this working life and the support I have from my wider teams across my UK wide companies can only benefit the society in driving home our ambitions. I really appreciate you taking the time in reading the above and I’m open to any questions on my suitability you may have. Regardless of the results it’s very clear and assuring that the society is in safe hands with the current group running for election Thanks again for reading folks Greg
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